
12 miles on the trails w/ about 2700' of gain; if all goes well going to shoot for the same tomorrow
my triceps are still sore from Friday's workout!

got the other 12 mile out and back in today


that gave me another 40 mile week and just shy of 10,000' of gain :)
I wanna play too, finally been consistent back in the gym. I'm following the 5/3/1 program progression for my main lifts, except bench, because I hate it, so that's freebie day. Assistance is more or less whatever I feel on the day. Todays:

Deadlifts 3×5 @ 65%,75%,85%. Managed 8 reps on my 85% set.

Romanian deads 3x8

Pull ups(assisted because I'm fat and weak) 2x8 and 1x5

KB swings 2x25

Leg press 3x20

Calf raises 3x25


I don't feel bad. May do it again tonight. I really struggle in the workouts that are a little longer like this one when the HR gets up. Felt really good through 5 rounds. Round 6 was rough. #$%# really came apart in round 7. Endurance is not my game!

Watched my coach do it in 8:56, that was impressive.
17.5 on Friday, 17:20. Went out way too hard, crashed and burned hard ha ha. Left me sore all weekend. Got in a 5+ mile trail run yesterday trying to work some of the soreness out.
strength training this evening with weights

squats 3x5
bench 3x5
deads 3x5
pullups 3x11
dips 3x30

I think I'm going to invest in a weight vest (one I can adjust the weights) the leather belt/chain deal at the gym is a pain in the ass, going to be even more of a pain doing pullups/chinups
AMRAP in 10 minutes of:

30 calorie row

30 burpees

30 pull ups ( c2b if you can )

30 back squats 95/65
March 27, 2017
AMRAP 24 or 5 Rounds for Time (whichever comes first)
27 Calorie Row
21 Wall Ball Shots 20/14
15 Deadlifts, 185/135
9 Handstand Push-ups
- - - - -
Performance Care
5 Floor Length Crab Walks
Accumulate 2 minutes of Supinated Bar Hang
OHP 3x5 at 65%,75%,85%. Got 9 reps on the 85% set.

5x8 landmine press

3x8 and 2x5 bent over DB rows

3x12 face pulls

2x12 tricep rope push downs

10-9-8 hammer curl drop set

3 sets wrist roller
our perfect running weather continues :) highs in the low 50's, this 5-ish mile loop was completely snow and ice free- first time since November, maybe spring is here

4 rounds of:

10 deadlifts 225/155

20 wall balls 20/14

30 sit ups


3 sets of:

power clean+jerk

3 sets of:

squat clean+jerk


every 90 seconds for 21 minutes:

power clean+jerk and squat clean+jerk