6mm /.243 hunting success on Big Game

Mine is also 16” and I got x-terminator to push the vmax to 2750 so not much difference. I just tested the 95gr TMK today and got 2664 with h335. Just need to find some more in stock. It passes my vmax load at about 250 yards and velocity is 1800+ out to 500.

I like the sounds of that. How fast is your barrel twist?
Just back from West Texas, Ruger Gen II 6mm CM 108 ELD-m 249 yards, Iranian red sheep. Bullet entered just behind right shoulder and lodged in the offside rib. Recovered the bullet looks like it did it's job.
90ish lb female couger
243/85gr Barnes TSX BT, 2800 fps, 70 yds.

She was traveling to my left, turned half around when I saw her so she was facing me in a "U".
Shot between front legs, bullet entered just right of center breaking 4 ribs, exited just behind last left rib, clipped left knee breaking it and left a 18" crease in the gravel on the edge of the road before flying off into space.

At the shot she reared up and lept into the trees. Not a drop of blood for 50yds. I found blood @ 50yds traveled and getting better. Found her @ 100ish yds traveled looking over a log at me. A few steps to the side and I put a finishing shot through the lungs quickly ending it.

She was nearly dead but I was surprised to find her still very alive after taking a bullet through the chest and one lung. I was racing to get done before dark so I didn't examine the bullet path in relation to the heart, I assume it went under the heart. had it hit the heart she should have been dead where I found her.

This is a great example of how unnecessary solids are on small animals and why we are seeing a shift in bullet construction and caliber/cartridge reduction.

I'll add Cougar is AMAZING meat! If you haven't tried it, you really need to! It's a lot like pork, just organic.😉


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115 Nosering DTAC’s out of a 6XC. Impact velocity at about 2400 on a DBH ram. Both shots entered just behind the right leg.


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115 Nosering DTAC’s out of a 6XC. Impact velocity at about 2400 on a DBH ram. Both shots entered just behind the right leg.


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Curious what your barrel length and muzzle velocity is...

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6mm creedmoor shooting factory 103 ELDX out of a 22” bartlein at 2950 fps. Impact velocity of ~2740.

Buck was almost perfectly broadside, slightly quartered to. Shot was right behind the shoulder. Entrance had more damage than exit. Entrance hole roughly 3” and exit about 1”. Buck ran about 30 yards. Wasn’t much blood on the ground other than a few drops. Cleaned him and the chest cavity was nothing but jellied blood and the lungs were essentially non-existent. Shortly after I shot the buck, a big boar made an appearance. Shot him mid body, through the lungs. 180 yards. Impact velocity of ~2650. No exit and no blood trail. He made it about 40 yards. Pleased with the performance. Will be shooting 107 SMK’s next weekend. Will post if I’m able to take anything.

1st pic is entrance, 2nd is exit, 3rd is the inside of the onside shoulder, 4th is the buck, 5th is the hog.


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First kill with my tikka and new 6 creed, factory 108m, 180 yards trotting slowly slightly quarting to. Tight in crease shot. Took out lower lung some liver and made a mess past diaphragm. Really should have shot right thru shoulder to catch heart and other lung. As it was, he hunched and run briefly, as I readied a second shot he tipped over. Sorry no pics, we another good one bedded in a field to put a stalk on.


He’s very large 23” wide, three of us to get him on tailgate. Any of us would have shot him 3 years ago but at least he got bigger! he’s been elusive with only three in person sightings in legal light with a bow but out of range. This was the first time he ever appeared in daylight during gun season. He definitely get knocked off his thrown not 10 minutes earlier by a younger slightly smaller buck.

He had a limp for last week or two maybe reason he lost a battle. Not sure if this is an injury or disease.


Didn’t weigh it, we all seen these now. but it was caught off side and back under skin. Very little blood but didn’t need to track. I think really good winter fat isn’t always accounted for in some discussions and his fat definitely seeped into his entry hole.
My 18" 6cm build got its first blood today. It's the last weekend of gun season here and we neded some meat for the freezer. This guy was running a pack of does this morning. He stopped around 75yds to catch his breath slightly quartering to and he got the business end of a 108 Berger EH at 2850fps.

My hold was a bit forward but it disintegrated his lungs. It also blew both shoulders off of him. He "ran" 50' to the other side of the highline easement and piled up. I typically do gutless but I wanted to open him up and see how the bullet performed.

The exit was a tad bigger than the entrance when compared at the rib cage. There was a barely noticeable hole through the hide for both the entrance and exit.

Fun fact: I was running late and forgot to put my boots in the truck. It was the coldest morning of the year at 23°. My feet are still cold.

I have loads for 95gr Nosler BTs at 2950 and 108 ELDMs to test as well. I'm most interested in the ELDM.


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