
7 miles and 1500' with Tiny Elvis this morning; exploring some new territory. Almost none of the trails are on the map so we're just feeling things out, made a couple of bobbles today- going to further explore tomorrow and see if I can make a lollipop loop out of it.
Ab Warmup
Log press 5x7
Shoulder Kettlebell circuit, 3 sets 60s rest between
banded single arm strict press x5
single arm push pressx5
single arm waiters walk 50ft
Single arm high pullx5
single arm rack carry 50ft
single arm deadlift x5
single arm farmers walk 50ft

Twist db bench 2x15
Mace swings 2x15
Back, chest, triceps this morning

6 sets of wide grip pulldowns 100-190#
5 sets of wide grip bent-over rows 95-195#
4 sets of rope face pulls 25-40#
4 sets of single arm cable rows 20-30#
6 sets of decline bench press 135-275#
4 sets of incline DB bench press 40-65#
5 sets of tricep kickbacks in various angles 20-25#

2.75 mile dog walk last night and shot my bow again (shot like complete garbage, so that ends the day well!)
Leg day today:
4 warm up sets
Squats/Calf Raise/Plyos-45/95/135/185 x 15

Tibia wall calf raise x 15
Counterbalance Squat-25/35 x 5
OH Elevated Deep Front Squat-10/25 x 5

2 sets plyos, 5ea
36in box jump
45lbs scissor lunges
35lbs front jump squats

Squats- 3 rep sets from 225 up to 405

Bench Squats- 225 x 40
Let my oldest command up and down tempo and he kept count. Brutal… he will pay next time (I went last today)

2 sets
Hack Squat-205/205 x 12/10
Good Morning-95 x 8
DB calf raise-25x6
well third time is going to be the charm; mucked up closing the route we did yesterday as a loop- but got a lot of climbing in!

7 miles and just under 2000' of ascent, tomorrow we finish this thing :D

low 40's and some light rain

@mtwarden - sure sounds like Tiny Elvis is in great shape! Is he available to pack meat this fall? If so, I’d like to hire him…..if you could train him to cow call and bugle, that’d be great, too! :) Awesome that he tags along!

He's was my official tenderloin packer until I found out that only about half of the tenderloin was actually making it out; I have a good idea where the rest of it went.

He can't elk call, but he does snore pretty good :D
7 miles and almost 2000' of gain- finally was able to close this damn loop after three days of trying :)

About ten minutes after this photo, I got smacked by a big snow squall- the wind picked up and it dropped about 20 degrees (50 degrees to 30), only lasted about ten minutes. Talk about out the blue!
