
Snatch 5 sets 3

Work 30 sec, rest 30 sec
4 rounds at each station
One armed snatch @ 25% of BW
Box Jumps
Air Dyne Stokes
Parter WOD, 1 works at a time

1000m row
50 toes 2 bar
50 power cleans 155#
50 KBS 70#
50 pull ups
25 wall walks
25 ring/bar muscle ups
25 shoulders 2 OH 155#
25 burpees

3 Strict dumbbell press
4 Dumbbell push press
5 Dumbbell push jerk

Continue toward heavy set until you fail. Can rest weight on shoulders but not set them down between movements.

3 Rounds
60 double unders
25 push ups
20 deadlift 185#
20 sit ups
Missed Tusday so I doubled up yesterday and did 2 Wod's. That sucked.

14 min EMO2M
Power Clean
Hang Clean
Push Jerk
Split Jerk
Don't set bar down once you start through. Work to a heavy last set.

50 Wall ball 20#
50 Hang cleans 135#
50 Wall ball 20#

Rested about 10 min and then

Row 40 cal
40 KB lunges 50#
Row 30cal
30 burpees
Row 20 cal
20 box jump overs
Row 10 cal
5 bar or ring muscle ups
Row 10 cal
5 bar or ring muscle ups
Row 20 cal
20 Box jump overs
Row 30 cal
30 Burpees
40 cal row
40 KB lunges 50#
5 sets of three box squats
5 sets of 2 sqaut and a 1/4

3 Rounds
50 airdyne strokes
21 KBS 53#
12 pull ups

rest 3 min

10 min AMRAP
10 cal row
25 situps
14 min EMOM
Odd deadlift x3 reps
Even seated box jumps 3 reps

3 rounds
Row/Run/Airdyne (30 cal, 400m, 100 strokes) you pick
15 lateral over bar burpees
10 squat cleans 115#
My Body weight ~170.

3x10 @ 225 squats to parallel or below
3x12 @ 245 box squats
3x10 progressive hack squats, 225 last set. Alternate hack sets with leg extensions 12-15 reps.

Front Squat 5 sets of 2. Start at 70% of 1 rep max and work up

3 Rounds
400m run carrying 20lb medicine ball
21 KBS 70#
12 chest to bar pullups

Was supposed to be a partner WOD but I was odd man out so did it myself

Cash out
2 minutes max effort of each
GHD sit ups
L sits
Toes 2 bar
5 sets of 2 Jerks taken off a front rack

100 cal stationary bike ride
25 Squat cleans 135#
25 toes to bar

After you come off the bike you do three burpees at the start of every minute.
My gym recently switched programming design (it was previously on a Crossfit Outlaw model) and started following http://competitorstraining.com/

So far, these have been pretty fun to do. Did this one yesterday and it took me to the edge and back. I came off the rower ready to puke and with a pair of smoked legs. I'm not following the program as it is designed. Its on a 3 on, 1 off, 2 on 1 off split. I don't like where the programed rest days fall and I've found that I respond much better to hard training with 3 days off, 2 of them consecutive days off. I've been running 2 dedicated strength sessions + 2 of the more difficult WODs each week. Every 3rd week, I'll cut one strength session and do 3 WODS. Seems to be a good balance as I can continue to run a (slow, but steady) strength linear progression on the basic barbell lifts and maintain my conditioning at a moderately high level. When I need to be in better shape conditioning wise, I can always switch focus for a couple of weeks and be ready to go.

1. Barbell Conditioning
With a running clock…
A. At the 0:00
Complete 12 rounds of 1 Power Clean at 60% every 40 seconds (this set is 8 mins)

B. At the 12:00
Complete 12 rounds of 1 Power Snatch at 60% every 40 seconds (this set is 8 mins)

C. At the 24:00
Complete 4 rounds for time of:
15 unbroken Thrusters, 95/65

2. Conditioning
Row 1K
KBS, 70/53
OHS, 115/80
3 sets 3 reps each, full squat on each rep
High hang clean
Hang clean

12 min AMRAP
3 handstand push ups
6 pull ups
9 push ups
6 plank ups
3 Front squat 185#, taken from floor
800m run
50 wall balls 20#
100m run
40 box jumps
100m run
30 ring dips
100m run
20 knees 2 elbows
100m run
1 mile on air dyne
3 rounds

In 2 minutes
200m run
max effort power clean 115#

rest 1 min

In 2 min
200m run
max effort wall ball 20#

rest 1 min
In 2 min
200m run
max effort toes 2 bar
Back squat 4 sets of three. Start at 60% of 1 rep max.

3 rounds
15 shoulder 2 OH 115#
30 wall balls 20#

rest 3 minutes

30 box jumps 20'
30 sit ups
25 box jumps 24'
25 wall ball sit ups 20#
20 box jumps 30'
20 50# dumbbell situps
4 Rounds
10 Thrusters 135#
15 Chest 2 bar pull ups
3 Rounds
10 Power Cleans 135#
20 Ring Dips
2 Rounds
25 calorie assault bike
75 double unders
1 round
50 cal Row

45 min time cap
Back squat 5 sets of 5 start at 60% 1rep max

400m run
20 KBS 50#
20 box jumps
20 wall balls 20#
20 pull ups

3 min rest

20 cal stationary bike
20 KBS
20 box jumps
20 20 wall balls
20 pull ups

3 min rest

20 cal row
20 KBS
20Box Jumps
20 wall balls
20 pull ups