6.5 creed vs 30-06

There are a pile of comparisons out there for those that want to read. Here is one with the bottom line quoted below it.

"Specifically, the .30-06 Springfield has about 21-39% more muzzle energy than the 6.5 Creedmoor with these three particular loads. That turns into a 17-38% advantage in favor of .30-06 at 500 yards, which isn’t a gigantic change from the difference in energy at the muzzle.

So, I think it’s fair to say that, while the Creedmoor does “catch up” a little bit at longer range, the .30-06 Springfield still hits significantly harder than the 6.5 Creedmoor at all reasonable hunting ranges."
All depends on priorities, I guess.

Energy isn't something I spend a lot of time worrying about. I've seen enough big holes on mine and others animals to be pretty comfortable with the Creedmoor at moderate hunting ranges.

Again, what does that energy let you do? Shoot them in the paunch? In the hind quarters? As the thread I linked shows, shoulders aren't an issue with good bullets.
Honestly, at this point I think it could be equally important to me to forget the science and choose the 30-06 simply to avoid the drawn-out, bordering-on-religion caliber arguments over what actually kills critters, SD vs energy, penetration vs hyrostatic shock, 1500 ft lbs, blah,blah,blah. 30-06 is certainly the low-drama, don't have to argue with your host/buddy caliber. I love geeking out on this stuff, but low-drama with the people I'm around counts for something in my book. Maybe I just need a sticker that looks like stainless steel embossed with ".300 winchester magnum" that I can slap onto whatever gun I happen to be carrying?

Couldn't agree more. I'm bringing a 6.5CM on a moose hunt but telling everyone who will be there that I'm bringing a .260 to avoid unnecessary arguments. It's definitely a "6.5 manbun" type of crowd.
Well by that logic a .300wm hits harder than a .30-06...

Wait, a .375 H&H hits even harder.

Hold up. Better be shooting a .416 Rigby at deer, just to make sure you're imparting maximum energy.
I never said the 6.5 wouldn't kill. I was simply stating the obvious, the 30-06 delivers more energy on target. Whether someone wants that or not is up to them.
(Sorry about the thread-jack, but I gotta make a point here)

I always gotta laugh/smrk when some douche does the whole "pee sitting down" comment. And here's why.

At 23yo.. I was killin myself in the Gym, pushing it really hard. One night, I turn over in my bed, but while doing so my "boys" managed to get caught somehow by my thighs and pulled, so the ow woke me right up. Upon this happening, I realize the feeling of needing to go piss. So I go over to the bathroom and proceed to piss, standing-up.

Well... there's this physiological thing where when men begin their stream, their blood pressure drops. (what contributes to that brief all-over body feeling/sensation that'll sometimes make you wanna shiver for a split second).

Well, that phenomenon... coupled together with brutally overtraining... well... I passed-out mid-stream.

And if you take my height at standing, in front of the toilet, and lay it over onto the ground... well... my head... specifically across my temple thru my ear.... whacked right across the sharp 90 degree edge of the step-over threshold to the standup shower stall that was on the other side of the small bathroom.

When I came to... I saw my 1st wife standing over me, worried, calling out my name. I could hear my heart-beat in my ear.... I reached up to investigate with my fingers, and found out I had blood pumping out of my ear.

Expensive @ss ambulance ride to the hospital. Basal Skull Fx. So Observation. Then they send me home.

Next day.. I wake up... and half my face is paralyzed!!! I can't close my eyelid... I can't do much of anything with the lips on that side... whole face drooping on that side.

So the figuring is... with the basal skull fx, with the white blood cells rushing in, that caused pressure, and since it was near to a foramin whole in your skull where the facial nerves come thru from the inside to the out... the figuring was the inflammation pushed onto the nerves. And nerves are very sensitive to stuff like that.. hence the paralysis.

Had to goto several appts to an ENT guy where it used a Facial Nerve Stimulator. They put the ground wire like on your wrist.. then with this wand he proceeds to stimulate the muscles that nerve trunk would control. The thought is it sends a stimuli back up the wire, helping to get the connection back online. That, plus prednisone to help attack the inflammation local to the trauma site.

I bothered to interrupt your regularly scheduled programming to let you all know to not give a flying fizzuck about some yahoo trying to yank your chain with a "pee sitting down" comment. And to futher tell you... that if you're feeling any kind of out of it, or tired, or whipped/pooped/drunk/whatever and you have any doubts... sit your @ss down and do that isht!

EDIT: To further add color and impress upon you all the seriousness of it. I couldn't blink that side or close that sides eyelid. I had to wear an eye patch and lube up that eye. I had to hold that eye shut while in the shower and soaping scrubbing head/face. Imagine being a young 23yo and having half your face go paralyzed! Oh.. and you don't know this... but everytime you chew, milisecond before your teeth come together there is a muscle that kicks in and holds your lips AWAY from your teeth. That muscle along with others wasn't working on the "bad" side. I cannot tell you... how many times I took a full-on crunching bite onto my lip meat on that side, during that whole ordeal.
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It's kinda like comparing a toyota camry and a ford f150 and asking which is the better vehicle for commuting to an office, without specifying where you live and work, conditions, priorities, other uses, etc. One is clearly more powerful and offers some utilitarian considerations in bad weather, unimproved roads, storage, payload, etc. The other is clearly more efficient, much easier to park in urban areas, etc. For some the extra power, bed, 4x4, may make it "better", even if those things aren't relevant on their commute. For others, the efficiency, compact size for parking and city traffic, to say nothing of the ability to relate to urban soccer moms, will make the smaller vehicle look "better", because they have no need for those other factors or they rely on another vehicle to do that. But without knowing the specific details of where and how you use it, your own quirks and opinions and what else is in the garage I just dont think it's possible to say that one vehicle is "better". End of the day for the stated purpose of "commuting to work", they are both clearly, objectively capable of consistently and reliably getting 99.9% of the people out there to work and back each day. Ditto in this case, for the stated purpose of deer hunting inside 600 yards, I really dont think there's a deer in north america that will notice the difference between dead and 39% more dead--just pick something based on your other priorities and what else is in the safe, it's pretty well proven at this point that both will do the job reliably and well.
It's kinda like comparing a toyota camry and a ford f150 and asking which is the better vehicle for commuting to an office, without specifying where you live and work, conditions, priorities, other uses, etc. One is clearly more powerful and offers some utilitarian considerations in bad weather, unimproved roads, storage, payload, etc. The other is clearly more efficient, much easier to park in urban areas, etc. For some the extra power, bed, 4x4, may make it "better", even if those things aren't relevant on their commute. For others, the efficiency, compact size for parking and city traffic, to say nothing of the ability to relate to urban soccer moms, will make the smaller vehicle look "better", because they have no need for those other factors or they rely on another vehicle to do that. But without knowing the specific details of where and how you use it, your own quirks and opinions and what else is in the garage I just dont think it's possible to say that one vehicle is "better". End of the day for the stated purpose of "commuting to work", they are both clearly, objectively capable of consistently and reliably getting 99.9% of the people out there to work and back each day. Ditto in this case, for the stated purpose of deer hunting inside 600 yards, I really dont think there's a deer in north america that will notice the difference between dead and 39% more dead--just pick something based on your other priorities and what else is in the safe, it's pretty well proven at this point that both will do the job reliably and well.
Tacoma or ranger vs F150 would seem a pretty good comparison.
Not really because its a fact that the 3006 has more energy than the 6.5, which are the 2 calibers being debated so its completely relevant
But the 6.5 has more than enough energy to kill what he's trying to kill.

When your buddy asks if you're cool with spending $100 on dinner do you inform him that you'd spend $200?
But the 6.5 has more than enough energy to kill what he's trying to kill.

When your buddy asks if you're cool with spending $100 on dinner do you inform him that you'd spend $200?
No, I wouldn't spend $100 on dinner. But bringing up breakfast when talking about dinner would be irrelevant just like bringing up other calibers than the 2 being compared is irrelevant
No, I wouldn't spend $100 on dinner. But bringing up breakfast when talking about dinner would be irrelevant just like bringing up other calibers than the 2 being compared is irrelevant
You should try a $100 dinner...

And a Waffle House breakfast for dinner.
Neither of those. We'll be toting the mighty 6.5x47 in Oct for mule deer and bull elk. Have shot them with a lot bigger but they seem as dead with the 140 vld going 2700 fps as with anything else.

I do love a 30-06 though. And may need another sometime. With good scopes any of the more common rounds are good way further than most riflemen are.