
What's your 1rm? It's a whole different animal under fatigue. I watched a guy that snatches over 300 miss 185 and just get his first round of 225 in.

275 all time pr for me. Now I'm in the 45/49 masters. I can snatch 255 I did 245 in my warmup and it felt great. Agreed under fatigue is a whole different story. I wanted to at least get an attempt at 225. The C2B got me.

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275 all time pr for me. Now I'm in the 45/49 masters. I can snatch 255 I did 245 in my warmup and it felt great. Agreed under fatigue is a whole different story. I wanted to at least get an attempt at 225. The C2B got me.

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Hope you nail that 225 if you decide to retest!
Praying I don't regret retesting in the morning. My bar was set up too far from the rig and I felt like dog crap. So I won't have those 2 excuses this time around, lol
14 miles snowshoeing (Sat & Sun)- got into some nightmarish snow up high- sinking up to my knees (sometimes waist) this is w/ 30" snowshoes. I really wasn't looking for that kind of workout :D



but as the saying goes- all's well that ends well

strength train this evening

squats 3x5
bench 3x5
deads 3x5
pullups 3x11
dips 3x30

question: with three sets of 30 dips- time to start adding weight vs reps?
Every 2 min on min for 10 minutes
10 deadlift @ bodyweight
10 GHD sit ups

For time
100 double unders
50 wall balls 20#
80 double unders
40 wall balls
60 double unders
30 wall balls
40 double unders
20 wall balls
20 double unders
10 wall balls
Well I slept straight through my damn alarm clock yesterday. I use vibrate which usually wakes me up, but i was in a coma Monday apparently. So no retest.

Min 1 - 15 Shoulder to Overhead (95/65#)
Min 2 - 18/15 Calorie Bike
Min 3 - 21 Wallballs (20/14)
Min 4 - Max Burpees in :40 Seconds
Core Cashout
3x15 Weighted Sit-Ups
3x20 Empty Barbell Good Mornings

Lungs hurt after that, so apparently I am not ready to go full bore on workouts yet...may just rest up until we do 17.4 Friday night.
3 rounds of:

15 s2oh 135/95

15 pull ups

400m run


3 sets of:

power clean+hang squat clean+2 jerks

3 sets of:

squat clean+jerk


EMOM for 20 minutes:

squat clean+jerk
For time:

30 Row Calories
30 Box Jump Overs
30 Deadlifts
30 Wall Balls
30 Push-ups
30 Wall Balls
30 Deadlifts
30 Box Jump Overs
30 Row Calories

Rx male = 155 lbs on DL, 24" on box and 20 lb on Wall-ball
5.5 miles in the hills, beautiful day- near 60; learned my lesson yesterday and brought my microspikes- lots of ice still on the North and East facing slopes
strength train this evening

squats 3x5
bench 3x5
deadlifts 3x5
pullups 3x11
* dips- I tried them weighted (25#) and cut the reps in half (15 vs 30) :)