2.3 miles 65# pack this morning
@FlyGuy… I noticed your new post script signature from Chief Seattle when I got back. Here is a quote I found about 10 years ago.1 hr of Zone 2 work on the stairmaster with a vest this morning
Then at 5:30…
Strict Press - 4x10@60% + 1 set max reps at 60%
Bent over rows - 3x12 @ 95lbs
WOD - For Time (12 min cap):
- Ski for Calories 27/20/12
- Overhead Squats 21/15/9 (95#)
(11:31 RX)
“What is man without the beasts? If all the beasts were gone, man would die from a great loneliness of spirit.“
Chief Seattle
With September quickly approaching, i decided some backcountry hiking would be a great way to get in some rucking and test out my overnight gear.
Last night i got off work, drove to trailhead, walked as far as i could before dark/rain. Made camp, slept decent (rained/thundered all night long), woke up and hit the trail.
Learned a few things, got to use my gear, made some notes, and wore out my calves.
Total distance 12.75 miles, 2920'elevation gain with ~35# pack.
Well we definitely got the humidity here, could cut the air with a knife nearly. Plus the rain had everything soaked. Usually the misquitos are ravinous but my premetherin seemed to keep them at bay. All kinds of yellow jackets to dodge though.Man I’d kill to be able to train like that here. But it’s flat AF, the temps only get down to a low of 79° F at night with 98% humidity, and the damn mosquitos would be absolutely relentless.
“What is man without the beasts? If all the beasts were gone, man would die from a great loneliness of spirit.“
Chief Seattle
Man I’d kill to be able to train like that here. But it’s flat AF, the temps only get down to a low of 79° F at night with 98% humidity, and the damn mosquitos would be absolutely relentless.
“What is man without the beasts? If all the beasts were gone, man would die from a great loneliness of spirit.“
Chief Seattle
The thing is, you don’t have to kill to train in cool mountain areas….all you have to do is commit and move. I know, a lot easier said than done, but it is doable. The high today in Chugiak, AK. was 53°, perfect weather for a backyard hike in the mountains.
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