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  1. MissHighcountry_Hellrazor

    Career for Outdoorsmen

    Haha well if your wife has any say in the matter : take as many days off as u can for hunting (as long as u take me w u ; )
  2. MissHighcountry_Hellrazor

    Weight loss

    Haha. So would I. (Especially if its in a milkshake). I mean a milkshake has calcium, potassium, phosphorus and protein right? Thus it should be considered "healthy" lol haha
  3. MissHighcountry_Hellrazor

    Weight loss

    Technically ALL calories are considered equal because they all are sources of energy that the body uses as fuel. A calorie from fat is the exact same as a calorie from a carbohydrate source when pertaining to how your body uses it to fuel itself. That's the problem of giving nutritional advice...
  4. MissHighcountry_Hellrazor

    Weight loss

    Haha yes. Thank you. That was a typo. If that was the case, I'd be considered unhealthy too. The correct statement is "1.5 lbs per week"
  5. MissHighcountry_Hellrazor

    Half marathon training?

    When I was training for my half... I used the free apps available for iPhone and androids. They were awesome and the free ones were just as effective as the apps you have to pay for.
  6. MissHighcountry_Hellrazor

    Electrolyte replacement

    As a nutritionalist, in all reality, if you intake enough sodium and potassium, and calcium and fluids (you easily get enough from foods such as Mountain House meals) you really don't need to be concerned with not getting enough electrolytes during your backpacking trip and having to use other...
  7. MissHighcountry_Hellrazor

    Weight loss

    Chad44 I am currently a nutritionist and thought I’d offer my two cents. Based off the information given (obviously I have never met you so I don’t know your physical, medical or mental status thus I just took a basic outline approach. Therefore I must go off your activity lvl and BMI. If you...
  8. MissHighcountry_Hellrazor

    Best protein shake flavor recipes

    Here is another one. I like making them with fruit too but I get to bored w the same shakes every day. I have to keep changing them up and creating new ones. Piña colada protein shake 1 scoop of vanilla protein power 1 c almond milk (or whatever type of milk you like) 1/4 c pineapple...
  9. MissHighcountry_Hellrazor

    Oatmeal eaters. heads up. Bob Red Mill quick cook steel cut oats.

    Take a look at those Quaker oatmeal single servings in the paper-ish bowl. Great choices w fruits and nuts plus make a great bowl for backcountry that u can keep reusing or burn in fire. Really great for my backpack in for elk last season
  10. MissHighcountry_Hellrazor

    Best protein shake flavor recipes

    For the Christmas spirit: Sugar Cookie Shake 1 scoop Vanilla protein power 1 TBSP coconut oil 1 cup basically frozen almond milk Dash of almond extract Dash of vanilla extract
  11. MissHighcountry_Hellrazor

    Rokslide beard contest poll. VOTE!

    Littlebuf has my vote for sure lol
  12. MissHighcountry_Hellrazor

    Best protein shake flavor recipes

    What's everyone's favorite recipe for protein shakes ? I made this one today and it tasted AMAZING! Apple Pie 8 oz almond milk (semi frozen) 2 scoops vanilla protein power 1/4 c apple sauce 1/2 teaspoon apple pie spice