2024 Cold Bow Challenge

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User Name : Fatcamp
Bow Brand : Elite
Bow Model : E32
Sight Brand : Black Gold
BH Brand : Muzzy
MER : 40
Hit (X/3): 1/3

Kill zone is raised portion of paper plate. About 8".

Day 1: TWC says its blowing 20, it's gotta be 30 with gusts to 40. Left to right. It's horrendous. 😆


Day 2: Wind 15-20 from over my right shoulder. Shot felt good. Extra holes are from the kid.


Day 3: Wind 10-20 in my face. Kind of a mess this year but it got me shooting, which is kind of the point. Thanks team.

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User Name : chadcharb
Bow Brand : pse
Bow Model : levitate
Sight Brand : spot hogg
BH Brand : sevr
MER : 75
Hit (X/3) : 3/3

77# 30.5" Shooting 200 spine x-impacts with 115gr ethics and a 125gr sevr 1.5. I'm considering anything in the insert a hit. Hopefully I'm not too late!

Shot 1: 50 and raining but still happy with my shot.20240519_124544.jpg

Shot 2: 61 and sunny. Barely kept it in today. I think I need to take a yard out for tomorrow. 20240520_172430.jpg

Shot 3: 55 and a little breezy. The shot was technically a hit but I'm definitely not happy with it. 20240522_160938.jpg


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User Name : Billy Goat
Bow Brand : Mathews
Bow Model : V3 31
Sight Brand : Spot Hogg Tommy w/ Triple Stack
BH Brand : a few of them
MER : 65
Hit (X/3) : 2/3


We will see, I might end up saying all it has to do is "touch" the line, blades included.

Pretty rusty with my hunting setup, not what I spend much time shooting this time of year. 65#, 28.5 DL, really short 340 spine GT pro hunters. Some have Bohning Heat vanes, some have AAE stealth. Some have 100 gr heads, some have 125. I add a few yards for the 25 gr difference and a little for the larger vanes.


The leftover purple BCY 452x makes it more accurate.

Few different heads, I'll choose day by day.

Day 1- Shot the IW 125 solid with AAE Stealth vanes. Drew back, said damn that's a tiny target (no lens) and felt like my pin covered almost the whole block. Nothing to complain about with weather, just that I was in full sun. Added 3 yards, 2 for 25 grs, and 1 for larger vanes. At 40 yards I add a yard for 25 grs and ignore larger vanes.

Just noticed, day 2 didn't post yesterday.

Day 2- shot felt fine, but arrow seemed to take off point up. Shot Exodus swept with stealth vanes.


Day 3- shot felt ok, if anything I drifted low left as shot broke I felt. Heat vanes with Spitfire.

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Username: NickJ
bow: Elite Synergy
Sight: Montana Black gold Fixed pin
Broadhead: SEVR 1.75 titanium
40 yards

Day 1:felt good. I don’t think this is the 5th shot I’ve taken since shoulder surgery in December

Day 2:
Same specs. Slightly rushed my shot. Hit low and left


Day 3. Felt solid

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User Name : dirtshooter
Bow Brand : Bowtech
Bow Model : Fuel
Sight Brand : CBE Tactic Micro
BH Brand : VPA 3Blade Solid 125gr Goldtip Hunter XT 340
MER : 40
Hit (X/3) : 2/3

Well I finally got around to doing this, hope there's still a spot for me. Nice day here in AB.

Shot one slightly right... errr haha

Shot two, hit, not bad

Last shot best shot. Put a tape on it to show the size of the painted dot.


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User Name : CB4
Bow Brand : Mathews
Bow Model : V3 31
Sight Brand : HHA X3
BH Brand : Iron Will SB Left 125
MER : 70 yards
Hit (X/3) : 0/1
Release: Stan Onnex Clicker Brass
Arrows: BE Spartan 300 Spine (Weight: 440)
Bow Set: 28.5" at 75lbs with Mad Goat Strings

Day: 1
Beautiful sunny morning. Set up my target into the sun, making it difficult to see the pins and target. Pulled the shot slightly high, blaming it on being sore from workouts.
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Day 2: Breezy conditions. Shot felt good and just barely caught the kill zone with one blade of the broadhead. The shaft of the arrow was outside the zone. Im counting it as a hit.


Day 3: Finished early this morning on a crisp morning here in Iowa. Thought I made a perfect shot but it ended up just high, was actually shocked with where it hit.


Finished 1/3. Im not happy with that as a week ago I hit a clay pigeon at 119 yards on my second try and the first arrow missed by an inch. That just goes to show how much hard the "cold bow" shot is and why I like this challenge. I pushed it back I believe another 5 yards compared to last year and was less successful. Summer is here and its time to get in those reps and will want to retest this in August before season starts.


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I believe we've qualified 100 shooters. ( @CB4 if you shoot your last two arrows, take pics and PM me. We'll post you up!)

next is drawing for the prize winners....we'll @ you if you're drawn and will post a list of winners on here and QnA thread.
( @Trumpkin The Dwarf ,you might get ready for your annual meltdown lol!)

The QnA thread is open for comments/questions:

6/3/14 update. Official winner list:

Phone Skope Bundle up to $150 here

@bbckfh Pyro Putty $50 firestarter package here

@Okie-hunter @onX Hunt Elite $99 Membership here

@lak2004 SKRE Elite Starter Bundle $342

@fatlander Argali $150 High Country Pack here & MOB Pack here

@CaseyU MTNTOUGH $239, 1-Year here Subscription + Merch Package

@johnw Black Ovis' up to $79, Dozen Custom Arrow Build in Arrow ID here

@silasbowhunter Iron Will up to $119, 3-pack of broadheads to one winner.

Everyone who was drawn, PM me your email address and shipping address to @robby denning by June 14 to claim your prize. All trades are arranged between members and must be completed before you PM me.

Thanks Everyone! Especially all the mods working behind the scenes!
And of course the sponsors who put up over $1200 in prizes to encourage better bowhunters.
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