Is that 4300 bar standard for 5.56 assuming the 5.56 ammo is being fired from a 5.56 chamber with the long sloppy freebore?
Firing the same 5.56 ammo in a standard 223 Remington chamber causes even higher than typical "5.56 pressure" because the bullet can no longer make the easy initial jump to hit the rifling.
This is why chambers with a gradual lead such as 223 Wylde came to be. To try to maintain some of the precision of the 223 chambering without causing the pressure spike.
In this case I have read elsewhere that a Tikka has a chamber similar to a Wylde and it can legitimately use 5.56 ammo without exceeding allowable pressure.
But in general, comparing the stated pressure of 5.56 ammo against the allowable pressure of a 223 rifle is faulty logic because "5.56 pressure" is only true from a 5.56 chamber.
Sorry, soapbox rant complete...
On that, now that Finland became a NATO member 8 months ago, do you think Tikka will begin marking their rifles with "5.56 NATO"?