For those that believe in the concept of "I pay federal taxes so I deserve...":
You can still hunt federal land, where legal to do so, every single year even as a non-resident. Be the actual hunter you pretend to be and do the Squirrel Slam of North America. You get to hunt much of the same country that the WRK-worthy whitetail, black bear, elk, mule deer, mountain goat, mountain lion, Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep, desert bighorn sheep, bison, grizzly bear, etc. live in.
Ask all of your "of age" biological females how they feel about federal taxes payers having "free use" of them. Go for an unannounced and uninvited stroll on and in a military base, the Capitol, the White House, etc. Go build a home in the middle of Yellowstone National Park. Go to some of the three letter agencies and tell them to hand over all of the information they are housing. Federal taxes paid for, directly or indirectly, all of these examples. Just because you pay federal taxes, it does not mean that you get your desired access to everything that those federal taxes dollars get spent on.
You can vent about things being unfair or you can open up your wallet and buy the change you want. Your position has to be valuable enough ($$$) that the powers that be can safely risk pissing off enough residents to do what you want them to.