I am rough on stocks. I do backpack hunt. Lost a Marlin 336 front sight cover tumbling, carrying out a small coues in near dark, and later cracked the rear stock.
Took an heirloom bird gun, o/u type, mtn lion hunting, and fell, slipped, denting a tad the lower barrel. Friend thinks I am nuts. AZ has rugged mtns, lol.
But I truly enjoy an attractive weapon laying atop a pack as I make noon tea and glass.
Asked my girlfriend this morning over coffee her thoughts on this thread. Showed her the Ruger American (which an acquaintance uses even though he makes over twice my yearly), and then one of my "dream rifles," the SAKO Bavarian carbine. She does not hunt, but plinks a little, and she said I should save for the SAKO. Good girlfriend, yes?
A rifle or bow should please you when you look at it, for reasons that are yours and yours alone. Accuracy and reliability up to your personal standards, of course.