.223 for bear, mountain goat, deer, elk, and moose.

Came across this as I was drinking my mud this morning. "A certain forum" and thread are being talked about. So much wrong in this video but it just goes to show that others just don't want to open their minds. World is full of experts.
More tmk's for me.........


I started to skip it, but then I was drawn in. Then I was going to list some of the "points" they made, but they clearly didn't read this thread (although the host did reference 77g TMKs). Can we prompt these two to join the forum, or at least lurk and read this? I'd like to see some substance behind their views.

The best line IMHO was when they both said that because a state said the minimum elk cartridge was 270 Win that "there must be a really good reason." Yes, government decisions, including on arbitrary items, are always sound.
Came across this as I was drinking my mud this morning. "A certain forum" and thread are being talked about. So much wrong in this video but it just goes to show that others just don't want to open their minds. World is full of experts.
More tmk's for me.........


It falls in line with most podcasts--BS about a topic that you haven't fully researched and have little to no real experience with (thinking of those many Vortex podcasts on YouTube). There are some good ones out there, but most are trash because every company and group of buddies thinks they need a podcast.
Came across this as I was drinking my mud this morning. "A certain forum" and thread are being talked about. So much wrong in this video but it just goes to show that others just don't want to open their minds. World is full of experts.
More tmk's for me.........


I would be willing to bet every dime I have that the amount of elk moose and bear killed between both of those “experts” can be counted on one hand
Came across this as I was drinking my mud this morning. "A certain forum" and thread are being talked about. So much wrong in this video but it just goes to show that others just don't want to open their minds. World is full of experts.
More tmk's for me.........


So, is it possible to post memes in YouTube comments?
I might need to find out.
Came across this as I was drinking my mud this morning. "A certain forum" and thread are being talked about. So much wrong in this video but it just goes to show that others just don't want to open their minds. World is full of experts.
More tmk's for me.........


I watched it. It could have been a culmination of every Fudd that ever graced this thread.
Very clear they didn’t read all 195 pages.....
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Came across this as I was drinking my mud this morning. "A certain forum" and thread are being talked about. So much wrong in this video but it just goes to show that others just don't want to open their minds. World is full of experts.
More tmk's for me.........


"A man with experience is not at the mercy of a man with an opinion."
I would be willing to bet every dime I have that the amount of elk moose and bear killed between both of those “experts” can be counted on one hand

Reloading Weatherby has definitely taken more Elk than that.

His youtube videos are interesting, but he has an admitted bias towards faster, higher BC, and heavier bullets. He references recoil, but he doesn't really factor it into his preferences. He makes no bones about it. If you say "pick a Cartridge with [x] diameter bullet," he will almost always pick the one (usually a Weatherby) barrel burner.

Personally, I have been watching this thread with curiosity because I am more of a 6.5 - 7mm guy. Watching people take big animals with 223's has been fascinating to watch. Not judging because people pull it off.
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One thing to point out. They say 223 is a lower percentage round but dont ever say lower percentage what. I asssume they are tryign to say the round has a lower percentage chance of killing because its smaller.
My brain just keep saying higher recoil rounds have lower hit percentages due to the high recoil.
I would love to stick a snap cap in their gun next time they are at the range.
I watched the whole thing since I didn’t have anything else to do in the drive home but he lost me early on with “your % or odds of successfully making a perfect shot on a moose with a 223 vs a 300 is much lower” I would have liked a factual explanation on that… Sounds like he was really saying “if you sh*t the bed and make a bad shot you’re better off with a 300” but even then. 🤔🤔

I have exactly one harvest with the 223 so very limited experience, while it was not my best display of marksmanship it didn’t go any worse than the kills I’ve had or witnessed with .243s .264s .284s and .300s etc … 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️

I think it gives people something to “dispute” when it’s just talk but with a cup of pudding as big and elaborate as this thread is I just don’t see their argument… Old habits die hard, and the same can be said about beliefs…
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I'm curious a history of reaction to new bullets.

Like as conical lead came out, did people accept them over the patch and ball?

What about the FMJ that made the cup and core?

I talk to guys about it and I'll make the comment, whats the difference between a 7/08 and a 7 rem mag?

Usually it's something along the lines of a he'll of a lot.

I say 250 yards.

They get confused, I tell them with the same bullet a 7 rem mag doesn't do anything at 800 yards that a 7/08 doesn't do at 550 (and usually difference isn’t that big). It's about velocity and the bullet. Nothing magical about a head stamp. It's the bullet that works or it doesn't at the impact velocity. So really, it's about bullets.

Then, since it's about bullets, how much does that diameter really matter? Or is it about how it reacts at impact?

Of course, none of this stuff is as easy to understand as bigger is better.

This thread is pretty much about one bullet, and how well it works. It's unfortunate that it gets into a sideshow about the caliber, the title is pretty click baity tho.
I guess same reason people use it in titles of YouTube videos, TMK on game just doesn't get the same reaction.
The amount of “I think”, “probably”, etc in that video was laughable. Literally zero actual ballistic or animal kill facts at all. The title could have been, “Bigger is always better” and it would have been a better description of the discussion.

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