Worst thing to ever happen to elk hunting

Everyone that refers to the "situation" in Texas or how Texas is the worst model of "conservation" due to the lack of public lands has no idea of what the history of Texas is all about. We were our own nation, not a territory that had to give up land in order to join the union.

Most of the large tracts of private land go all the way back to Mexican land grants that were grandfathered in when Texas became independent. How this differs from Western Territories is that when Texas entered the Union, it was stipulated that all land would belong to Texans except Federal Military and Civil posts. So when comparing the Texas model to the Western model of conservation, at least know why it is the way it is...it isn't a "situation".

Its also not that bad having a year-round hunting season with unlimited hogs and exotics, a four deer per year limit in most counties with a season that starts in October and lasts through the end of December, and not having to pick a short 7-30 day "season" to hunt big game as happens in most western states.
Only 4 deer? What a joke. Tennessee you can shoot 3 a day from end of Sep til early January. Texas needs to catch up. Hell, y'all run feeders for em anyways.

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Only 4 deer? What a joke. Tennessee you can shoot 3 a day from end of Sep til early January. Texas needs to catch up. Hell, y'all run feeders for em anyways.

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3 does per day in certain units, 2 buck statewide bag. Plus quota hunts. We've got it pretty good as far as whitetails go.
That would seem ideal. I’m guessing that at the time that state game agencies were initial formed, they weren’t anywhere close to being Financially solvent where CPW would probably be better funded if they were set up this way.

On a similar note, ski resorts pay a % of their gross revenue in rent to the Forrest service. This is hundreds of millions of dollars of revenue annually, however, it goes to the dept of revenue General fund and not for FS funding or anything to do with conservation.
CPW took it in the shorts when they rolled them back in with Parks... for the second try. The first time failed miserably, but the second time will be better, right? Right?

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3 does per day in certain units, 2 buck statewide bag. Plus quota hunts. We've got it pretty good as far as whitetails go.
Exactly. But, the 3 does a day zone covers over half the state. I grew up in TN, it went from 4 bucks, to 3, now to 2. Quality of bucks has increased dramatically. Took them forever to figure it out. Best part is I can pay resident prices when I go back home to hunt. Mule deer out west are suffering compared to whitetails back east.

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