6.5 creed vs 30-06

I don't own a 6.5 Creedmoor, so the answer is '06, because I have one in the cabinet. But it usually stays in the cabinet while the .270 Winchester goes hunting.

With an '06 and a .270, I can't think of a reason I'd want to buy a 6.5 Creedmoor. I'm sure it's fine, but I don't want or need anything else to tinker with.

And why are we shooting at 600? Just because we can?
The difference between all of this is marginal. It mostly matters to the shooter not the animals.
I always get basically same results with 6.5-284 , 270, 308 , every time I pull the trigger, whitetail, hogs, bear , elk , caribou
it personal choice, don’t shoot a 30-06 anymore , would jump to a 35whelen IMO
Unless you're routinely going for really big game like the Big Bears and Moose, 6.5 Creed.

OR... what I'm gonna try here soon, is using 130gr Barnes VOR-TX TTSX BT's in the .308 Win. To lower the recoil and up the speed! (Previously been using the 168gr, which are overkill for our deer IMO, don't particularly care for the recoil with those 168's, so gonna try these 130's, and with the speed they're saying, 3125fps it should be similar to the CM in recoil, just slightly higher. And I noticed a significant decrease in the recoil with 150's, so I'm thinking these 130's for me should be the sweet spot. But I won't have enough time to re-sight-in since season starts next week. So figure next year I'll try the 130's, so proceed fwd w/ 168's for now)
7mm or higher. I don't like tracking deer when they run through a swamp, or the neighbor is an a** hat and won't let you go get deer. 30-06 is the one and done cartridge in my mind. Especially with modern bullet designs. We normally don't get to pick what shot angle or how deer are moving, so want something that can penetrate a little further, with minimal question.
So what is more important when it comes to deciding what gun to take? Energy? Velocity? I have my 3006 setup and its taken deer, sheep and elk with it but also have my 6.5 cm dialed in and the 6.5 beats the 06 in velocity and energy.
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Either one will kill most animals in the lower 48. Get the one that tickles your fancy. I’ll keep my old 270.
The difference between them is all negligible. There are a lot more 270s sitting on used gun store shelves. You can also pick up ammo for it anywhere in the world. Seen a pic of 270 win ammo in an open market if Afghanistan. Nice to know if something bad happened on an overseas sheep hunt I could get some ammo.
Both. If I had to choose one for deer it would be the 6.5. If I had to do it all with one, 30-06. The 06 doesn't kill any deader but it normally drops things faster and sometimes that matters.
So what is more important when it comes to deciding what gun to take? Energy? Velocity? I have my 3006 setup and its taken deer, sheep and elk with it but also have my 6.5 cm dialed in and the 6.5 beats the 06 in velocity and energy.
Where exactly does the 6.5 cm beat the 30-06 in velocity or energy?

6.5 CM 143 grain

30-06 165 grain