2018 Cold Bow Challenge

Aug 14, 2016
Reno, Nv
Got hurt at work last August, had back surgery December 2017. Just picked up my bow last week for the first few shots and it felt good... what better time to throw my hat into the ring.
I chose 50 yards
Hoyt pro defiant 34 #3 cam on C
Black eagle X-Impact 300 @ 31”
Valkyrie 200g broadhead
Ripcord Ace micro
Tight spot 5
1st gen Hogg Father single pin
Bee stinger 8”

Very light right to left breeze in my back yard
Probably the best first shot I’ve ever made in my life... and 2-5 will show just how lucky this was


Day #2
6am cool and no breeze to speak of. Felt really well in my hand and was holding as steady as I can be for the most part. Gently add pressure to the Scott Shark trigger and let her rip.

Immediately I could tell something was wrong. The arrow looked all “wonky”( I don’t know a better term to describe it).

The picture is of the first arrow. You can see the mark where it skipped off the ground. I checked everything. The range dial, the rest cord, all screws in cams and sight and rest.

I took 3 more shots and each was worse and more strange than the first. All three others ended up in the 4x8 plywood back stop.

So I am temporarily withdrawing from this challenge with the hopes that in 5 days I can restart once I figure out what’s going on.

Makes me feel like yesterday’s shot was a miracle.


2018 ColdBow Day 1 take 2
After yesterday’s wtf moment and not being able to capture any problem on film. I decided to film these shots on my retry.
Hold felt good, shot felt like I punched it a little but sill fairly smooth . Slight right to left breeze.

Good height, 3.25” left of center.
Screen shot of arrow in flight next to impact point
I’m back in the challenge baby!!!

Day 2 take 2
Light rain. 6:50am. 2” high .5” right. On the rhino =)

Day 3 take 2
Clear, no breeze at all. 1:00 PM
A tad high and a smidge left. Nothing to snivel about

Day 4 take 2
7:35am. Clear no breeze. Two clicks less yardage on the hoggfather because the last 2 shots hit high. Literally out of bed, in pajamas. Shot felt like day1take2... and impact was 2mm above that hole.

Day 5 take 2
Felt like I jerked the shot...
hit in the same spot as day 1 and 4....

Great 3 shot group... if it would have been closer to the middle

Been fun. Next year I’ll back it up to the fence and try 63 yards.
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May 6, 2018
Shenandoah Valley
Cold bow challenge

New here but I decided to try this out. Took a little different approach. I'm calling my mer 80 yards right now. In years past that wouldn't be an issue. I haven't shot much in the past few years. I actually haven't shot in at least the past week and have only shot once at 80 to even sight in. Trying a 5 pin hog father. Using the bottom (60 right now) as a floater. Just got in a new target. Several of us went in and bought one. Set it up in the rain today and decided to shoot once.

Setup: Hoyt 2016 carbon defiant turbo. Bottomed at 72# and set to 29". Using the Hoyt qad rest, Hoyt 10"? Stabilizer, and Hoyt 5 arrow detachable quiver. Might change stabilizer. Not certain yet. Carbon Express Maxima Hunter 350's. 100 grain match point target points. 100 gr. Spitfire broadheads. 3" fusion vanes. Tried several vanes before I settled on these. I have a spot where someone can safely stand down range and listen as the arrows come through the air.

I'm just shooting at the Target and then deciding if I think it's a kill shot. Let me know if y'all want me to do otherwise.

1st day:. I was pretty wet. 64 degrees and rain. Phone started ringing in my pocket when I drew back. Felt like I was a little forward when I released. Happy to have feedback from others as to if they think it's a kill shot or not.

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One is from where I'm shooting from. The other is the target. I like the elevation of the impact but it's a little too far forward for my liking. I think that's a dead elk but depending on where it's leg was exactly it could have hit shoulder. Think I'm mostly looking to keep all arrows in the outlined lung area for now. It's also harder shooting at a large target and forcing yourself to try to pick a spot. But this is all about practice. Going to try to put a pack on and walk a bit before some of these shots.

Day 2: 54 degrees. Still drizzling. No wind. Target is about 8/10 of a mile from the house. Decided to put my pack on (15#+-) and carry the bow in hand to the target. It's definitely not a flat walk and walked it pretty briskly. Walk didn't bother me any but ashamed to say how tired my arm got carrying my bow. Carried left hand with arrow nocked. Right handed shooter. Didn't have a very steady hold.

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This is more in line with left to right of how I would like to hit. A little high. But a good solid kill shot.

I did read up more on the anatomy and am not as concerned with the shoulder as I have been in years past. Still don't like to be very far forward. See what happens tomorrow.

Day 3: 64 degrees. Rain has finally stopped. Sunny and humid. 5 mph wind from 12 o'clock or 0 degrees. Walked to target with pack and full hunting gear. Feel like this was my best shot yet. Definitely a kill shot. Still a little high. See what tomorrow brings.

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Can't get the picture to orient correctly. Tried flipping it but can't get it to work. Might play with it later.

Day 4: 60 degrees. Nice morning. Felt I was just a little forward on release.

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Almost same impact as first day.

Day 5: 60 degrees. Calm wind. Felt good when I shot. Seemed good hold.

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Impact was pretty far back. This is why I like a large broadhead. I think as long as it wasn't pushed quickly it would have been recovered. But definitely not a good kill shot. It was my last of 5 days so I fired off a couple more. All hit to the left. Don't know if something has moved or it's my form. My shoulders are pretty sore. Might be something in my form that I'm doing. Going to wait til tomorrow or whenever I feel like trying again to determine if it was me or equipment.IMG_20180518_174217370.jpgIMG_20180519_082536340.jpgIMG_20180520_081303443.jpgIMG_20180521_074611583.jpgIMG_20180522_072920991_LL.jpg
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Mar 2, 2012
Sure why not

Well i followed along last year and will jump in this year hoping to complete the challenge in time.
Last winter i picked up a Hoyt Alphamax 32 since i always wanted one just to see what i missed (owned about every hoyt 3 years before and after).I set it up and shot it a few times with the last time being about 3 weeks ago. It felt pretty good and thought it might be given the nod this year. Well I have 5 bows in the stable right now and what better way to see if it should be the bow I take into the field this year but to put it through the Cold Bore Challenge.

I have some leftover gear put it on including a Spott Hogg 5 pin and a QAD. Shooting at 70 pounds 28.5" draw with a 28" Easton Axis 340/fp.
For this challenge i will be shooting at 60 yards at a 8.5" circle.

5/18/2018 Failing light, no wind, 70 degrees.

5/19/2018 50 degrees and overcast 15 mph wind swirling behind a shelterbelt.

Also thought i would share some pics of my range i built at work where i moved my shooting to from yesterday. Fortunate to have this type of facilities but wish i could use it more. Also has a 28 target walk through course.

5/21. Pulled off a good one. Beautiful night no wind.
5/24 Cloudy slight rain good breeze right to left I didnt allow for. Felt it down range retrieving arrow.

5/27. 5 th day. 95 degrees and a swirling wind.

This was a good exercise Robby and I can see trying it throughout the year. Once I get broadheads dialed in in will definately do it again.



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robby denning

robby denning

Staff member
Feb 25, 2012
SE Idaho
Bow: prime rival @67 ish pounds. MBG 4 pin. Quivilizer. Hamskea drop away.

Arrows: 658 gr FMJ dangerous game 300 spine shafts at 28.5", a 4" wrap, 4 fletch AAE vanes in a right helical on the back half, 125 grain northern broadheads.

Day 1: no pic. In fact, first time in a very long time I've missed my target.... I decided last minute to start today off as day one. I got outside and instantly called it past last light, but since there is light pole by my shop I decided to still do it. 50 yard shot with a broadhead. Drew back and instantly knew it was too dark for a shot while hunting. I could barely see the outline of my 3d target even with the light pole... however I've made this shot dozens of times this last week alone and decided I could still do it since I knew where that target sat in comparison to my back stop. Well this shot felt solid and good but I went right over the top, of it all... I almost didnt post this, but then I realized I needed to. Maximum effective range isnt just knowing how far you can or cant shoot, its stopping when you know you should. I very blatantly ignored my own comments of "I shouldn't take this shot". Tonight it cost me a miss and possibly an arrow as I couldn't locate it in the dark in the trees, brush, creek bottom, and hillside behind my target. However in a hunting situation it could have easily lead to an injured animal or a lost opportunity on a "trophy" animal. Day 1= fail, purely for ignoring my own impression and not letting down.

IM WITHDRAWING. To try again later or if that's not allowed in DQ'ing myself.

You can requalify by starting over and following the rules for the next five arrows. Lots of bucks and bulls get away because of equipment failures.

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Jan 17, 2014
Thanks for putting this together Robby. I'm in . Getting my new bow dialed in this coming week and will gladly use that.


Jul 29, 2016
TX - Texas
Planning to do this with both recurve and compound...

Recurve - Samick Polaris, 40#, bass pro envy x5 500 arrows with 100 grain goldtip insert and 100 grain tip. bateman 3 under tab
pigs are intended species, 15 yards - the 10 ring is ~5"

day 1 (Friday, May 18), 5pm sunny, light wind

day 2 (Sunday, May 20), 5 pm, light rain, no wind

day 3 (Monday, May 21), 9:30 am, overcast, no wind

day 4 (Tuesday, May 22), 7:30am, no wind - flipped target around to change things up - just a mental breakdown; should have let down and reset

day 5 (Wednesday, May 23), 1pm, sunny, no wind

results: 4 dead pigs, 1 injured
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Dec 30, 2013
New Mexico
I think this is a great idea! I hope it will be a gut check for me.


Mathews Halon 32
Hamskea Hybrid Hunter Pro
Black Gold Ascent
Tru Ball Short n Sweet

Victory VAP 300
100 gr Ulmer Edge
412 gr.

Range: 55 Yards (Gapping pins, not dialing in my mover pin)
Killzone: Vitals on the top of Rinehart Rhinoblock (well within the vital area of a mature mule deer)

Day 1, May 21, 2018: VOID
in the interest of full disclosure, I fired the first arrow for this challenge after making a slight adjustment to my rest last night. I am owning up to it. I am only posting it because I figure if I were ever dumb enough to screw with something on my bow before a hunt, I would have to deal with it. I shot a few more arrows to get the rest dialed back in so I will start the actual cold bow challenge tomorrow or the next day, with no shots in between.

Fortunately it wasn't too far off, just high of the vitals. Shot felt good at the release, and it made me remember that I'm an idiot Heres the shot with my rest about 1/32" or 1/16" high. Its good to know that if my rest got knocked off, I would still be lethal at 55, if only just the top of the lungs.

Actual Day 1: calm and cool, 50 degrees with fog. Shot was a bit rushed but still in the vitals.


Day 2: right around legal shooting light, I changed the angle of my shot by standing in the neighbors driveway and shooting down . The pressure got to me, I rushed it and punched the trigger. I guess this is the reason for the challenge! Still just a few inches low but well outside of my established vitals- wounded/missed buck.

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Jan 2, 2017
Start date: 05/21/18
MER:25 yards; it's a stretch to call it that!
Summary of Equipment: Morrison Dakota, 58", 50#@28". Gold Tip 400's with 5" feathers and 300 grains up front. Tab release. (Started shooting the wood stick in October.)
Target specs: 11" ; rough diameter of the vitals of a Water Buffalo?? It was actually the diameter of a 25# plate; only circular object in my shop that was close to a whitetail's vitals.
Day 1 conditions: Dark, Lighting provided by security light, a few mosquitoes, no wind to speak of.

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Day 2 (5/22/18): Had to shoot before work, Dark Again, no wind, lighting provided by security light. Focused more on the circle than the dot. I guess tomorrow is another day!

Day 3: Daylight starting to break, muggy, no wind, got a little frustrated with my daughters cat who wanted to use my target as a scratching pole. Went through my preshot routine better this morning, aimed small, and had a good clean release. Good morning.

Day 4 (05/24/18): Daylight starting to break, calm with little to no wind. Felt good about the preshot routine, but did not follow through. A big swing and miss! I am very glad I got in this challenge. Back in my wheel bow days, my first arrows where typically my best. Now on my trad journey, it is easy to forget about the first arrow in a shooting session and focus on how your groups tighten up as you dial in your form. Great stuff!

Day5: After Sunrise, light breeze left to right, and humid. Pulled the shot.

Overall thought: Great practice tool, MER is definitely not 25 yards, glad I have 4 months until I start chasing anything, and there are some really good trad guys shooting in this challenge! I also figured out that I was not getting to full draw for most of the challenge; shot about 20 arrows after my day 5 arrow!
Thanks for having the challenge!
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Dec 17, 2016
Here is my setup:

Mathew Chill-R
29.5 draw
QAD drop away
TruGlo 5pin sight that needs to be thrown in the trash
shooting Easton bowfire arrows

I havent shot this setup since October 2017 when i was in Nebraska hunting. what has changed since i last shot...

i had my bow re-strung and i changed my release to a nock-2it. i have never shot this style release and my pins...who knows where they will be being that i havent shot my bow since it was re-strung. picked it up today...didnt shoot in the pro shop (they were confused by that one ;))...went straight to the range for this challenge.

i am setting my max range to 40yds based off of my new setup that i am not yet comfortable with. i will be shooting from a elevated position approximately 20-25 feet up. the only shot i have ever taken from the ground was a pot shot at a coyote, other than that its mostly tree stands in Minnesota, so thats what i will be doing for the challenge.

Day 1. 60* F. rain/drizzle. no wind (sorry, i forgot my orange disk for the "kill zone" will have it from here on out). so here goes nothing!

surprisingly left to right is 'OK', but wow was i off on elevation. not sure if my POI has changed that much with the new strings or if i just suck with this new style release?? i guess time will tell.


Day 2. 92* F. 10-15 mph tail wind. shot felt good, was pleased my guesstimates for moving my pin seemed to be pretty close. i think my peep moved ever so slightly, but enough that i noticed it. will get that fixed after day 5 as my pro shop will want me to shoot of they adjust it

Day 3. 88*F no wind. I could not shoot from my elevated stand as the local youth group was shooting bow, so off to the back range - - still 40yds but flat. Honestly the shot didn’t feel good, but hit dead center. I am really struggling with this new style release; will be spending a lot of time at the range in a few days.

Day 4. 74*. The shot felt bad before the arrow even left, I rushed the shot. Nothing felt right, should have let down..taken a breath and went again.

Day 5. 94* no wind. The shot, again, didn’t feel right...at least I’m consistently bad as this arrow hit real close to day 4...dare I say I’m glad this is over so I can get out and get dialed in. My takeaway, just reafffirms to get out and practice, practice, practice. I made some very small adjustments (new strings/cables and release) luckily our archery season is about 4 months away. Lots of fun doing this!
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Sep 9, 2013
I’m in, cool concept. Didn’t see it last year. I like the pressure of this.

I am going to go with a 45 yard MER. When I really practice to elk hunt out West I can get dialed into 60, but I am nowhere near that right now. Also the farthest I can shoot in my yard.

2013 Elite Answer, 70 lb, 28.5”
Winn Free Flight release
MBG Rush sight
Easton FMJ 350s with blazers
125 gr VPA vented
Quiver off because it is strongly my preference but I do practice both.
Shooting for center dot of my Rhinehart and consider the yellow circle the kill zone.
With a toddler and 1 week old at home I cannot guarantee I’ll be able to do this 5 successive days but going to give it the old college try.

Day 1 5/22
About 3" left. No wind.

Day 2 5/23. Got tied up playing with my daughter. Remembered I needed to shoot at 8:52 PM. Sunset was 8:29. Not enough light for 45 yards but the light colored backstop and some mental gymnastics made it work. Would not have taken this shot at a deer. But I do practice these conditions a lot. As a whitetail hunter you have to. Even though I was basically guessing where the pin was, the release felt good. Shot would have killed but wasn't great.

Day 3 5/24. No wind again. Putting together a decent group although a little odd drifting left.

Day 4 - 5/25 - not my best effort. Was in a hurry and punched the release. Nicked the "vitals" with one blade. Killed my best buck that way.

Day 5, 5/26 - only day with any wind, 5 mph headwind

Really happy with the group I shot and 5 kills. Going to have to check my broadhead tune or possibly was just a bad arrow. I just grabbed one and screwed a head on.

Ever since photobucket passed away I haven't been able to post photos here.

All 5 days are in this album:
Rokslide cold bow - Google Photos
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Apr 25, 2018
I have been spending a good bit of time on rokslide lately so I guess this is a good way to introduce myself. I bow hunted hogs and whitetail here in TX as a teenager (I’m 32 now) and the need to hunt elk in the rut made me buy a used Z7 extreme last winter.

My max effective range is 60 yd. right now due to that being all I can get out of the el cheapo sight that came with my bow. So here is my setup.

Mathews Z7 Extreme
Mathews drop away rest
Extreme Archery sight (to be upgraded)
Tru-Fire Hardcore Max release
Blackout X3 Hunter 340 arrows

Day 1

Sunny and calm. 6 PM, facing west, storm building to the south, three year old boy talking my ear off.

Day 2

Sunny with a 5 mph left to right cross wind. Didn’t feel solid, more movement in my pin than I wanted and it showed.

Day 3

Sunny, calm, shot was a little far back.


Day 4

10 mph left to right cross wind.


Day 5

Well, I’m embarrassed to even post this.


Thanks to rokslide for hosting this challenge and the sponsors for providing the prizes. It was eye opening to me, I thought I was pretty solid at 60 yd. but I was shooting a lot every day. It’s still a few months until September so it’s time for me to hammer down and sharpen up before then.
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Jan 17, 2014
Just got the new setup sighted out to 50 today. I should be able to start the shoot over the next couple days. Obsession Turmoil at 60 # . Shooting Piledrivers with 125 grain tips ( Cuthtroats for broadhead ) 440 grain total around 260 fps.
I've only shot this bow for a couple days and have found it pretty quick to get my pins close to sighted in. Here is shot 1 today. 50 meters . Nice day with some overcast and intermittent light wind .IMG_1463.jpg
Shot 2 here: Calm morning . Real nice day.IMG_1468.jpg Center ring is I think 5 inches . Both shots so far are on the left border of the ring . Bow isnt totally dialed in yet as I wanted to get started on this challenge in time. I'm looking forward to fine tuning after this challenge.
Shot 3 here: Drizzling . No wind. 45 degrees. Shot still left of center. IMG_1471.jpg
Shot 4 here: Calm morning around 36 degrees .tightening it up a little bit .IMG_1479.jpg
Shot 5 today. Light wind of around 5 mph with 15 mph gusts .Overall I'm happy with the results. IMG_1491.jpg I love this set up.
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May 17, 2018
First Cold Bow Challenge!

First post on the forum here, hopefully my pictures show up correctly. I'm excited to do the cold bow challenge. My goal in the challenge is to get a good feel for my maximum effective range. I competed in train to hunt Montana so I have been spending some time with my bow this spring. I am shooting an Elite Tempo 70# that I got back at the end of January. I have a QAD LD dropaway rest, an old Apex Gear Bone Collector 4-pin site that is similar to their "Attitude" model, an Elite 6 arrow one piece quiver and Gold Tip XT Hunter arrows with 100 grain field tips. I am going to shoot for a 50 yard MER. We will see how that holds up in the next few days. I am shooting a bag target that shows vitals that are close to the realistic size of the deer down here in South Alabama.

Day 1: Shot was taken at around 6:30 PM. Mostly cloudy, no wind and 79 degrees. I felt like I anticipated this shot just a little causing a hit that was a little high from where I was aiming.
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Day 2: my shot for today ended up being about 52 yards. Put the target in a different spot of the yard in attempts to get a different angle. Shot was taken at about 7 PM just before a storm blew in. Overcast skies. Wind was about 5-10 mph and was swirling. I thought this shot felt pretty good. It ended up hitting close to where yesterday hit.
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Day 3: Todays shot was taken at around 6:45 PM with dark skies and no wind. Not the best light, but that makes for a good hunting simulation for where I do most of my hunting. I hit right of where I was aiming which would be forward on the deer. I think I messed this shot up because I simply shot too fast and did not take enough time to actually aim. Overall I am disappointed in this shot. I should have taken more time to get my shot off.

Day 4: Took todays shot on a beautiful afternoon. Partly cloudy, no wind and temps in probably about the mid 70s. My shot felt good but hit high. I'm not sure if it was where I held my pin on the target or if it was me making a mistake in my form.
day 4.jpg

Day 5: My last shot of the challenge didn't go so well. Conditions were nice with no wind, a little bit of sunshine and temps in the 70s. My focus was off. I didn't feel very solid and in all honesty I should have let down and not taken the shot.
day 5.jpg

From what I have gathered from the challenge, I need to improve in maintaining focus on my shot and I need to be patient with my shot, not shooting just to get my shot off. Of course there are many more things I can improve on but those seem to be the big ones. I learned a lot from the challenge and enjoyed being able to participate. Thanks for doing this!!
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Apr 21, 2018
Turkey season ended last weekend, so I can give this a shot now.

Equipment: 54#@28" 60" Rampart Legacy Recurve by Poison Dart Bows
30.5" Black Eagle Arrow's Instinct Traditionals with their 100grain outsert, 125 grain Cutthroat Broadhead, and hand cut turkey feather fletchings from a turkey I got this year. Total arrow weight 525 grains. Right now I am using the clicker as a draw check.


MER: 22 yds (will mix standing/kneeling, pack/no pack, but will always wear my binos, face mask, ghillie hat, and home camoed hardware store gloves with tab)

Target: 9" circle

Day1: No wind. 60degrees 30# Pack on (EXO 3500 still packed from my backcountry turkey hunt this weekend). Standing.


Day 2: 55 degrees, overcast, no wind. Kneeling, no pack, but wearing ghillie hat, gloves, tab, and face mask. Kneeling brings a little more distraction and obstacles.


Day 3: 17 lb. pack, simulating stepping out from a tree while drawing. (Video is on my instagram if you want to check it out @stovertileanddesign ) Chris Stover (@stovertileanddesign) • Instagram photos and videos Shanked this one. I think I peeked, and I should have taken one more split second after my clicker to focus on the spot better. Killed me to not be able and try the shot again. One arrow a day is killing me.


Day 4: I called this one "Don't Look at the Antlers". Kneeling wearing everything and a 17lb pack . Partly cloudy 65° and windy 12mph with 18 mph gusts from right to left at the target. Shot felt good and was good. I will post the video on my instagram. Link to it above on day 3


Day 5: Standing with 17lb pack and slightly elevated heart rate. Partly cloudy, 60degrees, and slightly breezy. Jogged to the target, did 10 pushups, and then jogged back. (Video on my instagram). Made sure to focus on a spot more, once I hit my clicker, unlike day 3. Thank you to all the sponsors and rokslide for putting this on, this has been fun. So glad I am done though and can shoot more today.

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Jun 24, 2014
Hey everyone! First time posting in awhile. I have shot trad for a few years now but picked up a compound a few weeks ago for the first time. Ill be attempting my first archery hunt this fall. Roosevelt Elk is the intended species. Ill also have a Blacktail tag on me but I'm not holding my breath on the chance of seeing one of those. I'm shooting a 60 lb. PSE Bowmadness 32. I have an Apex 5-pin, Trophy Ridge Whisker Biscuit and 10" Bee Stinger stabilizer with 8 oz. of weight up front. I'll be using Gold Tip Hunters in a 300 spine with a 125 gr. Slick Trick broadhead up front. Right now I'm still shooting with field tips.

MER - 40 yards

Day 1 - Late afternoon and the wind was a bit gusty. Shot was taken from standing. I guessed it was a bit low.


Day 2 - Early morning with no wind to speak of. Shot was taken from standing. Guessed it was to the left.


Day 3 - Late afternoon again with that same gusty wind. Shot was taken from kneeling this time. Called it high at the release.


Day 4 - Late afternoon and gusty. Shot from kneeling right after a long run so the pin was floating a good bit more than I would have like. Should have let down from my draw and regrouped but didn't...


Day 5 - Late afternoon with a strong crosswind coming from my right. Knew it was bad the second I released.


Lessons Learned - Glad I have another 3 months of practice till the season opens. This was a great practice method and I'm glad I didn't use 50 yards like I originally intended. Wind was much more a factor than I had originally guessed it would be. You live and learn. Happy hunting, everyone!
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Jun 18, 2016
I’ve been lurking here on Rokslide learning a lot. It’s time to start participating. This cold bow challenge is great! I started last weekend and it took me this long to figure out how to post with pics . Robby, if I’m out of line posting after the fact, let me know and I’ll start over.

Here’s what I’m shooting.

Bowtech Experience ~65lbs
Fast Eddie XL two pin
QAD rest
Goldtip Pierce Platinum 300 at 440grains

MER 50yds for small TX deer. All The distance I can get in the yard.


Day 1 (19 May)
Just put a new sight tape on the sight and verified the day prior. Shooting at the barely visible black circle. Wind right quartering tailwind 10-13mph.

Day 2 (21 May)
Shooting before work at sunrise. Slight tailwind. I redrew the circle, but it didn’t help much at 50yds and low light...

Day 3 (22 May)
Again, just before leaving for work. Wind calm. I’m doing ok so far! May not get to shoot for the next couple days. Early work days and otherwise busy.

Day 4 (26 May)
Finally got a chance to shoot with the kiddo down for a nap. Sunny, just before 1100 and wind calm at the shot. I must’ve dropped or rotated my bow hand at the shot. Bad follow thru. Still in the kill zone, but much less room for error and/or obstructions than I like.

Day 5 (27 May)
Last shot of the challenge and I screwed up and rushed the shot. Sunny, hot (90°), at 1130 with right quartering tailwind of 8-13mph. Shot kneeling and punched the trigger causing me to torque the bow a bit. I need to concentrate more on those back muscles!

Lessons Learned:
Focus and be patient! Trying to force that last shot just reemphasized the point. This is a great challenge and a great way to keep the edge honed just before and periodically during the season. Even if it is just a couple days in a row. Hopefully someday I’ll get a place with more room to shoot and eventually get out to elk country!

Thank you Robby for setting this up and getting us to concentrate on making that first shot count!

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Slim Jim

Jun 7, 2012
Las Vegas, NV
Question for Robby

I’m heading up to work on my cabin tomorrow and I’ll be there for a week with no service. I should be back by the 3rd. Can I post all of the days at once when I get back? If so I’m in

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Jul 23, 2017
Well this is going to be fun. Since I got my OTC Archery tags here in WA and will also be hunting archery in NC this year i need to step up my game. I am a beginner bow hunter. I got a multi season tag 3 years ago in WA and bought a bow. So this will be my first year only hunting with a bow in my home state of Washington. My Max Range is 30 yards since that is all I can get out of my yard. Below are my bow stats.

Bear Attitude
27.5 in draw
65 lbs pull ( i think I need to increase this)
Beman Hunter Classic Arrows

Today around 4:15 was my first shot. Slight head on wind once the arrow exited the tunnel in between houses.

First pic is the tunnel looking at where I am shooting.

Today's shot was about 2 inches left and 3/4 in low of the center bulls eye, which will be my intended vital area for deer and elk.

Today (Friday the 25th) 4:05 PM overcast about 65 degrees, no wind. i was just a little high.

Day number 3. Shot taken at 9:03AM . Overcast about 55 degrees. No wind. Shot pretty level but 4 inches left.

Day number 4. the 27th shot taken at 1:50. Was sunny and warm, no wind. Shot was pretty good and on the money...ish.

Day 5, last day of the challenge. Shot taken at 9:50, temp was about 50 degrees, no wind. Another good shot.

This wraps up the Cold Bow Challenge. It was really a challenge to only shoot one arrow. I think I will attempt this again, when it comes closer to hunting season and I will try and extend my range.
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Tony Trietch

Part Time Bow Hiker
Staff member
Jul 28, 2013
Northern MI, USA
I’ve been waiting for my sights to get here but now I’m dialed.
I’ll be shooting at 90 yards.
My set up is;
Hoyt REDWRX Carbon RX-1 Ultra
Hamskea Hybrid Hunter Pro
Option Archery Quivalizer & Option 8 sight
Victory VAP 300 @ 455 grains
Ironwill S125 head



Weather tonight is mid 70s and calm winds.
Day 2

Clear and cool this morning for shot 2.

Warm and humid this morning. I felt my bow arm drop st the shot. Still dead though.
Day four

Hot and calm. I ran a half marathon today and figured it would mess with my shot. Not sure I’ll do better than this one. Felt great.

Day 5

Hot today! 85 and humid. 10mph cross wind.
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