Youth - 243 or 7mm-08 (break & sub pressed)?

My 7yo got his first rifle this year. I was in the same boat. I went with a Tikka .223 cut down to 16" and threaded for a can. He can shoot that rifle much better than I thought. I'm extremely happy I didn't get anything bigger.

Go that route 100% without question. He's not scared or even a bit timid with it. He shot 3 deer with it last year and smoked them all thanks to his shooting and 77tmks.

Theres no better first rifle. It will be my truck gun after my younger son uses it too. It's a solid setup.
@Blind Squirrel I am using your daughter’s video for the example- nothing personal.

For all the people that are claiming 243win, 6.5cm, 7mm-08, etc “don’t recoil”- you are clueless.

This is a 243. Look at the head movement and gun movement.

This is where her head starts right before recoil-
View attachment 838432

Then starting recoil-
View attachment 838434

Mid recoil-
View attachment 838435

At the end of recoil-
View attachment 838436

The difference in head movement between start and stop-
View attachment 838437

That’s a 6-8 inch snap of the head in an extremely short time frame- that’s getting into TBI levels.

10 ft-lbs of recoil for an 80lb person is akin to a 338 RUM for a normal adult male, and when you factor the massive difference in muscle mass, especially in the neck and shoulders to hold the head still- it is a huge level of recoil to the brain.

Yes we all learned as a kid on 12ga and 300 win mags- I certainly did. It doesn’t mean it was right, and it doesn’t mean it didn’t cause damage.
This hurts my feelings…more than the recoil hurt her. J/k
Started my son on a .223 youth model 7 until he was about 11, then graduated to a Tikka T3 7mm08. He was always small for his age, but he killed the crap out of everything he shot with that rifle including 25 or so aoudad, several whitetails, several muley bucks, and a couple of antelope. It was paired with a mild 2600fps 120 nosler BT making it a real pussycat. Rifle wore a Leupold VX3 2.5-8x36.
All this talk about cartridge and the girl is shooting with the rifle resting by the barrel. That's another reason ARs with long handguards are a good choice.

This list is percent difference of recoil from 243 assuming all rifles are 7.5#.

60gr 223 -65%
170gr 357 -55%
60gr 22-250 -41%
123gr 6.5 Grendel -29%
100gr 257 Roberts -6%
100gr 243 0%
150gr 30-30 3%
240gr .44mag 16%
120gr 6.5 Creedmoor 17%
In regards to recoil, know that some rifles(like the ruger american) have weight kits that can add weight to the gun.
Clamping the gun into a BOG aluminum deathgrip(that weighs 8lbs.) will help too. If we're whitetail hunting, it's usually from a ground blind with the BOG. that is how my kids took their first deer.
I've been using a Ruger American Compact in .243 for my girls the last several years and honestly it was pushing it on what they could handle. Suppressed it, and did a reduced recoil load with IMR 4895 and 85 gr SGK and now it feels like a pellet gun. They enjoy shooting and it carries velocity further than they are going to be shooting.
I think a full load with 243 or 7-08 is too much for a 7 year old.

I started my son at 8 with a 243 and reduced his loads way down. He killed an elk with it no problem. Now he’s 10 and weighs 95lbs but I have no plans to up him to hot loads. He currently has no bad habits and can shoot really well from field positions. No fear of the gun at all. The last thing I want to do is screw that up.

I’ve been carrying that gun around and using it myself to test bullets. The 90gr eldx, at the super reduced 2,500fps, has given me the fastest kills.