
Friday- Tris/Back/Abs
1.75mi. warm up hill run loop with 300vert

Warm up Hanging Pull up ladder to 10
6 sets
Close Grip Bench-45/95/135/185/205/215
TRX Inverted Rows-10
Overhead Fisio Sit Ups-20

3 sets, no rest
Deadlift-185 x 21/15/9
Hanging Pull Up- 21/15/9
Dip-45 x 21/15/9

3 sets, no rest
1-arm Barbell Deadlift-95/115/135 x 5ea arm
Farmer’s Carry-85s
Weighted BD OH Floor Sit Ups-20s x 10

Pull Up-21, drop rest pause, 11 more
got our hill workout in this afternoon 4 miles, 1300' in under 2 miles- you know when it's steep if you're on your tiptoes :D

Switched up my warm up routine
Ran first, 3mi. with just under 600vert

4 warm up sets
Squats/Calf Raise-45/95/135/185 x 15
Tibia wall calf raise x 15
Counterbalance Squat-10/25/35/35
OH Elevated Deep Front Squat-10/25/35/35

7 sets
Squats- 225/275/315/365/385/405 x 5, Drop to 315 x 20

3 sets, no rest
1 arm Barbell Snatch- 65/75/75 x 5ea.
Farmer’s Carry-85s
Hanging Toes 2 Bar x 12

Heading to the woods to get some morels