

Thrusters 95#
Bar facing burpees

Have to be facing the bar and jump over it every burpee. Have to leave ground with both feet and land on both feet or hop straight over the bar. No one footed "hop stepping"
Split Jerk 5 sets of 2 , low weight work on form

6 rounds
50 strokes Schwinn Airdyne
200m run
Rest 2 min

1 stroke on the Airdyne is handle returning to starting position.
Partner WOD one works at a time, you start when partner finishes a round. No break between the two roll right into the second from the first.

10 rounds (5 each)
3 bar muscle ups
6 power clean 155#
9 box jumps

10 rounds (5 each)
15 cal row
15 pushups
Upper body:

Bench Press (4 working sets)

Incline or flat dumbbell bench (4 sets)

Pullups followed with max reps band rotation (4 sets)

shrugs (4 sets)

biceps and triceps (4 sets)


Lower Body:

Box jumps (getting warm)

Squat = back or front (4 working sets)

Reverse or forward lunges (4 sets)

hamstring work (4 sets)

knee band work (4 sets)

5 rounds
3 front squats 115#
4 thrusters 115#
5 shoulders 2 OH 115#
15 KBS 53#

Death by bike on schwinn air dyne
min 1 10 strokes (1 full pedal revolution)
min 2 20 strokes
min 3 30 strokes
min 4 40 strokes
min 5 50 strokes
min 6 60 strokes
continue until you can't complete the number of strokes in a 1 minute time frame
20 min AMRAP

25' overhead walking lunge 95#
8 facing over the bar burpees

25' overhead walking lunge 95#
8 chest to bar pull ups

5 tape lines, every 5 feet on floor. If you put the bar down prior to 25' mark you have to move back 5 feet behind line to start again.

That was pretty mean.
I scored 130. I haven't decided if I'm going to do it again or not this afternoon.

350 is just ridiculous. I could combine 2 scores and still not even be in the ball park!!
I'm still amazed that this thread is still ripping.

60 pullups
80 8-count body builders
80 burpees
80 bowpulls

Hopefully run in the snowstorm
That is pretty solid. Good for her.

Brandon, it gets quite a few views every day so I just kept posting workouts. Maybe people get something they can use.