Not speaking on behalf of the outfitters, but from my experience in travel logistics etc, here is the probable scenario from pushing a whole season of bookings into the next.
There are X amount of hunters an outfitter can accommodate due to Logistics, available tags, permits etc. Let’s say that number is 30. 30 hunters booked for 2020 and all 30 are cancelled. 22 of the 30 reschedule for 2021. The other 8 forfeit their deposit and the outfitter doesn’t operate in 2020.
2021 season rolls around, the outfitter has 8 available full price slots due to 22 bookings from 2020. The deposit $ for 2020 is long since spent getting through the 2020 season, it’s 2021 and the outfitter is looking at the books: 8 available full price bookings and 22 bookings at half price. Can the outfitter even operate on that and, if not, the practical thing to do is start bumping 2020 bookings, is it not? If your outfitter is not spreading some of these cancelled hunts out over 2-3 seasons, I wouldn’t be too optimistic. If it comes down to honoring your long since spent 50% deposit vs. staying in business, the outfitter is going to make the decision to stay in business, especially since your deposit was non refundable anyway. you might have more favorable odds of a hunt materializing by asking to push to 2022 to take some pressure off the outfitters 2021 season. If they push 100% of their 2020 bookings Into the 2021 season, it will likely either be overbooked and underserved or it’s just not going to make sense financially and at least some will get bumped anyway. Your agreement with the outfitter almost certainly places them under no obligation to accommodate you.