
work up to heavy single
1@90% of heavy single
3x2@ 90%

10 Rounds for time:
7 Chest to Bar
7 Thrusters 95/65
Wendler week 2 bench

4 rounds 2 min rest between rounds
400m run
2 rope climbs
20 wall ball unbroken 20#

If you stop or pause to rest on wall balls start over
Clean and Jerk
work up to heavy single
1@90% of heavy single
3x2@ 90%

6 min AMRAP
20 Kb swings 24kg
30 walking lunges
40 Double Unders

rest 3 min

4 min amrap
10 burpees
15 GHD situps
20 pushups

Cooldown: 500m row x2
Power Clean
Last set 90-95% of 1 rep max

15 min AMRAP
1 bear complex 135#
5 chest to bar pull ups
2 bear complex
10 chest to bar pull ups
3 bear complex
15 chest to bar pull ups
....................continue on, (you likely won't get this far if using 135#, if you do you are beast)
Power Clean
Last set 90-95% of 1 rep max

15 min AMRAP
1 bear complex 135#
5 chest to bar pull ups
2 bear complex
10 chest to bar pull ups
3 bear complex
15 chest to bar pull ups
....................continue on, (you likely won't get this far if using 135#, if you do you are beast)

I bet that's a tough one.
It was horrible. I got through the first two rounds and 1 Bear Complex on the round of 3.

Wendler week 2 deadlift

Parner WOD
1200m run- 200m switch
1000m row-250m switch
100 burpees
100 box jumps
100 double unders
1200m run-200m switch
1000m row-250m switch

Altenate on run and row. Can both work on the burpees, box jumps, and double unders but you can not both rest at the same time, if you do 5 burpee penalty
Front Squat
Work up to heavy single

For time:
30 split jumps
10 Handstand Pushups
10 Power Clean 155/105
30 split jumps
10 Power Clean
30 Split Jumps
10 Power Clean

-didn't particularly care for that MetCon.
Wendler week 2 shoulder press

7 min AMRAP
6 wall ball 20#
3 clapping push up

5min rest

7 min Amrap
5 hang clean
5 front squat
5 shoulder to overhead
Saturday WOD

1300m Row

50 Burpees
40 Admat or GHD Situps
30 Box Step-ups w/ 95# bar in Front Rack
20 Hand Release Pushups
10 Muscle ups

10 min rest (half time)

50 Double Unders
40 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls 95#
30 Pullups
20 Ground to Overhead 95#
10 100m Sprints/ 30 sec rest
Sunday Beatdown

3 Rounds
10 Chest To Bar
60 Second Nose to Wall handstand hold
3 "Skin the cat" (Gymnasts movement that I opted out of)

Every 2 min:
Front Squat

EMOM for 30 minutes
Min 1: 15 Wall balls
Min 2: 10 Toes to Bar
Min 3: 10 Over the Box Burpees

That freakin' SUCKED and pretty much broke me down.
Power Clean + Push Jerk
Work up to Heavy Single
3x1@90% 3x1@95% 3x1@100%

90 Seconds for 6 rounds:
10 Pullups
5 Ground to overhead 155/105
Max Effort Double Unders
Rest 90 Sec.
Wendler week 3 bench press

3 rounds for time
100 double unders
50 wall balls 20#
15 pull ups

Anytime I see a WOD with a 150 wallballs, especially in sets of 50 or more reps, I cringe a little bit. I've been trying to come to terms with my distaste for Wallballs; I try to have a good attitude when I do them, I try not to complain about them, I try to throw the ball higher than it supposed to go for as long as I can so that, later, when I start breaking down and can only throw high enough to hit the mark, they'll feel "easier." But, nothing works: I just hate wallballs. :p
I felt the same for some time. I actually don't mind them now. I can get a rhythm going and hammer them out pretty good. I absolutely despise running so today's WOD was just awful for me.

Push jerk: lighter weight, work on form only

Buy in 800m run

3 rounds
20 KBS 53#
15 ring dips
800m run
Wendler week 3 deadlift

4 min AMRAP
5 hang clean 155#
6 Lateral bar burpees, must jump both feet at once or no rep, can't step over bar
4 min rest

4min AMRAP
5 front squat 155#
6 burpee pull ups
4min rest

4min AMRAP
5 snatch 155#
6 plate burpees 25#