223, 223AI, or 22 ARC? Which one?

My thought for changing barrels. I know the barrel is obviously not cheap, but I’d love to shoot the 80 ELD, and my current barrel does not like the 75 or 80 ELD. I understand there is no guarantee a new barrel will either.
What loads did you try with the ELDs? It might be worth trying a few different loads to get them to shoot in your current barrel before investing in a new barrel. I've got two factory 8tw tikkas that shoot the 80eldm well.

Also, for curiousity, did the uni-throater work for you to get more loading length and/or speed? Any negative effects?
It might be worth trying a few different loads to get them to shoot in your current barrel before investing in a new barrel.
I’ve tried running them 6 ways to Sunday and no juice. 77TMK shoots really well.

I’m actually going to do some more load dev with the 77TMK on that factory barrel, since I may keep it as a backup. It was my first barrel to throat, and I accidentally throated way too long. COAL with the 77 is 2.550”, and the ogive is still .065” off the lands. Fortunately, even throated too long, it still shoots 10 shot groups 1” and under.

As to benefits of throating, I was pushing the 80 ELD to 3,042 fps without being in too much pressure. Still would get at least 3 firings on Starline brass with that loading.
I am doing exactly what you are! I think Im going to go with a 1:7 223 wylde so I can chase the lands a little bit. 223 ai is appealing but not sure it will give me a whole lot of what I want. The fire forming and dies kinds of kill it for me. My purpose for my build is mainly high volume of shooting with optimized BC and loooooog barrel life. I plan to shoot 1000s of round out of this rifle. Based on Hornady load data should be able to get 2800 fps out of a 20" barrel with a wide selection of powders and the 80 eldm. I can see the 1:8 twist being a bummer. A properly twisted 223 wylde is not a sexy exotic thing but more of a tool. The more guns I build, the more I cherish my most utilitarian builds. As someone mentioned this is a tough decision because youre really splitting hairs, the 22 arc definitely has some performance but the way I see it the plain old 223 with unlimited brass is just a good reliable thing to have around. I plan to use mine on prarie dogs out to 400 yard with a few times out to 600. I also would not mind using it on whitetail but im in a 243 minimum state where it is illegal to hunt varmints with anything larger than .224 during deer or elk season, which is best time to hunt varmints. I am guessing I will get 7000 rounds before it dies, it will take me a few year... 223 Wylde is 0.0619 FB, 5.56. is 0.05 FB, 223 rem is 0.025 FB. On My AR-15's an 80 eldm kisses lands around 2.51 to 2.52 coal. Im using MT 223 mags at 2.6" coal (realistically 2.59). This will give me 0.07" to chase lands which should get me to 7000, but jumping never killed anyone. I have a few ARs chambered in 223 Wylde and they shoot factory 55 and 68 very well no issues. Seems like a flexible setup as I can shoot the 55 fodder up to 80 eldm. Might try 88's, hornady says 2700 fps out of 20" well see...
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I have all three cartridges, with the .223 and 22 ARC being in gas guns. The .223 wylde I dont load heavy for, just stick with 55-64 grs for that round. The .223AI is a bolt gun with a 22" barrel and 1-7.7 twist. I have had no problems shooting any of the three bullets you listed, I did throat it to shoot the 77 tmk at 2.45 coal using MDT magazines. I am currently shooting the 80 eldx at 3030 using Laupa brass and 8208 XBR.

The 22 ARC is in a 20" barrel with the 1-7" twist. Working on a load with 75 eldm and H4350, currently shooting around 3055 with great SD/ES but accuracy is around 1.5 MOA, would like to tighten that up. Shoots factory Hornady 75 eldm rounds at 2950 with the same accuracy, maybe a little better. The only brass I can find is Hornady, I know Alpha makes some but I haven't found any available. The loaded factory 22 ARC is around 1.10 a piece and new unprimed brass is .80 cents or more, so it makes sense for me just to buy the factory ammo for the brass. Extra range time is always a good thing.

The 22 ARC is an easier option to get the performance out of the .22 cal heavies, especially with factory 75 eldm shooting pretty good. 22 ARC in a bolt gun will exceed what I can do in a gasser, but like you know, opening up the bolt face, new magazines, dies and a limited selection of available brass are some of the deterrents.

I think the .223AI will do what you want to accomplish in shooting the 75-80gr bullets, 100 fps faster then a .223. Plus the AI shoulder looks cool but so does the little fat ARC case. You'll just need a new sizing die, I still use my .223 seater with no issue.