
5 miles (1100') with Tiny Elvis this morning early; our heat wave just won't break- with the exception of one day, we've been in the 90's (and a few 100's) for a month straight and the ten day forecast shows no relief.

I've recently been looking at real estate in Juneau :ROFLMAO:

- Power Clean - 8x3 @ 70%

- Bench Press - 2x10 + 1x Max reps @ 67.5%

WOD - 2021 Masters Event 7 (Modified)
For Time:

9 Strict Pull-ups
Row 30 cal
200 singles

7 Strict Pull-ups
Row 30 cal
200 singles

5 Strict Pull-ups
Row 30 cal
200 singles


RX of this one was BMU and 100 DU. Scaled option was 1/1 Strict Pull-ups. Instead of struggling thru the DU until I time capped out I tried hard to beat my buddy who is sitting in 1st place on fastest time at 11:53. I would have had him if I’d have grabbed a heavy rope to do the singles with, I just can’t keep a steady rhythm doing singles with a speed rope and I had about 30 restarts on my singles which killed me. It was a close race, and we are sitting in 1st and second place for times. Only 3 RX’s so far and only one of them finished.

Then 15 arrows at 52 yards

“What is man without the beasts? If all the beasts were gone, man would die from a great loneliness of spirit.“

Chief Seattle
When you guys say "x pound pack" do you mean "x lbs added to my pack" or "my pack weights x pounds"

Push mowed my lawn (not a self propelled push mower, like an og one that just turns blade) with a 63 pound pack

0.6 acres with an 18" blade width comes out to 3.3 miles
When you guys say "x pound pack" do you mean "x lbs added to my pack" or "my pack weights x pounds"

Push mowed my lawn (not a self propelled push mower, like an og one that just turns blade) with a 63 pound pack

0.6 acres with an 18" blade width comes out to 3.3 miles

Very efficient!

“What is man without the beasts? If all the beasts were gone, man would die from a great loneliness of spirit.“

Chief Seattle
When you guys say "x pound pack" do you mean "x lbs added to my pack" or "my pack weights x pounds"

Push mowed my lawn (not a self propelled push mower, like an og one that just turns blade) with a 63 pound pack

0.6 acres with an 18" blade width comes out to 3.3 miles
I think I usually just put the weight im carrying, not the pack and my nalgene.
Leg day today:
4 warm up sets
Squats/Calf Raise/Plyos-45/95/135/185

2 sets plyos, 5ea
36in box jump
40bs snatch to scissor lunge
35lbs front jump squats

Squats- 3 rep sets from 225 up to 365. (Was NOT feeling it as the weight started stacking up.)

Bench Squats (1min rest)- 275 x 15/12/9

3 sets
Hack Squat- 135/185/205 x 10
OH Barbell Lunges- 45/65/75 x 7ea
- 5 min DU practice

- Back Squats- 2x10, 1xMax reps @ 67.5%
- Strict Toe2Bar 3 sets 10/12/15
- Russian Twists - 3x20 (EC)
- Straight Leg Sit-Ups 3x10

WOD-CF Games Masters Event 7

- Bike 250m
- 10 Box Facing Burpee Box Jumps (24”)

Short and intense. This score had me tied for second half way thru the day, but I doubt it holds up.

After Class, skill work on BMU and HS walking

Then 20 arrows at 76 yards

“What is man without the beasts? If all the beasts were gone, man would die from a great loneliness of spirit.“

Chief Seattle
3.3 miles 60# pack

incline 15/7/6/6/10/15 155/215/235/185/155#
db barrel press 4x20-25
dips 4x failure 3 sec eccentric

vertical plate lift 45# 4x20
db lateral raises 15-20#

barbell skull crushers 25/15/12/15 45-65#
cable overhead exts 4x20
single arm horizontal ext 4x15-20 failure
4 mile hill workout (early) with Tiny Elvis; also put me over the 1300 mile mark :)
