
15 min to establish 2 rep max: Hang Clean

4 rounds for working time:

8 hang clean + thrusters 135/95
12 over the box burpees 24/20 inch
16 Kettlebell swings 24/16 kg
1:1 rest

5 Rounds for Time @115lbs

5 strict shoulder press
5 hang cleans
5 push press
5 burpees
5 hang cleans
5 split jerk
5 front squat

16 minutes of tabata broken down into 4 minutes sets of T2B, abmat situps, 135lb floor wipers, and situps. Finished with 3x10 each side of obliques with a 53lb KB. For strength we found our 3 rep max on thrusters. I got to 150lbs before I called it a day. We had five attempts to find it.
Front squat 3 sets of 5 reps
Between each set row for time

100m 16s
250m 40s
500m 1:36

5 min Amrap
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 goblet squats 35#

Rest 5 min and repeat

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Had the "Beast 12" today
teams of 2:

50 deadlift 185/155
40 pull ups
100 box jumps 20 inch
40 double unders
50 ring dips
40 knees to elbows
60 KB swings 32/24 kg
60 situps
40 hang clean squats 115/80
50 supermans
60 wallballs
handstand walks or 6 rope climbs


I got stuck with this stupid frat boy as a partner. He slowed me down. Dude would sit down every chance he got and kept his water bottle in the refrigerator and would walk over to it everytime he wanted water.
Every Minute on the Minute for 7 minutes:
1 Power Clean + 1 Push Jerk + 1 Squat Clean

3 Rounds for Time:
Run 200m
25 Pull ups
Run 200m
25 Jumping squats 45#

2 Rounds
1 min strict pull-ups
1 min rest
1 min sit-ups
1 min rest
1 min push-ups

6x6 back squat at 70% 1RM(205)


12 deadlifts at 155
9 hang power cleans at 155
6 push jerks at 155

20:35 at 135.
Deadlifts 5 reps @65%, 5 reps @75%, 5 reps at 85% (of 90% of 1 rep max) -last set to failure
Shoulder press: 5 reps @65%, 5 reps @75%, 5 reps at 85% (of 90% of 1 rep max) -last set to failure

-part of the Wendler 5/3/1 program. Setting up the bars with all those weights was a workout unto itself.

7 Rounds for total reps:
30 seconds Max Effort double Unders
30 seconds Max Effort Power Snatch 75/115
15 minutes to work on 3 position Snatch technique

For time:
50 walking lunges
20 Overhead squat
20 Toes to bar
50 lunges
15 OH squat
15 T2b
50 lunges
10 OH squat
10 t2b

Find 1 rep max clean and jerk, 245#

6 min AMRAP
15 wall balls 20#
10 box jumps 24"


Rest 3 min

5 min AMRAP
5 clean and jerk @ 135#
10 burpees

5 sets 3 reps squats: 225, 255, 275, 295,305

12 min AMRAP
10 deadlift @245#
20 pushups
30 double unders


Cash out
20 Vups
30 supermans
20 vups
5 sets 3 reps hang cleans, 135,155,165,185,205

Tabata style, 8 min each exercise, 30 second rest between, count lowest number of reps

Air Squats 13
Pull Ups 6
Shoulder to Overhead @ 135# 4
Row max calories 6
2 rounds for time

800 meter run
20 ring dips
20 knees to elbows
1000 meter row


Cash out: use 20# med ball, 3 rounds
10 V ups
20 mason twists

Deadlift: 3x1 @ 65% 3x1 @ 75% 3x1 + to failure @ 85%
Shoulder Press: 3x1 @ 65% 3x1 @ 75% 3x1 + to failure @ 85%
(week 2 of Wendler 5/3/1 Strength Cycle)

3 Rounds for Time
12 Ring Dips
9 Toes to Bar
7 Sntaches at 75% 1 Rep Max
