User Name : 2Stamp |
Bow Brand : PSE |
Bow Model : Fortis 33 |
Sight Brand : Black Gold |
BH Brand : Evolution Outdoors Jekyll |
MER : 50 yds |
Hit (X/3) : 1/3 |

This is my first time doing this challenge and plan to do both compound and traditional. I'll complete the compound first. MER of 50 yds because that seems to be the average distance at which I shoot at pronghorns, and also why I'm using a pronghorn 3D target for this challenge. I'm using the vitals on the target (roughly 8x9), focusing on keeping the shots in the 10 ring (5" diameter).
And because Roksliders like equipment details. Current compound arrow setup I've used for the past 3 years: Black Eagle Rampage 300, 50gr insert/10 gr collar, 125gr head, 2.75" TAC Drivers, AAE IP nock. TAW around 460. Black gold custom from S&S Archery. Hamskea Epsilon rest, Redline quiver, and Conquest front/ back bars.
Shot #1. Beautiful Wyoming morning. 58F, Wind 3mph, right to left. Shot felt great.

Shot #2: 61F, 2mph wind right to left. Felt shaky this morning and the shot didn't feel great. Call it a miss.

Shot #3: 47F, 11mph wind right to left, rainy. Shooting in the rain is a challenge anyway with jackets, rain in the peep sight, etc. Shot was a surprise, Left / right was good but hit low. I think I fell out the bottom of my peep a bit. Call it a miss.
User Name : 2Stamp |
Bow Brand : Stalker Stickbow |
Bow Model : Coyote ACS Longbow |
Sight Brand : |
BH Brand : Day Six Evo wide |
MER : 30 |
Hit (X/3) :2/3 |
Trad bow CBC. Using the vitals on a Rinehart muley. Bow is 47# @ 28". Arrows are Easton carbon legacy 5mm, 470 TAW. Fun bow to shoot.

Shot #1: 67F, wind around 5mph from my back, clear, nice morning. Shot felt good,
Call it a hit.
Shot#2: 45deg, very light breeze. Hit low, felt like I collapsed at the shot. I think I also under estimated the distance (forgot rangefinder this morning). Call it a miss.
Shot #3: 48deg, overcast, light breeze. Shot felt good but a little low in the vitals. Call it a hit.