
5 miles and 1000' for Tiny Elvis and I this morning.

Looking across the valley to the mountain I summited yesterday

7 sets of decline bench press 135,185,225,245,265,275, 285
4 sets of DB flat bench press 80,90,100,100
4 sets of front and lateral raises 20,25# x 12
Oblique stretches/twists 4x15
Abdominal roller 3x12
4 sets of 50# KB swings 80 reps
1 set of overhead KB press 20#

Last night 2.96 mile dog walk and 23 arrows shot. 194.4 this morning
Rep scheme. Time Cap 35 min.

Cal rower
Wall ball
Double DB hang cleans
Sit ups
DB lunges

It sucked. Real bad. Made it halfway though before timer.

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Real bad is correct!!

I omitted the toes2 bar and still didn't finish in 35 mins. That sucked

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Chest/shoulders/ triceps/ trap

Bench press 12x2 drop 3 sets, 2x30
Machine flys ascending/descending 2x30

Partial db flys/ wide push up 3x20 then failure with push up
3 part movement: drive the bus/ front raise/ over head press 3x20 each 35# plate
db Partial lateral raises ascend/descend x2 4x30
Close grip bench drop sets 4x10 + 2 drop 205/165/135 decrease from there
Rope tricep pushdowns 3 arm movement 4x30
Farmers carry 3 x1:30min 90#db