
Work up to heavy single:
Power Clean + Push Jerk

3x1 90%
3x1 95%
1 @ Heavy Single (100%)

^That's a tough strength cycle.

12 Deadlift 315/215
40 wallballs
9 Deadlift
30 wallballs
6 deadlift
20 wallballs
3 deadlift
9 wallballs
Every 2 min for 10 min
Bench Press X3 @ heavy
40 second rowing @ >1:50 Split

5 min AMRAP
5 Snatch 135/95
10 burpees

Rest 4 min

800m race for time

Cool down
Find 1 rep max shoulder press

12 minutes
5 wall ball 20#
5 Power Clean 165#
10 wall ball
5 power clean
15 wall ball
5 power clean
20 wall ball
5 power clean
25 wall ball
5 power clean
30 wall ball
5 power clean
35 wall ball
5 power clean..............
continue until time is up
Find 1rep max bench press

21 overhead squat 95#
42 pull ups
15 overhead squat
30 pull ups
9 overhead squats
18 pull ups

Cash out: 100 hollow rocks
Had to workout in a Globo gym this morning. Lots of cardio zombies and smith machine lifting. You have to dig deep to find motivation in that setting.

Front squat
4 @70%

Rowing intervals
500m @2:00 split
Rest 2 min
500m @ 1:58 split
Rest 2 min
500m @ 1:56 split
Rest 2 min
500m @ 1:54 split
An so until can't keep up
The Sunday Beatdown

3 rounds
50 Double Unders
45 second L-Sit
5 Bar Muscle Ups

Running Clock:
1000m Row
25 over the Erg Burpees

@ 10 minutes:
3 Rounds
15 Push Press 135/95
20 Toes To Bar

@20 Minutes
3 rounds
15 Over the Box Jumps/ 30 inches
20 Chest to bar Pullups

30 minutes time limit

Wendler Week 1 back squat

Toes to bar
Jumping squats
Deadlift 185#

Cash out 3 rounds
20 abmat situps
20 GHD setups
20 hollow rocks
Work up to heavy Clean & jerk
Then 4x2 @ 85%

4 rounds
20 ring dips
45 sec rest
7 deadlift 70%
45 sec rest

3 min rest

3 rounds
400m row
50 double unders
12 pull-ups
Wendler week 1 bench press

7 min Amrap
10 power snatch 95#
40 double unders

rest 7 min

21 lateral bar burpees
18 OH squat 95#
15 Lateral bar burpees
12 OH squat
9 lateral bar burpees
6 OH squat
3 lat bar burpees
Wendler week 1 deadlift

10 rounds
1 clean and jerk, pick weight. I did 205#
5 pull ups
7 push ups
9 abmat situps
12 air squats
My globo closed its "crossfit section" although it wasn't called that so I had to go back to my old box for April. I missed the box but I'll miss the extra $60 a month I pay at the box as well:).

"Chelsea" RX

5 Pullups
10 Pushups
15 Squats

...30 Minutes on the minute.

Longest round :36 sec
Wendler week 1 shoulder press

Thrusters 115#
After each round 100m farmer carry, pick your weight, I used 62# Kettlebells
Sat WOD:

EMOM for 7 minutes:

2 Deadlifts @ heavy + 2 pullups

In Teams of 2:

4 rounds
10 Tire Flips (teammate holds 45# plate)
48 Overhead Lunges with 45# Plate
400m run with 45# plate

rest 2 min
200m Sled Push
The Sunday Beatdown

1,000m easy row

3 rounds
50 Double Unders
6 Muscle Ups
10-15m Handstand Walks (or handstand holds)

50 Pullups

4 Rounds for time:
800m Run
15 Burpees
30 KB swings 32/24 kg
rest 4 minutes between each round

Cool down:
1 minute easy row + 30 second rest 3x