Worried about my sheep hunt

talked to my outfitter yesterday in alaska and he said they are planning on busineuss as usual this fall for sheep season. I sure hope he is right although I am having hard time seeing all this sorted out in 4 months
If this has not blown over by The end of May going to Alaska hunting is going to be the very last thing on your mind. Everything will be ok do not worry about what you can not control it will make you old fast See you in Alaska in August
BC just closed all provincial parks until May 31st. The boat launches, ROADS, parking lots, trails, and even the backcountry are off-limits. This is insane.

BC has 5 million residents and in 2.5 months of the disease being present here, we are at 1300 cases.

The Canadian government and provincial governments are doubling down on their decision to shut things down and have said that most likely restrictions will be in place into the summer. What restrictions exactly we don't know. Will they loosen restrictions and social distance with logic or keep going full crazy like this? Who knows.

If the governments keep to the same midset then this will not be over until herd immunity is reached (70-80% of the population is immune). That will only come through a vaccine/and or people getting the disease, both of those things are a LONG way away.

I'm hoping countries like Sweden and Japan show this thing isn't that bad. Also, Denmark is opening schools back up. If these other countries fair well or just have the same amount of disease maybe Canada and others will follow suit.

I just can't see governments choosing to shut everything down and cause major economic collapse when it is not warranted. This makes me hopeful that the rights decisions will be made BUT the fear needs to be ratcheted down for that happen. Right now the models the governments are using are kind of doomsday stuff so their responses are wild.

Here's to hoping that logic and reason play out and our governments make wise decisions that are for the best interest of our nations.
I normally am an optimistic person. With that being said it is looking like this may impact our early to mid Sheep hunts. Especially if we are still in lockdown by 1 May.

Alaska Fish and Game has already set the precedent this year on cancellation of non resident hunts. All non resident bear hunting was canceled last week. There are so many health mandates to have to hurdle over right now that unless we see a significant drop in cases; the fear mongering will continue and that fear will be setting policy.

Of the Current AK Health mandates; here are a few that will affect sheep hunting:

-Remaining 6ft from people (means no flying in a bush plane)
-14 days mandatory quarantined (in the field does not count) before proceeding on hunt if you arrived here from lower 48 states. A ten day hunt turns into a 24 day hunt away from your home
-No interstate travel allowed to in state Alaska communities , which will affect 90 percent of bush plane rides into your hunt area. Can’t get fuel, supplies etc

The big factor is the unknown and the constant changes our state is going through. Imagine being back in one of these remote strips when a new BS mandate comes about and you find yourself stuck out there.

We are continuing to add more daily cases even with this social distancing in place. Our largest amount yesterday as I’m sure your states are experiencing similar numbers. The thing different here in AK, that many in the medical field point out.....we are the end of the supply line. And can’t afford the numbers that are being seen in the lower 48.

Our AK governor is siding with caution and is not afraid to stop these hunts as he showed just last week. Spring brown bear hunts on Kodiak and the AK Peninsula (even year is a spring hunt) arguably is as popular with lower 48 non resident hunters as is our annual sheep hunts are. And the economic impact is close as well to our in state guides.

Local residents (hunters and non hunters) are about 95 percent against non residents participating this year in these Sprint bear hunts. That of course is not a steadfast number but a definite feel in the local community. The remote villages are as close to 100 percent.

Things to consider for sure.

Of course your registered guide is going to plan for the hunt. It’s the only thing we can do but it is 50/50 at best right now and that number willl change the longer this lasts.

The precedent has been set.

I hope the fear mongering slows down a bit and we get our country’s economy back on track which in this state is our big game guiding businesses as well.
well stated. Other factors to consider: reduced flight options by the big carriers by August and smaller air flight services, nonessential travel bans in home state. I have been in contact with my outfiiter/guide and looking at options. I have already bought my sheep tag, hopefully the Alaska Fish and Game will refund me if hunting in Aug canceled for nonresidents.
PS is a "Sprint"bear hunt when you have to run away because you made a bad shot.:cool:
well stated. Other factors to consider: reduced flight options by the big carriers by August and smaller air flight services, nonessential travel bans in home state. I have been in contact with my outfiiter/guide and looking at options. I have already bought my sheep tag, hopefully the Alaska Fish and Game will refund me if hunting in Aug canceled for nonresidents.
PS is a "Sprint"bear hunt when you have to run away because you made a bad shot.:cool:

It sure could turn into a sprint if your second or third shots are muffed up!!! My rule on shooting grizzly and brown bears......nothing under 50 or over 200 yds. Especially if a bear is above your position.
-Remaining 6ft from people (means no flying in a bush plane)
The couple transporters I talked to were still waiting for clarification on this. If people don’t need to maintain this distance on say an AK airlines commercial flight, can a 135 commercial operator also fly with passengers? I would think they could. Obviously a couple buddies can’t hop into a personal cub and fly around. But definition on this ruling could mean that someone on the road system can still drive to a transporter and fly.

All that doesn’t change the fact that the other mandates outlined above still need to be followed and make it basically impossible for a NR to hunt under the current mandates (if licenses were/are even available).

It appears that in preparation for people to get back to work in the L48, they are building medical capacity. AK has a geographic advantage that the L48 doesn’t; and I think we will lean on that advantage due to the fact that we are at the end of the medical supply line. I wouldn’t be surprised if AK is back to work this summer, but in order to do that they keep our borders closed for a long time.

I could see a potential for NR wilderness trips if there is a plan in place to work with the mandates. But we will see. The villages are taking this extremely serious - the mayor of Dillingham and the tribe out there just asked the governor to shut down fishing in Bristol Bay. If the government is willing to pull the plug in Bristol Bay, the economic effect of NR hunting in their eyes is likely negligible at that point.
The couple transporters I talked to were still waiting for clarification on this. If people don’t need to maintain this distance on say an AK airlines commercial flight, can a 135 commercial operator also fly with passengers? I would think they could. Obviously a couple buddies can’t hop into a personal cub and fly around. But definition on this ruling could mean that someone on the road system can still drive to a transporter and fly.

All that doesn’t change the fact that the other mandates outlined above still need to be followed and make it basically impossible for a NR to hunt under the current mandates (if licenses were/are even available).

It appears that in preparation for people to get back to work in the L48, they are building medical capacity. AK has a geographic advantage that the L48 doesn’t; and I think we will lean on that advantage due to the fact that we are at the end of the medical supply line. I wouldn’t be surprised if AK is back to work this summer, but in order to do that they keep our borders closed for a long time.

I could see a potential for NR wilderness trips if there is a plan in place to work with the mandates. But we will see. The villages are taking this extremely serious - the mayor of Dillingham and the tribe out there just asked the governor to shut down fishing in Bristol Bay. If the government is willing to pull the plug in Bristol Bay, the economic effect of NR hunting in their eyes is likely negligible at that point.

100 percent agreement.
I was just getting ready to find this thread and say how I find it very hard to believe a non-resident season will happen in the NWT after seeing what we are doing at work with our summer field season planning and how communities are continuing to shutter themselves. In Alaska maybe? But not here.

I’ve been wrong before and will be again, but every day makes it seem less likely.
The big question is, if hunts are unable to be completed due to govt mandates, etc., will the outfitters let you push your hunt to another year, or will you be SOL and your deposits be forfeit? Obviously this will be (a business decision) at the discretion and availability of each outfitter. What a mess.

My personal guess though is this has blown over by June and we have returned to a new "normal" where social distancing will now be a way of life moving forward until vaccines are widely available.

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I’m not sure what all this means and had bent done more research myself but just saw this:


2. Modify 5 AAC 92.050(6) to allow the transfer of 2020 spring season drawing permits to a future year for hunting black bear in GMUs 1-3, and brown and grizzly bear in GMUs 4, 8, 10, 14C, 22, and 26B.

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I’m not sure what all this means and had bent done more research myself but just saw this:


2. Modify 5 AAC 92.050(6) to allow the transfer of 2020 spring season drawing permits to a future year for hunting black bear in GMUs 1-3, and brown and grizzly bear in GMUs 4, 8, 10, 14C, 22, and 26B.

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So my question is- if you have a spring tag and are a resident and can get to your hunt area can you still hunt in 2020? Say you lived on Kodiak and had a spring tag? If so would you still be moved to 2021?

Also for unit 9 the AK Penisula- say you lived in king salmon or cold bay, Can you still hunt this year spring 2020? And if they move the season to spring 2021 can you hunt again? (Assuming you didn’t kill)? Would they still have a Fall 2021 hunt?
So my question is- if you have a spring tag and are a resident and can get to your hunt area can you still hunt in 2020? Say you lived on Kodiak and had a spring tag? If so would you still be moved to 2021?

Also for unit 9 the AK Penisula- say you lived in king salmon or cold bay, Can you still hunt this year spring 2020? And if they move the season to spring 2021 can you hunt again? (Assuming you didn’t kill)? Would they still have a Fall 2021 hunt?

I was told all resident hunts are still allowed, just no non resident hunts. so I would assume as a resident you would be able to go on your hunt.

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Have a trip planned and deposit paid for in 2019 to NZ. This trip is for mid June. NZ is on lockdown for the moment. BTW, bought the trip insurance the day we paid for the airlines tickets which was same day we paid the deposit on the hunt in NZ. Insurance will not cover anything. I am through with a Travel Guard insurance. A rip off! Next time will go with SCI insurance provider after much discussion about cancellation policy.
Now, if, big if, this virus calms down may go ahead. Doubly fully I suspect. Be sure to discuss trip cancellation issues prior to purchasing trip insurance. MTG
Have a trip planned and deposit paid for in 2019 to NZ. This trip is for mid June. NZ is on lockdown for the moment. BTW, bought the trip insurance the day we paid for the airlines tickets which was same day we paid the deposit on the hunt in NZ. Insurance will not cover anything. I am through with a Travel Guard insurance. A rip off! Next time will go with SCI insurance provider after much discussion about cancellation policy.
Now, if, big if, this virus calms down may go ahead. Doubly fully I suspect. Be sure to discuss trip cancellation issues prior to purchasing trip insurance. MTG
Hey MT, I didn't buy any insurance...just taking my chances and probably not the smartest choice. But Force Majure is almost never covered and usually the issue - so why buy it!
The big question is, if hunts are unable to be completed due to govt mandates, etc., will the outfitters let you push your hunt to another year, or will you be SOL and your deposits be forfeit? Obviously this will be (a business decision) at the discretion and availability of each outfitter. What a mess.

My personal guess though is this has blown over by June and we have returned to a new "normal" where social distancing will now be a way of life moving forward until vaccines are widely available.

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Not speaking on behalf of the outfitters, but from my experience in travel logistics etc, here is the probable scenario from pushing a whole season of bookings into the next.

There are X amount of hunters an outfitter can accommodate due to Logistics, available tags, permits etc. Let’s say that number is 30. 30 hunters booked for 2020 and all 30 are cancelled. 22 of the 30 reschedule for 2021. The other 8 forfeit their deposit and the outfitter doesn’t operate in 2020.

2021 season rolls around, the outfitter has 8 available full price slots due to 22 bookings from 2020. The deposit $ for 2020 is long since spent getting through the 2020 season, it’s 2021 and the outfitter is looking at the books: 8 available full price bookings and 22 bookings at half price. Can the outfitter even operate on that and, if not, the practical thing to do is start bumping 2020 bookings, is it not? If your outfitter is not spreading some of these cancelled hunts out over 2-3 seasons, I wouldn’t be too optimistic. If it comes down to honoring your long since spent 50% deposit vs. staying in business, the outfitter is going to make the decision to stay in business, especially since your deposit was non refundable anyway. you might have more favorable odds of a hunt materializing by asking to push to 2022 to take some pressure off the outfitters 2021 season. If they push 100% of their 2020 bookings Into the 2021 season, it will likely either be overbooked and underserved or it’s just not going to make sense financially and at least some will get bumped anyway. Your agreement with the outfitter almost certainly places them under no obligation to accommodate you.
Poster, you bring up many options that would benefit or not work for hunts that have deposits paid. If I/we do not use our air travel paid for by time from one year after scheduled to leave we loose our $$$$ for the three of us. With hope our outfitter will reschedule for next year. Will keep this forum updated. MTG
Not speaking on behalf of the outfitters, but from my experience in travel logistics etc, here is the probable scenario from pushing a whole season of bookings into the next.

There are X amount of hunters an outfitter can accommodate due to Logistics, available tags, permits etc. Let’s say that number is 30. 30 hunters booked for 2020 and all 30 are cancelled. 22 of the 30 reschedule for 2021. The other 8 forfeit their deposit and the outfitter doesn’t operate in 2020.

2021 season rolls around, the outfitter has 8 available full price slots due to 22 bookings from 2020. The deposit $ for 2020 is long since spent getting through the 2020 season, it’s 2021 and the outfitter is looking at the books: 8 available full price bookings and 22 bookings at half price. Can the outfitter even operate on that and, if not, the practical thing to do is start bumping 2020 bookings, is it not? If your outfitter is not spreading some of these cancelled hunts out over 2-3 seasons, I wouldn’t be too optimistic. If it comes down to honoring your long since spent 50% deposit vs. staying in business, the outfitter is going to make the decision to stay in business, especially since your deposit was non refundable anyway. you might have more favorable odds of a hunt materializing by asking to push to 2022 to take some pressure off the outfitters 2021 season. If they push 100% of their 2020 bookings Into the 2021 season, it will likely either be overbooked and underserved or it’s just not going to make sense financially and at least some will get bumped anyway. Your agreement with the outfitter almost certainly places them under no obligation to accommodate you.
I know all this is mental masterbation at this point until we get further down the road. But I don’t see how the outfitters could just push the 2020 season into 2021. What happens to the fully booked 2021 season, and the the 2022 and so on. It’s not fair to bump those hunters. I am sure due to the economic downturn there will be cancelations for 2021 and further out so I could see those cancellations being given to the 2020 hunters before anyone else....of course this is just an opinion because I am booked for 2022 and 2023 and could see this snowballing into those years