.223 for bear, mountain goat, deer, elk, and moose.


“Bullets matter more than headstamps.”

“Spent primers offer the supreme tutorial”.

I’ve read it here and elsewhere online. It got my attention. I started digging and asking questions and listened.

The 77gr TMK delivered by a .223 is where I ended up after many discussions and objective data regarding bullet performance and numerous pics of field results.

Now for the delivery system. Accurate. Repeatable. Reliable. Reasonable weight to afford steady shot placement and the ability to spot my own impacts yet packable. Tikka T3x, vertical grip, Sportsmatch rings, SWFA 6x MQ in mills. Replaced the trigger spring with a yo Dave, adjusted to my liking, then degreased everything and locked all of the screws down with loctite and got started.

The package checks all of the boxes. Plus, it’s FUN! Time at the range is spent learning to call wind, trigger control, spotting your own impacts and figuring out why a shot did or did not end up where you wanted it. No brake. No flinch. Inexpensive to shoot. The fun factor plus the ability to be able to afford to shoot a lot goes a long way to learning and understanding shooting, accuracy and precision.

With all of that said, I’ve decided to use 77 TMK out of a .223 from this delivery system for bear, deer and elk this season.

Opportunity presented itself a couple of days ago. I killed a mature, dry sow with the 77 TMK. Bullet performance exceeded all expectations! The terminal performance is on par with anything I’ve seen in a .284 or .30. Unreal performance. The bullet is a BEAST!

Practice will continue throughout the summer in preparation for the upcoming deer and elk seasons.

Based on my sample of one, the 77 TMK out of a .223 is truly a lethal combination well suited to a dedicated lower 48 big game rifle.

Would love to hear about others experiences with this bullet or similar bulletts!
Never gonna find me in the mountains, hunting for elk with a .223, just sayin!
77 SMK is good for practice.
I handload but I like to try factory loads from time to time, I bought 77TMK ammo from Stand1 Armory & from AAC. There is also Black Hills, so there is 3 brands I know of, likely others.
Thanks guys. I was looking under .223 instead of 5.56 but I thought you couldn’t fire 5.56 in .223 guns due to pressure?
Thanks guys. I was looking under .223 instead of 5.56 but I thought you couldn’t fire 5.56 in .223 guns due to pressure?
Concensus here is that it's working fine in Tikkas.

They have to meet the CIP standard, which specifies a higher 223 pressure than SAAMI does, and they may or may not have a more gradual leade more like a 223 Wylde chamber.

However I am not an engineer or lawyer so don't blame me when you blow yourself up...
In my experience (and I have plenty - 75 years old and still shooting 70 deer a year) there isn't a .224 bullet that will reliably exit and leave a blood trail. There are just too many variables. The same can be said for larger calibers too although for me the best has been Nosler BT's - but still not reliably. My advice is to stick to the soft and heavy .224 bullets and work on your tracking skills. There doesn't need to be blood to successfully track and find a shot deer. A calm approach, a scuff here, a broken branch there, a tiny spot of blood, pushed aside undergrowth, flattened grass, the deer smell. Even in the absence of those signs a hillar hit deer with the likes of the 77 TMK will on average only travel 30 yards and at the most 100 so a carefully planned and executed grid search should come up trumps. There will be exceptions but there will be with a 50 cal too.
70 deer a year? One in the morning and one in the evening....for over a month? Or is it just one per day for two months?
Genuinely curious why you wouldn’t hunt elk or for that matter any other large or larger game animal with a 77TMK out of a .223?
He is new and obviously hasn’t read the thread, your going to get the same old answer as every other new guy that post without reading

Never gonna find me in the mountains, hunting for elk with a .223, just sayin!
Read the entire thread and if your still not convinced then maybe come back and explain why instead of “just saying”
Genuinely curious why you wouldn’t hunt elk or for that matter any other large or larger game animal with a 77TMK out of a .223?
First of all, to each his own, not saying you shouldn’t, just that I wouldn’t . I’m not a big risk taker when it comes to my elk. I manage my points very carefully, and when I draw a coveted tag, I’m not taking any chances. I need to be able to shoot significant distances, at all manner of angles, in all kinds of wind and weather, way off the beaten path. I trust my 300WSM with 180gr ELDX handloads implicitly. Just like I trust my .223 for varmits. Without perfect conditions (normal for elk) I’m opting for the heavier bullet. Could I kill an elk with my .223, probably! But I once caught a 48 inch Musky with a fly rod too….would I do it again? Hell no, I was lucky to boat dat bitch, let alone revive her afterwards. Why take that chance with a valuable tag and a beast of an animal. You do what you do, I will follow your thread….. seriously, good luck!
First of all, to each his own, not saying you shouldn’t, just that I wouldn’t . I’m not a big risk taker when it comes to my elk. I manage my points very carefully, and when I draw a coveted tag, I’m not taking any chances. I need to be able to shoot significant distances, at all manner of angles, in all kinds of wind and weather, way off the beaten path. I trust my 300WSM with 180gr ELDX handloads implicitly. Just like I trust my .223 for varmits. Without perfect conditions (normal for elk) I’m opting for the heavier bullet. Could I kill an elk with my .223, probably! But I once caught a 48 inch Musky with a fly rod too….would I do it again? Hell no, I was lucky to boat dat bitch, let alone revive her afterwards. Why take that chance with a valuable tag and a beast of an animal. You do what you do, I will follow your thread….. seriously, good luck!
Be honest: have you read all 300 pages of the actual thread?
77 SMK is good for practice.
I handload but I like to try factory loads from time to time, I bought 77TMK ammo from Stand1 Armory & from AAC. There is also Black Hills, so there is 3 brands I know of, likely others.
Is there a consensus on which factory 77 grain TMK ammo seems to be the most consistent? I’m most interested in velocity spread over “groups”.
If I’m not mistaken, Black Hills has come the most recommended.

I’m cheap and lazy so I shoot the 73 ELDM
Yeah I’ve strictly shot 73 ELDM also. Was thinking about taking the leap to the 77 TMK once I get my Tikka .223 put back together.

All the black hills stuff I’ve found has been labeled as 5.56 marketed towards the AR platform nerds. I’ll be shooting it out of my 20” .223 8 twist Tikka bolt action. Is this the stuff being used?
Yeah I’ve strictly shot 73 ELDM also. Was thinking about taking the leap to the 77 TMK once I get my Tikka .223 put back together.

All the black hills stuff I’ve found has been labeled as 5.56 marketed towards the AR platform nerds. I’ll be shooting it out of my 20” .223 8 twist Tikka bolt action. Is this the stuff being used?
Yep. Tikkas shoot it fine.

I’ve shot plenty of the AAC 77TMK in 556. Shot just fine.
Wow, some people can read more than a word at a time…. I know that could surprise you! What is it, no one can express an opinion that doesn’t mesh wit yours?
I haven't expressed my opinion.

I was asking a genuine question that is often asked when new members post similar to yours on the first day. There's a lot to be learned if you actually do read the entire thread.

Thank you, though. Your answer speaks volumes. Just sayin'
I haven't expressed my opinion.

I was asking a genuine question that is often asked when new members post similar to yours on the first day. There's a lot to be learned if you actually do read the entire thread.

Thank you, though. Your answer speaks volumes. Just sayin'