
Today was a three man WOD:
3600m run (1200m per man)
one person runs 400m
one person does the exercise
one person rests

100 squats
100 situps
100 pullups
100 pushups
100 dips
50 burpees

we finished at 20:08 and completed the final lap with the last bit of burpees.
Strength: 5 sets Deadlift 3 reps

3 Rounds for time
20 Hang clean 135#
15 Toes to bar
10 handstand push ups
5 thrusters 135#

New strength cycle starts Monday. Today was a fun metcon.

12 min AMRAP

5 115lb shoulder to overhead.
7 ball slams
9 push-ups

No rest: Annie.
Did a training hike yesterday here in Washington. Started at 2500' and hike to 5500' in 3.5 miles. At the 1.75 mile mark we hit snow and lost the trail so we ended up hiking directly up the ridgeline to the top. I was wore out last night.
Every 30 seconds for 5 minutes (20 reps)
2 banded Deadlifts @ 60%

15 Strict Pullups
8 push press 155/105
12 Strict Pull ups
5 push press
9 Strict pullups
3 push press

100 double unders

11:49/ shoulders smoked.
EMOTM of 200m sprints for 10 minutes, followed by a five minute cool down run.

Nancy-Five rounds of 400m runs followed by 95lb OHS. I subbed the runs for a 500m row and did 75lb OHS to a med ball. Immediately after completing, did 30sec of 12" box steps per leg, per direction. Two minute rest and moved in to Jerk Werk a 3-3-3-3. I used 135lb for this.
Strength/skill: EMOM for 10 min. Bear complex, pick your weight. I did 165#.

5 rounds for time
5 squat cleans 155#
10 box jumps 24"
30 double unders

Back Squat 3x10, heavy as possible

Tabata scoring (20 work, 10 seconds rest), 2 Cycles of

4 rounds KB swings 16/24 kg
rest 1 minute

4 rounds burpees
Rest 1 minute
100 Kettle bell swings 70#
EMOM 5 burpees


This didn't look bad, it got bad.

Cash out: 50 GHD situps, 50 back hyperextensions/hip extensions, 50 superman
3x3 front squat at 50% of 1RM
3x3 snatch pull at 50% of 1RM

2 rounds for time:
5 hang power cleans at 185
100 yard sprint
10 push press at 135
100 yard sprint
20 KB swings at 70
100 yard sprint
30 ball slams
100 yard sprint.

3 minute rest between rounds. I used 165 then 135 for the cleans. 95 for the push press and a 44lb kettlebell. Took me 21 minutes with the break.
I decided to go back to working on my form. My strength has gone up a bit, but my form has started to get sloppy. So I have dropped the weight significantly on just about everything to get me back to lifting correctly. Yes, 21 snatches at the start sucked.
I do the same with snatches Justin. I had never done them until I started doing cross fit so form is an issue. If they are in a WOD I'll use 55# or 75#. I also slow way down and try to do each one correctly and don't worry about the time factor on those workouts. My coach has helped quite a bit spends as much time as he can helping me.

I also have to watch my form on any of the cleans. I'm strong enough that the prescribed weights aren't a huge challenge for me even when going for time. Coach took some pictures of me then we sat down and looked them over and he corrects me a lot when we are cleaning. I've been doing power cleans for 25 years and doing it incorrectly. It is getting much better and I now can feel when I'm doing them correctly.
I do the same with snatches Justin. I had never done them until I started doing cross fit so form is an issue. If they are in a WOD I'll use 55# or 75#. I also slow way down and try to do each one correctly and don't worry about the time factor on those workouts. My coach has helped quite a bit spends as much time as he can helping me.

I also have to watch my form on any of the cleans. I'm strong enough that the prescribed weights aren't a huge challenge for me even when going for time. Coach took some pictures of me then we sat down and looked them over and he corrects me a lot when we are cleaning. I've been doing power cleans for 25 years and doing it incorrectly. It is getting much better and I now can feel when I'm doing them correctly.

I struggle with Snatch technique as well. I had no background with them before Crossfit either. Its the overhead squat aspect that really gets me. It took me awhile to get the overhead squat down, but I can only do it in a slow, controlled manner. My technique suffers when I combine it with the explosive movement of a snatch. We are about to start a snatch intensive strength cycle, so I am hoping to prove my technique dramatically. To me, it seems to be the most difficult of the olympic lifts.
6 RFT:
1 squat clean
1 front squat
1 hang squat clean
3 front squats
12 burpees
24 DU

I used 115 and went unbroken with clean form today. I am not interested in double understand as they don't really serve a purpose for me so I did 72 singles. Completed the WOD in 9:18.

I feel less stress on my joints when I have correct form and utilize a full range of motion. The affiliate I am following bases their workouts off of competition so I am constantly adjusting for mountain shape.