- Joined
- Apr 17, 2020
I’m asking for reality, not feelings. How many deer and elk have you killed with 6.5’s and 30/06’s?
I can tell you to the inch the average wound depth and width for most 6.5 and 30cal bullets at most impact velocities.
Name one publication that you are referencing that has a clue about terminal ballistics?
It won’t make a difference for either animal with either bullet. Do you think 99% of people have any clue about bullets, killing, or ballistics?
I have personally killed well over 100 big game animals with everything from an arrow to a 300 mag. I have been hunting since the mid 80s in Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, and the Mid West. I also outfitted and guided in all of those same states in the 90s and 2000s. I have seen the good bad and ugly from hundreds of kills. I have personally seen 7 elk shot with 6.5s, 6 of which were with a PRC. One of those elk was shot by the 6.5 and then shot with a 30-06. The lightest calibers I have personally harvested elk with were with 2 different varieties of 7mm.
I believe you can but do ballistic tests in controlled environments equate to field performance? Do you have a side by side test of a 180 grain bullet hitting with the same lbs of energy as a 143? I am aware of quite a few with pistol rounds that showed the heavier bullet out penetrating but I am not aware of any rifle tests that showed 2 different weighted bullets hitting at equal energy levels.
Virtually every publication acknowledges that the 30-06 delvers more energy than the 6.5 CM. Find one that doesn't. Again, you are trying to blur the lines. I stated the 30-06 delivers more energy. It does without a doubt.
I disagree regarding making a difference. Regarding the 99%... As a moderator, I find it surprising you would make a statement like that. So you feel that 99% of the people, including the ones on this forum that you oversee, have no clue regarding bullets, killing, or ballistics?