Would you hunt with a cheap rifle?

My good friend has filled his freezer for the last ten years with a second hand mossberg 4x4 in 30-06. Even the scope has mossberg slapped on the side as it was a package deal. I dont think he has any intention of ever getting another rifle as his shots have all been under 200 yards.

If it works it works, right?
I am offended by overly expensive gear in general. That doesnt mean I won’t pop for good gear if I must. I have bad feet so I had to spend more than I want to admit on a custom modded pair of boots.

For many years I hunted with a $200 vintage Rem 700 in 30-06 topped with a $150 tasco scope. With the exception of 1, all the animals I shot at ended up in the freezer. No one ever gave me a hard time about it. Now I have a Tikka t3 that is a better tool than the old Rem 700, though still not expensive. I really don’t care what anyone thinks of my gear.

in your case you should be able to trick tht rifle up if you want to, but you certainly don’t need to.
Whatever you can afford, ya know? Just is what it is. That cheap lil Remington 783 is nicely accurate for my .223 Rem. A Remlin .30-30 336BL. And Savage Trophy Hunter in .308 Win. Oh and a Bushmaster in 5.56/.223. Weapon wise, the AR was the most.

But combo wise, the 308 significantly higher overall cost after upgrading to the Burris Veracity.

Definitely no frills. But when I asked about this kinda stuff in the beginning everybody told me "it's a Hunting rifle, why would you care about it being all 'pretty' cause it's just gonna get scratched up anyway... (if you're actually hiking-in several miles to your spots). And gotta say they were right about that part.
The most expensive rifle in my safe never gets used simply because it's not accurate.
Recently bought a Ruger American Predator in .308 thats getting the most use.
I am rough on stocks. I do backpack hunt. Lost a Marlin 336 front sight cover tumbling, carrying out a small coues in near dark, and later cracked the rear stock.

Took an heirloom bird gun, o/u type, mtn lion hunting, and fell, slipped, denting a tad the lower barrel. Friend thinks I am nuts. AZ has rugged mtns, lol.

But I truly enjoy an attractive weapon laying atop a pack as I make noon tea and glass.

Asked my girlfriend this morning over coffee her thoughts on this thread. Showed her the Ruger American (which an acquaintance uses even though he makes over twice my yearly), and then one of my "dream rifles," the SAKO Bavarian carbine. She does not hunt, but plinks a little, and she said I should save for the SAKO. Good girlfriend, yes?

A rifle or bow should please you when you look at it, for reasons that are yours and yours alone. Accuracy and reliability up to your personal standards, of course.
I just got back into hunting last year after almost 10 years off besides a few years where I turjey hunted. Bought a browning ab3 in 30-06 and got a deer with it in november. Its not the greatest gun ever thats for sure. It has served me well so far though. I am going to buy a nicer hunting rifle this year, but Ill keep the browning as a back up and take it out if the weather is nasty, but I still want to hunt.
I've killed a lot of animals with a $399 Weatherby Vanguard in 300 Wby. I have plenty of rifles but every time I'm getting ready for a hunt I habitually reach for the Vanguard. The only time it let me down was due to the scope not the rifle.