
4 miles on a gorgeous afternoon with Tiny E; just two more days and we'll be back to 5" of snow on the ground :D
Last night got my cement bags all wrapped up.

1 minute ohp 80lb bag.
1 minute row 80lb bag
1 minute clean press squat 80lb bag
Progressive pushups + 1 clean to shoulder each shoulder to 20 pushups (1 pushup, cleans, 2 pushups, cleans, 3 pushups, so forth)
20 clean and press 80 lbs
Bear crawl 10 yds pushing 60lbs forward with 1 arm x5
3 20 yd runs with 80lbs on one shoulder
Then my buddy showed up finally
So 5 rounds 1 person does 80 lb clean and press, the other does running with 60 lbs hold anyway. 1 min each round
3 rounds of 1 minute 80 lb clean and squat, other person doing front swings with 60 lbs. Then switch for 1 min.
3 rounds of 1 person doing front hold goodmorning with 80lbs, and the other doing tricep extensions with 60lbs, 1 min each switch 1 minute.
80 lb cement bag workout...
1 minute ohp
1 minute right shoulder hold lunges
1 min left shoulder hold lunges
1 min goblet hold lunges
1 minute front rack lunges
1 minute ground to shoulder alternating
1 minute left shoulder squats
1 min right shoulder squats
1 min 5 ohp, goblet carry run 10 yds, 5 ohp, front rack carry amrapx2
1 minute ground to shoulder alternating
1 minute clean and squat.

Then 4 mile run.
4 miles with my wife and Tiny Elvis, big difference today vs yesterday's mid 60's!!!!



4 miles for Tiny Elvis and I- still very much a winter wonderland on the trail

oh and went over the 500 mile mark for the year :)
Back to the 80lbs of cement...
10 minutes amrap
8 ohp, 8 overhead lunge, overhead carry one side of the yard to the other and back.
10 minutes amrap
Single leg deadliftx8, front squat x8(get them elbows up) ,row x8
5 minutes
Workup a pushup each set, so 1 pushup, then 2, then 3, etc
Pushups & ground to shoulder each shoulder.
Forgot to post last night. Hummer h3 workout.
4 sprints, pull (grab on to the towhooks) to the end of the parking lot(50~yds),then push back. We were averaging about 2 mins 20 secs.
3 rounds of 4 tabata intervals(20 secs push, 10 rest. 20 pull, etc)
3 person partner WOD
90 pull ups
60 cal row
90 squat cleans 135#
60 cal row
90 toes 2 bar
60 cal row
90 box step ups 50# DB
60 cal row
90 walking lunges 50# DB
60 cal row

1 works, 1 holds 100# sandbag, 1 rests
Split reps however you wish.

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I decided to see of I could plank from a bar, and this is what I came up with. Just curious how many of you guys have tried doing this? Is there a particular name for it?

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Well the 80lb cement bag absorbed some water sitting out in the rain..
So 2 sets shouldered weight lunges ( 1 each shoulder) 20 yds.
Then 2 sets 10 push press
Then 20 yds bag pull (used gym bag).
Then 20 yds hip pull throughs.
Then 5 push press and squat x2
Then overhead carry 20 yds
Then 10 clean and press
Then 20 yds suitcase carry each arm
Then 20 yds goblet carry and 10 goblet hold squats
Then 10 shouldered squats each shoulder
Then 10 push press
Pushup count to 7 with ground to shoulders
Then bag rows. Then bag curls with the smaller 60 lb bag.