
Started cross fit today, left the YMCA working out alone and I will not be able to walk tomorrow. :)

3x5 squats
4 rounds
60 jump rope
10x jerk lift
10x ab-seat situs
tabata barbell

20 seconds of work followed

by 10 seconds of rest for 8 intervals

rest one minute between exercises

deadlift 185/125

hang power clean 135/96

front squat 95/65

push press 65/45

score is total reps
5.5 tough miles on the mountain- stiff wind which deposited snow helter skelter- varied between 3-10", which makes running a wee hard :D
11 minute clock


75 wall balls 20/14

50 t2b

row as many calories as possible in

time remaining


3 sets of:

clean pull+hang clean pull+ 2 hang squat cleans

5 sets of:

clean pull+2 hang clean pulls squat clean+jerk

7 sets of:

clean pull+hang clean pull+2 hang squat cleans+jerk
"Tune Up"
4 Rounds
:90 on/:30 off
8 Deadlifts (185/135)
8 Toe To Bar
AMRAP Calorie Bike in time remaining

Rest 2 minutes

4 Rounds
:90 on/:30 off
8 Wallballs + 8 C2B Pullups
AMRAP Calorie Row in time remaining

*Score is total Calories of Bike & Row combined
well with 35 mph winds, gusts to 45 mph- I decided to run on the treadmill :)

cranked the treadmill up to 15 degrees "run" for .2 miles, back to 0 for .2 miles and repeat 10 times, ends up close to 1500' gain and about 5 miles with a warmup/cool down
nice 6 mile run in the snow, temps near 40 and I was in shirt sleeves w/ my windshirt tied around my waist- love it!

strength training this evening

squats 3x5
bench 3x5
overhead presses 3x5
dips 3x25
chins 3x11
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
2 rounds of:
50-ft. weighted walking lunge 50#dumbbells
16 toes-to-bars
8 power cleans 50# dumbbells
Then, 2 rounds of:
50-ft. weighted walking lunge
16 bar muscle-ups
8 power cleans
Etc., alternating between toes-to-bars and bar muscle-ups every 2 rounds.

my legs were pretty fatigued by yesterday's push with a 40# pack, but bucked up and got a nice 12 miles in today- felt good once it was all done, less good while doing it :)

