Wyoming G&F, how de we get a voice as NR's?

SD doesn't need federal money or big game money? Please tell me your joking, state couldn't survive without it. ~$65 Mil/year just on wildlife is in SDs budget. That's 50% more than you spend on your entire tourism department.
It doesn't come from the lowly taxes collected in the state, just another welfare system paid by people who don't live there.

You should prob read your states budget
What does the nr big game put in vs the nr pheasant licenses?

Just looked pheasant hunting generates 233 million a year

I’m sure deer and antelope are a fraction of that.
What does the nr big game put in vs the nr pheasant licenses?

Just looked pheasant hunting generates 233 million a year

I’m sure deer and antelope are a fraction of that.
That's the revenue for the economy, not how much revenue it puts into the State F&G. two different things...
That's the revenue for the economy, not how much revenue it puts into the State F&G. two different things...
Ya a whole bunch of that ends up on the fish and game pocket. Compared to big game we would not even miss the minuscule amount of license sold.
This is one of those residents providing a voice for NR, the other resident I referenced was against this.

Question: How did the bill raising the special license fees come about?


The Wyoming Legislature, Game & Fish Commission and the Governor created a task force to study and put forth recommendations regarding wildlife and licensing issues. One very important idea studied by the WWTF was to create an outfitter only draw. The idea of an outfitter draw was studied in depth by the WWTF and ultimately it just didn’t have the support as a viable alternative. The WWTF recognized very early in the process the significant financial contribution to Wyoming’s tourism industry by outfitted non residents. We have also seen a huge increase in demand for Wyoming’s limited non resident licenses. The best example is our G & F department has received over 30,000 applications for non resident elk licenses for 7,250 total full price licenses the last two years.

This increase in applications has caused significantly harder draw odds. The difference between the special license fees and the regular license fees just wasn’t enough. The large volume of non resident applicants speaks volumes about the quality of Wyoming hunting and our licenses are under priced. In any business if your are turning away 75% of potential customers its obvious your product is severely under priced.

The bill recently passed by the legislature was put forth and supported by the WWTF by a super majority vote of 16-1-1. The regular license fee which is 60% of the available quota does not go up thus widening the gap between the special and regular license fees. Our logic was a wide gap between the two types of licenses would certainly benefit the outfitted client willing to pay much higher fees for better draw odds.
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As far as NR providing written comments .....

NR’s please listen to this a couple times. They don’t care at all what our opinion is. Send your money for tags and points, but other than that the TF couldn’t give two shits our opinion on anything.
Treat the states you hunt accordingly.
If my state elected representative put the wants of people not in the state he is elected in above those within that state I'd be pissed.

I see that as a Senator doing what he feels is best for the people of his state. Nothing more. His job is not to care what anyone not in Wyoming thinks. It's to represent people that live in Wyoming and their best interests.

Do you guys seriously think that someone elected to the Wyoming Senate should care what someone from across the country thinks?
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I get that you are elected to serve the people of your state . In my opinion he should have stated that this is his first and foremost responsibilty , but he totally disrespected his NR "customers" who pay a substantial amount of money to his state . I see from numbers above " business" must be good . Im sure a large percentage of hunting is done on Federal lands . It will be interesting as hunting on federal lands comes under attack how attitudes would change if that was ever significantly limited or illegal .
I get that you are elected to serve the people of your state . In my opinion he should have stated that this is his first and foremost responsibilty , but he totally disrespected his NR "customers" who pay a substantial amount of money to his state . I see from numbers above " business" must be good . Im sure a large percentage of hunting is done on Federal lands . It will be interesting as hunting on federal lands comes under attack how attitudes would change if that was ever significantly limited or illegal .
If federal land hunting become illegal the nonresident hunting economy in ALL western states would virtually grind to a halt. That hypothetical makes no difference in the discussion.
Just found this article while doing some casual research. It has quotes from this forum among others. Kind of funny.

Just found this article while doing some casual research. It has quotes from this forum among others. Kind of funny.

Ironic they are using the term "entitled" when speaking of residents.

Does NV and UT allocate as many tags as Wyoming for NR's? Serious question.
If federal land hunting become illegal the nonresident hunting economy in ALL western states would virtually grind to a halt. That hypothetical makes no difference in the discussion.
Residents as well. A home run for the anti's would be ALL federal land . I dont see them working that way . Wolf refuge here, spotted owl there. Endangered squirrel . Mountain bike only. They will use any angle
Just found this article while doing some casual research. It has quotes from this forum among others. Kind of funny.

Before clicking the link I was 100% confident Ron Shaul wrote it.
Do a little searching and you will see old Ron is about as reasonable as a badger when it comes to non-resident hunting. I'm surprised he hasn't proposed a wall around Wyoming from September to January.
Before clicking the link I was 100% confident Ron Shaul wrote it.
Do a little searching and you will see old Ron is about as reasonable as a badger when it comes to non-resident hunting. I'm surprised he hasn't proposed a wall around Wyoming from September to January.

Oh I know it’s done radical. I just find it funny that it is essentially a compilation of whiners from all of these forums.

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I do believe the idea of "state owned game" could easily be challenged and re-challenged in the courts depending how much time , money, and motive somebody has . I have always wondered when a deer hits my truck why i cant send the repair bill to the state of minnesota after all they are they legal owner and responsible for their deer's action
Heck, here in Wyoming if you hit somebody's cow on the public road you have to pay for the cow!

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For those that believe in the concept of "I pay federal taxes so I deserve...":

You can still hunt federal land, where legal to do so, every single year even as a non-resident. Be the actual hunter you pretend to be and do the Squirrel Slam of North America. You get to hunt much of the same country that the WRK-worthy whitetail, black bear, elk, mule deer, mountain goat, mountain lion, Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep, desert bighorn sheep, bison, grizzly bear, etc. live in.

Ask all of your "of age" biological females how they feel about federal taxes payers having "free use" of them. Go for an unannounced and uninvited stroll on and in a military base, the Capitol, the White House, etc. Go build a home in the middle of Yellowstone National Park. Go to some of the three letter agencies and tell them to hand over all of the information they are housing. Federal taxes paid for, directly or indirectly, all of these examples. Just because you pay federal taxes, it does not mean that you get your desired access to everything that those federal taxes dollars get spent on.

You can vent about things being unfair or you can open up your wallet and buy the change you want. Your position has to be valuable enough ($$$) that the powers that be can safely risk pissing off enough residents to do what you want them to.