Cartridge choice for sheep hunt

Nothing like turning a sheep thread into a charging bear self defense thread.

Maybe those who have killed sheep should post what they killed their sheep with?
4 sheep with a 7 saum, (it also has killed 3 mt goats and some bears) and a couple sheep shot with a bow 😆 I don’t think they are that tough,

But 1 “charging” brown bear that ran between my buddy and my self that was yelled off 😬 that was sketchy for a second. It always happens way faster than expected. The buddy had a pistol and didn’t see the bear til it was between us and heard the commotion. My rifle was strapped on the pack with a dead sheep.

I Yelled at the bear and it realized what we were and luckily kept running. By the time I got the rifle off and my friend down the rock-slide pulled the pistol the bear was hi tailing it out of effective range weaving in and out of trees

On another sheep hunt I had a stupid black bear destroy my camp! I left for about an hour in the morning to glass a ridge- I had to move about a quarter mile to get a good view. I come back and another hunter is standing by my camp and asks if I saw the bear. I say no but look at my tent, sleeping bag and food all destroyed! The hunter heads off another direction and I take stock of the situation- need to pull out. While cleaning up I hear some noise behind me and see that black bear coming back! Needless to say he took a 7mm bullet in the chest and I packed down a hide and skull with the rest of the mess!

After that I make a point to shoot bears when sheep hunting!
Anyone who is going on a Guided sheep hunt, needs to give next to zero concern about packing a rifle that they feel needs to protect them from a bear attack. Your are with a guide who carries a gun for that purpose.

Besides, any gun that you are carrying for sheep would have the potential to stop a charge.

Remember, you don’t need to kill a charging brown bear in one shot. All you are doing is stopping an initial charge so you can either get out of the situation or have time to place a CNS shot(s).
For what it's worth. On 3 of my 4 northern sheep hunts the guide didn't carry a weapon.
For what it's worth. On 3 of my 4 northern sheep hunts the guide didn't carry a weapon.
Unless he did that because he knew that you were particularly competent, that sounds pretty naive of the guide to 1: trust that his hunters had foolproof rifle systems that would hold zero and make an ethical shot on a ram, and 2: trust that his hunter was able to act as his protector in the slim case of a bear encounter lol.