It is enough to say “almost all calibers kill very well, I just happen to like big calibers”. That’s it. That’s all there is to it.
This isn't specifically directed at 35WAI, but I have noticed a particular character
flaw feature common among participants of every hobby I interact with. "If I like X, then Y has to be bad."
It's the same with muscle cars, electric guitars, anything.
"I love big blocks, so LS engines have to be bad..."
"I love Les Pauls, so Strats and Telecasters have to be bad..."
"I love big classic hunting cartridges, so small ones have to be bad..."
There's also an emotional need for their preference to be validated.
"I need small cartridges to be inferior because I have an emotional need for my big cartridges to be superior, so I have to come up with something mine does that yours can't..."
which comes out as some fantastical scenario like:
"when you have to shoot at some magical angle through 7 feet of muscle and super tough bones you'll wish you had a big caliber like me..."
"if there's a charging Grizzly you'll sure wish for that extra KNOCK DOWN..."
"mArGiN fOr ErRoR..."
People need to realize that it's ok to have preferences, but quit needing everything else to be inferior.
What is objectively shown to work, works. That can be small caliber with long/soft bullets, or big caliber with most any bullets. If YOU can accurately deliver it at an acceptable impact velocity, rock on.
I enjoy them all. I enjoy my .223 because it's cheap and quiet and comfortable to shoot. I enjoy(ed) my .375 because of its history and I personally think big power is fun, be it guns or v8s or guitar amps.
I have enjoyed hunting with both. I understand the abilities of both.