Your first deer rifle?

Remington ADL 270. It’s all I had from the mid 90s until ~ 2018 or so.

The blueing was all rubbed off of it from cleaning it and carrying it around so much. Blind magazine, plastic stock. Bushnell 4x scope. I shot winchester silver tip 130g bullets I got from Walmart. Those were the only bullets I’d buy because they shot so well.

I used it on deer, elk, a few bears and a handful of pronghorns over the ~ 25 years I hunted with it. Sadly it was stolen about 10 years ago. Sometimes I think of trying to buy another just for nostalgia.

The one I had had checkered grip on the plastic stock, not that later model with the softer rubber in the grip areas. It also had open sights. If anybody has one like that and they want to move it, PM me.
MY first deer rifle? Ruger 308 Win.
But first rifle I hunted with at age 12 was my Dad's 30-30. Really didn't like it. Too frickin heavy for my skinny little arms at that age, and of course that meant aim was all over the place with those iron sights. But I will say it has left me with a "thing" about wanting lever actions...
My dad bought me a .50 muzzleloader when I was about nine. First doe was taken with it. For years, I used my great-uncle’s .243 and was very successful with it. Killed my first CO mule deer 4x4 with my dad’s .270 (kicked the SNOT out of me). He’s currently on my wall. Didn’t actually own my first deer rifle until I around 20. Bought a 30-06. Perfect for those KY whitetail. One of the best guns I own. I have a few rifles to choose from now, so it’s all about the terrain/animal I’m trying to harvest. I do enjoy taking the muzzleloader to a shooting range though...
Being in Michigan, my first deer rifles were all shotguns. Worked up from basic smooth bores, to a fully rifled scoped 870 (fancy!) and finally when they allowed straight walled rifle rounds moved through 44 mag to 450 Bushmaster which is what I use currently
Remington 700 in .243. Was the only rifle I had for 20 years till I got a tikka a couple years ago. Harvested a lot of deer and some antelope with it.