2024 Cold Bow Challenge

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User Name : JPeters218
Bow Brand : Mathews
Bow Model : Lift 29.5
Sight Brand : Fast Eddie XL 2 Pin
BH Brand : QAD Exodus 125gr
MER : 60 yd
Hit (X/3) : 3/3
This is my first time doing the challenge. Target is an 8” paper plate. Shot felt pretty good but the wind got me a bit. Barely squeaked it on the right edge
Day 2, breeze from the other direction. Guess I should start holding some wind lol. Still got it in there tho
Day 3, no wind, shot very early in the morning. Don’t really have an explanation for the height, but it was still in there. 3/3 but definitely could’ve been better.


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User Name : NXTZ
Bow Brand : PSE
Bow Model : Evolve 33 DS
Sight Brand : Spot Hogg Fast Eddie XL 2 pin
BH Brand : Evolution Outdoors Jekyll
MER : 40 yards
Hit (X/3) : 2/3

First year doing this challenge, thanks to everyone for making it happen! Primary target species this year is elk, using the large green circle for vitals. To make it a little harder/more “realistic”, I’m using my second pin (43 yard) instead of dialing.

Day 1. No wind, shot first thing in the morning (before coffee). I was running on minimal sleep and was pretty tired from turkey hunting/bow hiking the day before, so actually good conditions for this challenge. Definitely rushed my shot, but managed to keep it in for this one.

Day 2. Beautiful sunny day, headwind of maybe 3-5mph. Much better focus and mindset, I was determined to work through my shot process. Pretty happy with today.

Day 3. Perfect conditions, miserable shot. I wasn’t focused and just ripped off the shot in frustration. Not how I wanted to end, but a very eye opening experience to say the least!

Thanks again to the mods and sponsors for putting this on, this has probably been on of the best archery “training” experiences I’ve had. Definitely eye opening/humbling, and I realize that I have a lot to work on.


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User Name : 2Stamp
Bow Brand : PSE
Bow Model : Fortis 33
Sight Brand : Black Gold
BH Brand : Evolution Outdoors Jekyll
MER : 50 yds
Hit (X/3) : 1/3

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This is my first time doing this challenge and plan to do both compound and traditional. I'll complete the compound first. MER of 50 yds because that seems to be the average distance at which I shoot at pronghorns, and also why I'm using a pronghorn 3D target for this challenge. I'm using the vitals on the target (roughly 8x9), focusing on keeping the shots in the 10 ring (5" diameter).

And because Roksliders like equipment details. Current compound arrow setup I've used for the past 3 years: Black Eagle Rampage 300, 50gr insert/10 gr collar, 125gr head, 2.75" TAC Drivers, AAE IP nock. TAW around 460. Black gold custom from S&S Archery. Hamskea Epsilon rest, Redline quiver, and Conquest front/ back bars.

Shot #1. Beautiful Wyoming morning. 58F, Wind 3mph, right to left. Shot felt great.
Shot #2: 61F, 2mph wind right to left. Felt shaky this morning and the shot didn't feel great. Call it a miss.
Shot #3: 47F, 11mph wind right to left, rainy. Shooting in the rain is a challenge anyway with jackets, rain in the peep sight, etc. Shot was a surprise, Left / right was good but hit low. I think I fell out the bottom of my peep a bit. Call it a miss.

User Name : 2Stamp
Bow Brand : Stalker Stickbow
Bow Model : Coyote ACS Longbow
Sight Brand :
BH Brand : Day Six Evo wide
MER : 30
Hit (X/3) :2/3
Trad bow CBC. Using the vitals on a Rinehart muley. Bow is 47# @ 28". Arrows are Easton carbon legacy 5mm, 470 TAW. Fun bow to shoot.
Shot #1: 67F, wind around 5mph from my back, clear, nice morning. Shot felt good,
Call it a hit.

Shot#2: 45deg, very light breeze. Hit low, felt like I collapsed at the shot. I think I also under estimated the distance (forgot rangefinder this morning). Call it a miss.

Shot #3: 48deg, overcast, light breeze. Shot felt good but a little low in the vitals. Call it a hit.
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User Name : Okie-hunter
Bow Brand : Hoyt
Bow Model : VTM 31
Sight Brand : CBE 5 pin
BH Brand : QAD Exodus
MER : 60 yards 7” circle
Hit (X/3) : 3/3
5/12- Beautiful calm morning. Shot broke clean but landed a little wider than I’d like. Dead deer.

5/13- Light breeze, nothing worth taking into consideration. Added a smaller dot inside kill zone because aim small = miss small

5/14- 10-12mph cross wind. Break felt good. Continued shooting broadheads after my cold bow shot to stack 4 more in the kill zone for 7/7 total. Might be looking for a new sight to work towards increasing MER due to 60 being my bottom pin.

Arrow setup: 410gr Victory Rip TKO traveling 283fps.IMG_7377.jpegIMG_7378.jpegIMG_7385.jpegIMG_7390.jpeg
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User Name : Mish-pop
Bow Brand : Elite
Bow Model : Energy 35
Sight Brand : Rocky Mountain 5 Pin
BH Brand : Slick Trick ViperTrick
MER : 63
Hit (X/3) : 0/3

First time completing the challenge. 8" circle on the block target.

Shot 1: Wind R to L of 3-5 mph. 72 degrees. Was shooting a little high or dead on a couple days ago. Don't know what happened or why so far off but I guess that is why we do these challenges. Form felt good but just pulled it.

Shot 2: wind 10 mph coming at me from my L at 45 degrees. Shot 1" high of my circle so a miss but this shot felt and looked better than day 1.

Shot 3: hardly any wind. Shot 3" left and a miss on the final day. I have some work to do! But I appreciate this challenge and will practice more. I will likely try and do my own cold Bow Challenge a couple times throughout the summer to see how I'm progressing.


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User Name : TheCougar
Bow Brand : Mathews
Bow Model : VXR
Sight Brand : MBG 5 Pin slider
BH Brand : QAD Exodus 125gr
MER : 50
Hit (X/3) : 3/3

Arrow weight is right around 480, draw weight is 74#, draw length is 29”. It should be around 285fps, but don’t quote me on that. The target is the vital zone insert.

I’m not confident going into this challenge. I have been so busy, that I’ve been neglecting all my shooting, both archery and rifle. I’m trying to get back into it, and this could end very poorly. I am shooting with my son @BunnyThumper and my youngest daughter.

Shot 1: calm, 65 degrees. Totally shocked. A perfect shot. Clean release and I knew it was good when the shot broke, but still I was surprised.

Shot 2: clear, slight swirling breeze. More pin float today than yesterday. My daughter’s reaction: “meh”. I agree. Not great, but also not terrible. It’ll do.

Day 3: calm, clear. Clean release, and I thought it was better than it actually was. Still a kill shot, but an average shot.

As soon as we were done shooting, @BunnyThumper
And I went to the range and started getting ready for the Cold Bore Challenge. He took my money at the range…. He beat me clean at 475.


Check out the face on my daughter as she draws:


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User Name : nidahobrushswimmer
Bow Brand : PSE
Bow Model : DNA SP
Sight Brand : Black gold ascent verdict
BH Brand : Grim reaper micro hades
MER : 45
Hit (X/3) : 2

Decent breeze left to right. Paper plate is 10”, only calling the depressed center section (8”) vitals.
Arrow is a gold tip black label quantum, 440 grains total with 165 up front.

Day 2, strong breeze right to left. Shot felt good when it broke. Still need to do a bit of broadhead tuning to feel like everything is 100%.

Day 3, calm conditions. Knew as soon as it broke it wasn’t gonna land where I wanted. Need to finish broadhead tuning, and get my grip 100% dialed. Being an older speed bow with a shorter brace height than my last bow, I don’t get away with anything form wise. Probably the reason for the horizontal dispersion.


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User Name :Rich.maes
Bow Brand: Prime
Bow Model :Logic CT-3
Sight Brand :Spot Hogg Hoggfather
BH Brand :SEVR 2.0 100gr
MER :60 yards
Hit (X/3) :3/3
Easton axis 4mm long range match grade with titanium components
Spot Hogg wiseguy release
Shot 1:No wind, shot felt perfect.
Shot 2: 5 mph wind left to right. Punched the trigger but still made a good shot.
Shot 3: no wind, felt like I punched it a bit.


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User Name : Mag_7s
Bow Brand : Bowtech
Bow Model : Insanity CPX
Sight Brand : Spothog Hog-it
BH Brand : Grizzly Stick Maasi
MER : 35
Hit (X/3) : 3/3 8" circle
This is also my first CBC. I haven't shot much this year, so my MER reflects that and is 35 yards. I'm shooting a Bowtech Insanity cpx at 28" draw at 72 lbs. Strings and cables done by Dark Archery Customs. Arrow rest: QAD ultra, Black Eagle Rampage arrow with halfout inserts, blaser vanes, and nocturnal nock. Total arrow weight at 526 grains, traveling at 259 fps. Using a Spothog Wiseguy release.

Day 1: Hit within vitals.
Conditions 80 degrees, ~7mps wind at 1/4 value left to right.

Day 2: Hit within vitals, I had a little bit of target panic and punched the trigger.
Conditions: 56 degrees and overcast ~5-6 mph at half value left to right.

Day 3: Cutting the 8" kill radius. Held a little too much wind.I suppose it counts as a hit, but I don't like it. Will gladly change if requested.
Conditions: 61 degrees 5-8 mph wind at half value left to right.


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User Name : BigLou
Bow Brand : Matthews
Bow Model : V3
Sight Brand : Trophy Ridge
BH Brand : Iron Will single bevel 200 gr. (no bleeders)
MER : 55 yards
Hit (X/3) : 1 of 3

Arrows are Victory RIP TKO, Iron Will shock collar and 200 gr Iron Will single bevel - TAW 610 gr
1st Choice release
70 degrees, 100% humidity (its raining!) no wind
This is great practice...thanks for the idea Rokslide...

Hit (X/3) : 2 of 3
69 degrees, 85% humidity, 4mph wind due west (quarter value)

Hit (X/3) : 3 of 3
67 degrees, 74% humidity, 7 mph wind northwest (zero value)
Lousy shot, rushed it....this is great practiceCBC Day 3.jpg



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My 1st cold bow challenge. Shooting at 1/3 elk and I haven’t shot too much in the last 10 months but need to get back at it.

1st shot
Calm with no wind but starting to get dark after a day of on and off showers. I haven’t shot in a few weeks so I had to tell myself to follow through. Surprised myself with a good hit.

2nd shot calm and 70. Shot is left but height
is fine.

3rd shot just outside of the 10 ring but would be happy with location on a deer. It’s left and low. Again calm and clear out. May need to figure something out with vision.

User Name : huntabsarokee
Bow Brand : Bowtech
Bow Model : Realm X
Sight Brand : MBG
BH Brand : Magnus Black Hornets
MER : 40
Hit (X/3) : 1/3



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Day 1: Conditions were cloudy with a little breeze.

Day 2: slight crosswind and later in the evening

Day 3: mid day, bright and sunny.

Arrows are victory rip tko 250 with 50g insert upfront and 100g head.

User Name : Redbaron307
Bow Brand : Mathews
Bow Model : V3X
Sight Brand : Garmin Xero A1i
BH Brand : Muzzy One 100g
MER : 70yds
Hit (X/3) : 1/1. 2/2. 3/3


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User Name : MarkOrtiz
Bow Brand : Elite
Bow Model : Omnia
Sight Brand : Black Gold 2 pin slider
BH Brand : Allen Bear tooth
MER : 60
Hit (X/3) : 2/3
Day 1 13 mph cross wind right to left with gusts to 20 mph. Aimed a little too far right into the wind.
I probably wouldn't take a shot in this kind of gusty conditions. Haven’t shot my bow much since last fall. Had my first archery tag, but messed my knee up and turned the tag in. Got the knee repaired and I’ve been recovering the last few month. Just bought this bow and decided to change from 400 to 340 spine arrows, and also change from index to thumb release. We have been shooting more this year than the past so I hope to get a lot better this year and hopefully get an archery tag again.
Day 2
Gusts up to 10 mph, so a little better than yesterday. The shot felt really good too. I’ll call that a hit.
Day 3
No wind. I played out the whole scenario in my head. I’m walking through the desert and boom there is the animal. Draw back, aim, hold, and squeeze. Shot felt great, and my best shot of the 3.


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1st shot: low with 15mph cross wind from west to east, 50lbs draw weight. I just started shooting again a few weeks ago, when our kids interest in archery peaked. I’m still working on my sight at 30 yards, as it was bumped out after our last move. Debating buying a new sight and bow vs a new rifle 🤣 I won’t be quitting my day job- at least for today.
User Name :mkkjortiz
Bow Brand : Diamond
Bow Model : Infinite Edge
Sight Brand : Hostage
BH Brand : Allen Bear Tooth
MER : 30
Hit (X/3) : 0/3
2nd shot 5/14/24: 0/2
Better left to right. No wind. Still hitting the deer, but not good enough to be comfortable.
3rd shot 0/3. Better top to bottom, I didn’t account for the 15mph westerly wind. Now on to sight in my bow fully at 30yds.,


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User Name : Dedeer11
Bow Brand : Blackout
Bow Model : Faze
Sight Brand : Trophy ridge
BH Brand : Allan Beartooth
MER : 25
Hit (X/3) : 1/2
I have been shooting with a sight for two months, before I was just shooting bare bow.
My sights are set for 4-H at 10, 15, and 20, but I wanted to try pin stacking and shoot at 25.
Shot one is a hit!

Day 2 is a miss. gusts up to ten mph.
day 3 is a miss
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User Name: Justin Starck “Battle”
Bow Brand : Hoyt
Bow Model : Faktor 34
Sight Brand : Spot-Hogg
BH Brand : Sevr
MER : 70
Hit (X/3) : 3/3

May 12
Forward Low in the 8 Ring (counting 8 ring as a hit) Note: This is a mirrored image from my Instagram live.

May 13
Forward low, again. I guess I can count it (cutting the line). Perfect conditions with near low wind.

May 15
Another beautiful day in Wyoming, near calm. I did let down once and it was my best shot of the challenge.

Sent from my iPhone using the
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User Name : SharpShooter17
Bow Brand : Barnett
Bow Model : Vortex
Sight Brand : none
BH Brand : Allen Bear Tooth
MER : 25
Hit (X/3) : 1/3
I shoot bare bow for 4h so no sight and no release. Just fingers and intuition. It was breezy, but I was able to make a good shot.
Day 2 is a miss, but it was very windy.
Finally another hit. IMG_5590.jpeg
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User Name :Randle
Bow Brand PSE
Bow Model :Mach1
Sight Brand :Black Gold 5 pin
BH Brand :QAD EXODUS 125
MER :55
Hit (X/3) 2/3
Shot this AM at 5:30, no wind, overcast. I knew as I released it felt off. Ugh, choke , gasp.
Shot 2 6:45 pm sunny, no wind , The shot felt good and sure was Screenshot_20240514-183752_Gallery.jpg3rd shot 5:45 again shot was good just alittle highScreenshot_20240515-174749_Gallery.jpg
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User Name : ElkeaterCO
Bow Brand : Matthews
Bow Model : Lift 29.5 @75lb
Sight Brand : Spothogg
BH Brand : QAD exodus 125
MER : 45
Hit (3/3) :
Arrow- carbon express destroyer SD, (510gn) @285fps
Day 1, slight rear breeze, 1st shot ever with a broadhead on this set up.

IMG_8895 Medium.jpegDay 2, ran 2.25 miles, perfect conditions, kneeling.

IMG_8897 Small.jpeg Day 3, no wind, kneeling, 630am

Thanks for the fun challenge. I learned a few things after not shooting a bow for a long while. 1. I have never had shot control, fly by shooting was just how i thought you did it. 2. There are endless rabbit holes to go down to grow as a controlled shooter. 3. Drop the ego and reduce draw weight. 4. Learning to have a controlled shot like Joel Turner and John Dudley preach is addictive.

Thanks again for lighting a new passion in archery for me. I have a lot of work to do this summer but it's pretty damn cool to see my groups and TP improving after this challenge.

Jake Long
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User Name : GodfatherB
Bow Brand : Bowtech
Bow Model : Amplify
Sight Brand : Troph Ridge Fixed 5 Pin
BH Brand : Tooth of the Arrow Solid 125 Gr/Ironwill SB 125 Gr
MER : 30 Yards. Lungs and heart as vitals
Hit (X/3) : 1/3

Was hoping to shoot MER @ 50 yards but just picked up new arrows and I still need to work on tuning past 30 yards. First broadhead shots with these arrows. First time trying CBC, thanks for putting it on!


Second shot, slight tail wind, but had no effect. Still not a hit.

First shot, perfect conditions, shot felt great. Didn't land great.

Third shot, a little high, but in the vitals by a hair. Switched up my BH to an Ironwill SB 125 Gr. Perfect conditions, no wind.
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