Unless you're routinely going for really big game like the Big Bears and Moose, 6.5 Creed.
OR... what I'm gonna try here soon, is using 130gr Barnes VOR-TX TTSX BT's in the .308 Win. To lower the recoil and up the speed! (Previously been using the 168gr, which are overkill for our deer IMO, don't particularly care for the recoil with those 168's, so gonna try these 130's, and with the speed they're saying, 3125fps it should be similar to the CM in recoil, just slightly higher. And I noticed a significant decrease in the recoil with 150's, so I'm thinking these 130's for me should be the sweet spot. But I won't have enough time to re-sight-in since season starts next week. So figure next year I'll try the 130's, so proceed fwd w/ 168's for now)