No not necessarily, just my observations though. I think it is just more of the technology that frustrates me and the lack of effort it takes nowadays. I am a relatively young guy but i think I have more of an old timers mindset about some things.
Something to think about how do you think people felt about technology advancing that hunted elk in the 60's, 70's. 80's and so on?
When I started elk hunting, there wasn't the clothing available that there is now, we wore Malone wool pants, wool shirts. My sleeping bag that I backpacked with then, weighed more than my sleeping bag, tent, sleeping pad, and cookstove that I use now...COMBINED. A long shot back then was 300 yards and a rifle that weighed 9lbs loaded was a "feather-weight". Boots sucked major ass back then too, cant tell you how many miles I've hiked in sorels elk hunting.
Whining about technology seems to be a favorite past-time of every generation...but what you're stating here, is really just a fraction of what makes all hunting so much easier today. Lighter, better gear, easier access to information, books, websites, better shooting rifles, more disposable income, ability to travel farther, faster in better vehicles, better optics at cheaper prices,....the list goes on and on.
Plus, there's just this bullchit that many want others to believe that elk hunting and hunting out west is just so difficult, that you need to be some super-athlete to do it. That myth is rapidly dying because that's all just crap, it isn't that tough...and don't tell anyone, but it never has been. Anyone with a even a modest amount of ambition can find elk, hunt elk, and kill elk...just a fact.