Worst thing to ever happen to elk hunting

And yet here you are on social media. Crazy isn't it?
I’m not going to waste the time it would take to detail all the reasons why this forum isn’t “social media” in the sense of what is considered “social media”........but it’s not even close. Forums were being used by people before MySpace even existed. We all know what social media is, and this ain’t it so don’t event attempt to word-smith your way into making someone believe that nonsense.
As to the post above, social media is nothing but a cancer on society....in more ways than I can even count.
I’m not going to waste the time it would take to detail all the reasons why this forum isn’t “social media” in the sense of what is considered “social media”........but it’s not even close. Forums were being used by people before MySpace even existed. We all know what social media is, and this ain’t it so don’t event attempt to word-smith your way into making someone believe that nonsense.
As to the post above, social media is nothing but a cancer on society....in more ways than I can even count.

forms of electronic communication (such as websites for social networking and microblogging) through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content (such as videos)

You are right, this isn't a form of electronic communication through which users create online communities to share information and ideas.

forms of electronic communication (such as websites for social networking and microblogging) through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content (such as videos)

You are right, this isn't a form of electronic communication through which users create online communities to share information and ideas.

Well I would guess we can all assume what I mean by social media. But yes your a pretty clever fella to call me out....
Well I would guess we can all assume what I mean by social media. But yes your a pretty clever fella to call me out....
He has reading comprehension issues.

“in the sense of what is considered social media”......meaning what society views as social media platforms. He knows what it meant. He just doesn’t want to be bested publicly. Many things in today’s society, aren’t by “definition” what we consider them.
He has reading comprehension issues.

“in the sense of what is considered social media”......meaning what society views as social media platforms. He knows what it meant. He just doesn’t want to be bested publicly. Many things in today’s society, aren’t by “definition” what we consider them.
Based on the questions I get, I doubt many are finding your spots by looking at onx. Where They get them is asking on rokslide for “a place to start” since “I’ll never draw it again” people fall over themselves pm’ing all their hotspots. That guy tells 2 more because “they’ll never draw again” so on and so on.
Braggers with big mouths! Could b telling the biggest laziest prk around a place to go hunt?? Stunning ly stupid idiots
It's always interesting to see anti nonresident sentiment. Especially as it relates to NATIONAL Forest land in the UNITED States of America.

Merka, F-yeah!

Out of curiosity, what resident elk tag did the USFS sell you in the past and how many federal points did it take to draw? Maybe BLM tags?
As a first timer, who bought himself two used packs from this site and used onX to scout his spots, read Wyoming JCR reports going back five years and hopes to hell to find something elky. There are no guaranteed hunts offered by onX.

I really appreciate what Randy Newberg has opened up to me. I may have never tried a DIY hunt without those resources and ideas. He's sharing in a selfless way that promotes the activity and lifestyle plus he's been a champion of wild places and public resources since before he got his camera gig. I can't find fault with him for any of that.

Worst thing to happen to elk hunting? I can't say I haven't gone yet but appreciate the willingness to share from members of this forum that's helping my first trip be successful in small ways.

If there's anything I would change is the minimum age to buy points my 5 YO son has to wait to start accumulating those $10 Wyoming youth points if ya wanna complain i guess that's gonna ruin the elk hunting in 13 years or so!!
As a first timer, who bought himself two used packs from this site and used onX to scout his spots, read Wyoming JCR reports going back five years and hopes to hell to find something elky. There are no guaranteed hunts offered by onX.

I really appreciate what Randy Newberg has opened up to me. I may have never tried a DIY hunt without those resources and ideas. He's sharing in a selfless way that promotes the activity and lifestyle plus he's been a champion of wild places and public resources since before he got his camera gig. I can't find fault with him for any of that.

Worst thing to happen to elk hunting? I can't say I haven't gone yet but appreciate the willingness to share from members of this forum that's helping my first trip be successful in small ways.

If there's anything I would change is the minimum age to buy points my 5 YO son has to wait to start accumulating those $10 Wyoming youth points if ya wanna complain i guess that's gonna ruin the elk hunting in 13 years or so!!

Randy is a good guy. The only people that have problems with him are the “old hands” that think they are more entitled to public land than the new guys are. They won’t admit it, but that’s just how it is. They think since they “burned boot leather”, they have more right to “a spot” than a new guy.
I wish you the best of luck on your first hunt.
Thanks! It's cow elk and whitetail antlerless. Meat hunt and i can't wait for the trip.

Having hunted broken parcel, eastern whitetails and waterfowl for 25 years I am happy to try something new. Its exciting.

I do get the partiality guys express. I feel that way about my mushroom spots and my opening morning duck spot on Lake St. Clair. I've been beaten to both before and you can't get mad. I kind of hope others do well and get the same experience i did. if I'm honest, being lazy contributed to being spot robbed before. Taking it for granted.
I’ve been hunting elk as a nonresident for 24 years, so I’m not “new” to the game. That being said, I use OnX, GoHUNT, GoogleEarth, forums, game&fish officers, and any other source of information I can find. I have a drawer full of paper USGS maps and I still order and use them.

I’ve seen the influx of new people to new areas like everyone else. I’m actually going to a “new” area this year due to pressures on my old stomping grounds.

Couple questions here..#1 what’s wrong with someone using every resource they can to further their knowledge? We don’t all live in the mountains. #2 I’M GUESSING THAT NONE OF THE PEOPLE COMPLAINING ABOUT “NEW” PRESSURE HAVE EVER HUNTED A NEW SPOT??? I’m sure I’ll get cussed this yr when someone sees my tags on my truck.. but I’m not “new”.

Human nature to complain when we see others obtain things easily that it took us more work or time to obtain.
Easier access to information certainly has made a lot of things easier to learn about.
Social media(forums, or not) is how I've seen most spots get blown up. They're still huntable, but it certainly doesn't feel like wilderness when everyone is chasing the ghost of a giant bull that someone posted online.

That said. I 100% cyber scout with every free resource. I use social media to find spots and don't even have to scout some spots anymore because of braggarts posting everything. No reason for me to risk trail cameras if a guy needs the world to see all his photos. The moment we hit post that info becomes public knowledge just like anything else online.
Then I can scout other spots instead, but know the caliber of animals in an area because a guy wants people to "smash that like button".

It's not going away. So I adapt to the situation. :)
Having lived in a area blessed with Elk/Deer and Blue ribbon Trout fishing for over 30yrs I have seen along with friends and local guides things change dramatically here in the last 10-15yrs, in not only the hunting but also to a even greater extent the fishing.

I along with many of you place the experience and quality of the hunt/fish higher on the list of importance than the harvest and that I'm sad to say at least in my area has gone down the toilet. Why has the experience gone downhill so fast? In my opinion it was caused by a lot of factors ranging from lose lips(I'm guilty of this) magazines, internet forums, youtube stars, social media and the overall ease at which data can be obtained and fine tuned.
The number of people that are running from cities to live in paradise the last few years has also added to the pressure.
Non residents that flock to Idaho to hunt and fish for their brief visit have no idea what it's like to live here year round, if you did you would understand why we're grumpy.