
Forgot to post my work the other day
285 x8, 295x8, 305x8, 245x16
3ct pause bench press 135x10, 145x10, 155x10, 135x10
Leg press 245x14+5+3+3

Front squat 115x10, 135x10,145x10,135x10
Push press:115×10,135×8,115×8
Incline db press:60lbsx14+3+3
3 minutes 30 second on trap bar carry 225 30 secs rest
3 sled sprints
man this is an inspiring thread!!!! I have been doing a Quarter MURPH once a week
run a quarter mile as fast as i can
25 strict pullups
50 pushups
75 air squats
run another quarter mile i break the pullups, pushups, and squats into 5 rounds im working toward a full MURPH but im getting better every week (y)
Partner WOD
20 min AMRAP
100m farmer carry 106#
10 box step ups
3 sandbag over shoulder 150#

1 rest while other does farmer carry. Both do box step ups and sandbag throws.

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Yesterday; HPC 3@115, 135, 155, 2@175, 175 then 7 rounds; 3 HPC @135, 6 Boots To Bar, 2-300 yd run moderately fast. Rest 30-60 seconds between rounds.
Had an early day off work so decided to double up for the day

OHP 5x5
Bench 5x5
Incline Dumbbell Bench 3x10
Seated Dumbbell Press 3x10
Overhead Dumbbell Tricep Extension 3x10
Cable Pushdown 3x10
Cable Lateral Raise 5x15
30 Minute HIIT on Cycling Machine

2nd Workout

Squats 5x5
Romanian Dead Lift 3x10
Leg Press 3x10
Laying Leg Curls 3x10
Seated Leg Curls 3x10
Weighted Calf Raises 3x10
22 miles (and 4000' of gain) for Friday and Saturday. Hiked into a high mountain lake, but the trout were not cooperating this time.



100 double under buy in
8 minutes on ass bike
5 burpee every minute

Partner WOD 25 minute amrap
Partner A: 200m farmer carry
Partner B: max burpee
600m row (300m each)
Switch movement after row & repeat

5 rds
10 db bench press
10 cal ass bike

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So today I gave myself a much deserved “cheat day”. After some Cracker Barrel with the Mrs. we did a 3 mile walk w/35lb pack and then I decided to do some different cardio. Man these saws will give you a workout!!


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yeah, he loves backpacking trips- but he's a wee bit tired today :)

I used a very similar saw when I was a Wilderness Ranger in the Bob Marshall; cut a lot of blowdown out of trails with one. Does yours have a small hole in the end for a handle? Occasionally I'd have a trail crew person with me and we could put that handle on and double buck with it. Brings back memories :D
Yes sir I have the handle that goes on the end to double buck or mount it on top in front of the rear handle for different leverage.