
5 miles and ~ 1200' of gain for Tiny Elvis and I; we made a loop by going off trail in what normally is and out & back

Friday 4x18/10/10/10/15 or failure

Incline db press 75/80/90/70/50
db barrel press 55/55/65/65/35
Cable flys 3x25

Db nose breakers
Reverse grip pushdowns (2 sec pause)
Reverse grip cable nose breakers

db hammers curls 40#s

db Farmers carry 1:00 90#s x3 rounds
Truck camped friday night and turkey hunted all day on Saturday- around 5 miles, didnt track elevation. I jumped a gang of hogs and a few deer, but heard nary a bird.

Ab warmup

4 rounds below kb circuit
Swing squats x7
Good mornings x7
Alternating overhead lunge x6 ea
Half snatch x5 ea
Sumersault squat x4
Bruce complex x4
Half snatch over head squat x3 ea

Incline barbell 3 sets 15 pause/fail pause/fail 185/165/135
Incline barbell 2x20/failure

Dips 3x failure (8 sec eccentric)
Push up barbell rotate 3x15/failure
Cable flys 2x20 (3 sec concentric/eccentric )

db lateral raises
cable anterior raises
db lateral static hold to failure

Compound sets
Preacher bar nose breakers/ reverse grip extensions/ diamond push ups

Drop sets 4x 20/20/20 descending
db bent over rows 70/55/45#
6x40 yd suicide
Drop sets 4x10/10/10(slow) descending
Barbell rows
6x40 yd suicide
Ascend sets 3x10/10/10
Triangle bar front pull down
6x40 yd suicide
Cable rear delt raises 3x20
db shrugs 40/40/30 (70/60/90s)
db ascend/descend curls
db hammers
4mi run with 3 different inclines, around 600vert

Only 1 day of weights this week, so only did the big movements

5 sets
Squat-45/95/135/185/225 x 20
Bench (slight incline)- 45/95/135/175/185 x 20, 15 on last
Decline Sit Up- 20

4 sets
Dead- 45/95/115/135 x 12
Hanging Clean & Press- same weight x 12, 10 on last
Shrug- same weight x 12
Hanging bar knee raise- 10