So my dilemma.. I haven’t rifle hunted in the past 10 years and always filled my tags with archery equipment. I picked my rifle up this year and just really enjoyed the heck out of roaming around with the rifle on my back.
Over the years I have built some history with a couple rifles, one being my dads and those are retired and set aside for my son. Last year I traded for a Browning AB3 in 6.5cm. Short compact gun and I figured itd be good to beat around with. Turned out to be the very best shooting gun I have ever owned.
My problem is I can not stand the thoughts having and building history with a gun that has a plastic trigger and trigger guard. So would you all buy a much higher quality gun in hopes it shoots as good as the cheapo? I do not reload and only shoot factory ammo. So far this Browning has shot 1/2-3/4” moa with all 4 diff types of ammo I’ve shot through it.
I can’t stand the thoughts of dropping a bunch of money on a gun and then it not shooting as good as a cheap gun. Then again I cant stand having a gun with a plastic trigger and gaurd… What would you guys do?
Lmfao at the title, 'would you hunt with a cheap gun?'...too funny. Yes bro, and most people do lol. Maybe not on this forum so much.
The 21st century is wonderful as finding sub-moa with factory ammo tends to be the norm now with cheap or expensive guns. The accuracy part may not need to be the primary consideration part so much as what speaks to you and your personality.
Are you're looking for a girlfriend or a tool? I have done both and seem happier doing things with less $ tied up in the equipment than more. I get annoyed now if I see a ton of money sitting around in gear that sees very little action so I aim for more versatile and cost effective options, and sold off the fancy stuff.
Pride of ownership is a personal thing. Shoot what speaks to you. If you like to impress others...shoot what impresses them lol.
You can take a cheap gun and spruce it up into a chassis or aftermarket stuff as well and lessen the cheapness lol. That's what I did, I run a Ruger American in a chassis with decent glass and happy as a pig in poo. I didn't do it for long range precision type shooting or fashion as hunting is all I care about, predators/big game, but rather 21st century versatility, found more control in the pistol grip, shoot it very well, no gunsmithing required for awesome bedding job, no plastic trigger guard haha, and running AR accessories makes it fit anyone instantly at the press of a button and having kids come of age that's been wonderful but works for me more than I thought also, positions, clothes, shoulder strap of pack etc.
Have fun, you'll figure it out eventually, hopefully before you spend what I did over the past couple decades.
p.s. I don't get the sentiment thing, if you're a gear junky you're not likely to be hunting with the hand me downs in this day and age of awesomeness. I'll be building the same rigs to pass off to the kids as they will never need anything else and can keep as primary or back up for life. Mostly tools for function. If they get passionate they can go down all the rabbit holes and have the same fun like I did. They just aren't allowed to sell the one I give them and must keep as back up, at least until I ship off to the next life. They can bury me with mine.