Skill work:
- Max unbroken DU, 5 min
- Front Rack Lunges - 4x1 (Gym Length, 65#)
- Bent Over Rows - 4x10
“Shuttle to OH(ish)” - IndiGames 2022:
- 0:00-2:00-> 200m Run, Max Jerks (150#)
- Rest 1:00
- 3:00-6:00 -> 400m Run, Max Jerks (150#)
- Rest 2:00
- 8:00-12:00 -> 600m Run, Max Jerks (150#)
All reps from the floor. I’m really happy with this score. RX was 225#, no way that was happening (current max is 200), only 3 people in the entire gym got an RX today. I did the ladies RX, which was still 75% of max. Heat index was 108°.
Then 24 arrows at 80 yards
“What is man without the beasts? If all the beasts were gone, man would die from a great loneliness of spirit.“
Chief Seattle