
Every 30 seconds for 4:30
1 hi hang snatch + 1 snatch balance @ 80% max

4 min max effort burpee box jump (20 inches)

rest 2 min

4 Min As Many Rounds As Possible
20 Overhead lunges
10 Toes to Bar

rest 2 min

2 min Max Effort Burpees
Strength Push press:
135x5, 135x4, 155x3, 175x2, 195x1

4minute Amrap
10 jump squat (air squat with jump at top)
10 pushups

Got 7 rounds

4 rounds for time
10 Shoulder to overhead #135
40 double unders
10 hang cleans #135
40 double unders

Front Squats
Every 45 seconds for 3 min: 1 rep @ 75% max
Every 45 seconds for 3 min: 1 rep @ 80% max
Every 45 seconds for 3 min: 1 rep @ 85% max

For time:
5 Push Jerks 135/95
10 burpee over the box jumps (20 inches)
15 Kettlebell Swings 24/16 kg
10 Push Jerks
20 burpee box jumps
30 KB swings
15 Push Jerks
30 burpee box jumps
45 KB swings

Strength Bench press sets of three: 135, 165, 195, 215, 235

3 Rounds for time

30 wall ball (20#)
20 pull ups
10 GHD sit ups


3x3 Back squat @ 50% 1RM(155)

3x5 Pendlay Row @ 155.

For time:

1 mile run

21-15-9 pull-ups push-ups wall balls.

1 mile run.
Back Squat 3x10, heavy as possible

Max Effort Hand Stand Push Ups

:30 Rest

3 rounds for time

30 double unders
15 Pullups

:30 Rest

3 rounds for time:
30 double unders
15 KB swings (24/16 kg)

:30 rest

Max Effort Hand Stand Push Ups
Strength: 3x3x2x1x1x1 push jerk. Find one rep max. I worked on form today.

30 sec work 30sec rest, 4 rounds, complete 4 rounds of each exercise prior to moving to the next one

Box Jump 24"
Toes to bar
50# one hand dumb bell snatch
Row max calories

count every rep: 184
Totally forgot Saturday I Olympic lifted for the first time. We tested 1rms for the snatch and clean and jerk. It's all I want to do now. Snatched 80 pounds and C&J 115 before my shoulders got tired. I'm so hooked on it.
Crossfit classic today, Fran: 21-15-9 Thrusters 95# and pull ups


Then 5 min Amrap
5 hands up push ups
15 abmat situps

Fran is the she devil!!!!

Hit up Karen today (150 wall balls)
Then added 100 30" box jumps
And a 200m farmer carry with 115# a side.
Last edited:
Every 15 seconds for 5 min (21 reps)
Banded deadlifts @ 60% max

3 Rounds for time:
30 KB Nstaches 2416kg
20 wallballs 20/14 lbs

This AM:

This PM:
sprint repeats-came up with a "new" program and tried it out, almost killed me. Then, to the gym for the following:
2K Row
50 OHS w/ 45lb bar
30 Hang cleans with 135

Power clean 5 sets of two reps. Minimum 10 second handstand hold between each set.

10 minutes AMRAP
10 Deadlift 275#
10 burpee over the box jumps (24") box

10 min Duck Walk (walking around with a barbell on your back while in the bottom of your squat)

10 min Hi Hang Snatch work

5 rounds for working time:

25 KB swings 24/16
10 burpees
25 double unders
rest 1:1

Time is based upon your work time, not rest (took some math to keep up with it). 15:32