Wolf Incident in Daniel, WY

Mar 17, 2022
HOWL for Wildlife Statement on Wyoming Wolf Incident
We are shocked and outraged at the recent cruel behavior involving a live wolf in Daniel, Wyoming, that has recently come to light. There is no justification for the treatment of any wild animal in this manner. The choice to intentionally extend the suffering of an animal for any reason is antithetical to sportsmanship; it indicates a lack of character, demonstrates deranged, antisocial behavior, and has no place in a system of hunting, trapping, and wildlife conservation.

We unequivocally and without hesitation condemn these actions. To help prevent actions like this in the future, we call upon the state of Wyoming to statutorily implement and direct the Department of Agriculture to define a legal (ethical) means of take within the predator zone of Wyoming.

Sportsmen are champions for all wildlife. Since the early 1900s, populations of game and nongame species have benefited from the principles set forth in the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation. Billions of dollars from excise taxes on gear and firearms, license and tag sales, and donations to numerous conservation organizations are invested annually to support the success and diversity of ecosystems and species. Legal, regulated hunting has been shown worldwide as the only strategy that ensures these animals will exist for future generations.

All hunters are called to share in this lifestyle and traditions with a high standard of ethics and reverence for the wildlife we pursue and harvest. Hunting, trapping, and angling are conducted with care and reverence for wildlife every day. Responsible hunters respect wildlife and follow legal and ethical guidelines as shared by the entire community to ensure sustainable and humane hunting practices. This conduct shows blatant disregard for these principles and is not a reflection of the other tens of millions of individuals who venture afield with a hunting license. There is no room for this in our community. It is our responsibility to police our own when egregious violations of ethics and principles take place and reject repulsive, unethical behaviors. It is our responsibility to speak out when one action endangers the rights of all others. It is our responsibility to call for regulatory standards that prevent this behavior in the future.

We call upon other like-minded individuals and organizations to add their signatures to this letter. It is only through uniting behind shared principles and convictions that hunting’s heritage can be preserved.

wolf.jpg Please Sign on Here