
Front squat, work up to max weight for set of 10, 3-5 sets to get there

12min AMRAP
1 rope climb
10 Shoulder to overhead #115
20 airsquats
7 rounds

150m row, rest 1 1/2 minutes then schwinn air dyne for 20s as hard as you can ride it, rest 1 1/2 minutes and back to row..............

I haven't felt that bad after a workout in a long time.
Filthy Fifty

50 box jumps
50 jumping pull ups
50 kbs
50 walking lunges
50 knees 2 elbows
50 push press
50 back hyperextensions
50 wall balls
50 burpees
50 double unders
8 min EMOM
5 snatches

3 min at each station, 1 min rest between stations

Max calorie row
1 arm db snatch 40#
High pull sumo deadlift 95#
Front squat 135#
7 min EMOM 2 hang squat clean and 1 push jerk
7 min EMOM 1 hang squat clean and 1 split jerk

20 min AMRAP
400m run
5 Deadlift #315
20 Chest 2 bar pull ups

That sucked
2 minutes max effort double unders
rest 2 min
3 min max effort thrusters 135#
rest 3 min
6min AMRAP
10 thrusters 95#
30 double unders
Overhead squat 5 sets of 3

Race to 300
Schwinn Airdyne strokes (one complete revolution of pedals is 1 stroke)
Snatch 115#
Double unders
Power Clean
Row Calories
Shoulder to OH 115#
Pull ups
Goblet squats 50#

Work 30 seconds then rest 30 seconds. Move to next exerise. Can do burpees during the rest periods and count them toward score.

When you reach 300 total reps you are done.
KBS to Goblet Squat

12 min AMRAP
1 Clean and Jerk 165#
3 hands up push ups
5 Toes 2 bar/Pullups (3/2) Need to do 3 of one two of the other, pick, mix n match, whatever, just needs to be 3/2
10 Wall balls 20#

Interesting format, we weren't told the time prior to starting. Were told it was an AMRAP, no visible clock running during the workout, it was announced when there was 1 minute left.
Squats 5 sets 5

400m Run
30KBS 44#
20 KB thrusters

400m run
25 KBS 53#
15 KB thrusters

200m run
20 KBS 62#
10 KB thrusters

200m run
15 KBS 70#
5 KB thrusters

Max effort wall ball 20#. Take 2 sec off your time for every wall ball.
10 min EMOM
Odd 3 deadlift 70%-80% max
Even 20 Double unders

5 Power Cleans 165#
10 Box Jumps
15 Burpees
20 Double Unders
"The Hammer"
5 rounds, each for time. 90 second rest between rounds

5 power cleans 135#
10 front squats 135#
5 push jerks 135#
20 pull ups

Aptly named, that sucked
Push press 5 sets of 3
Push jerk 5 sets of 1

12 min AMRAP
10 box jumps
5 deadlift 115#
5 hang squat clean 115#
5 shoulder to overhead 115#

If you set the bar down at any time during the lifting 2 over the bar burpee penalty every time you set it down.