Wyoming corner crossing verdict

Dec 30, 2017

Looking forward to the comments! Personally I think this verdict was a No brainer!

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Ditto. Glad that there's now precedent. At least in WY.

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I'm no lawyer. I'm also not a d bag trying to prosecute people accessing public land.

I think these clubs, lodges, et al are going to be fighting off of their back foot now that this passed.

I wouldn't think twice about crossing over their air.

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What does this mean for all of us? Does this mean we can cross corners now?
No, it most certainly does not. This in no way sets precedent. Every case and it's details are different. But it's a step in the right direction. The law is still on the books that says airspace belongs to the property owner. Just because a jury found them not guilty doesn't erase that or make it not a law. A different court or jury could easily find someone guilty of the same offense.

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No, it most certainly does not. This in no way sets precedent. Every case and it's details are different. But it's a step in the right direction. The law is still on the books that says airspace belongs to the property owner. Just because a jury found them not guilty doesn't erase that or make it not a law. A different court or jury could easily find someone guilty of the same offense.

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The airspace belongs to the SEVERAL property owners.
I think folks should flood that dudes area

Not looking for anyone's honey hole but....

It's funny, the landowner is obviously self righteous, but I really do think it is best to exercise your right not go out of your way to be a bad neighbor and do things solely in spite. But by all means I am looking at corners in a different light regardless if this technically set a precedence.
The hunters are being sued for more than $50,000. That's currently in federal court. The ranch lawyers are asking for the case to be returned to state court. I would wait to see what comes from that before jumping every corner in Carbon County. If it stays in federal court, case law will be made with the civil suit for the 10th Circuit. If the landowner loses, appeals, and the 10th Circuit rejects hearing it, then that will give you guidance. If the hunters lose, appeal, and the 10th Circuit agrees or disagrees with the hunters, then you will have guidance. That's the real game, IMO.
In the short term, maybe it will make landowners think twice about trying to prosecute corner crossers. I like the verdict, but I also like things to be black and white and there is still a whole lot of gray area surrounding the corner crossing issue.
Interesting, a multimillionaire getting pissed because somebody's shoulders passed through his airspace. Pretty pathetic if you ask me. Basically, if the sheriff does not write criminal trespassing tickets to anyone who noses into a private drive, he is admitting that he was bought and payed for and thus in violation of his oath of office. Same for the prosecutor.
This is great news. It might not set a precedent but it’s a step in the right direction. Prosecutors absolutely do NOT want to lose cases. They’ll think twice about taking the next one!