
I am far from a run pro, but have personally seen fantastic results from basically following this program. A lot of folks swear by it, but I find that few are willing to 'reboot' their running program and start over to some degree. General rule of thumb is to run slow so you can run more. More miles per week will make you faster, fewer miles at or near your race pace will generally result in injuries (even for folks not prone to injury- myself included). Once you hit a good weekly mileage, there's no harm in adding a bit of speed work, but for 90% of people running- they need to build a run base before they even think about speed work, and the result of the extra miles will far outweigh any potential gains of speedwork early on in a program.

The posts:
Had a tough one today:

7 mile round trip back ride to the gym.

Every Minute on the Minute for 7 minutes
2 reps Back Squats at 80%

2:00 max effort double unders
no rest
3 rounds for time:
15 Power Cleans 135/95
50 Double Unders


Did a 3.28 mile, very difficult trail run in 43:10. -worn out.
EMOM 10 minutes

Even: 4 turkish get ups with 44#

Odd: 20 mason twists 12# medicine ball
Sit ups

Shoulder to overhead 165#
50 double unders after each set of STOH

EMOM 10 minutes

Even: 4 turkish get ups with 44#

Odd: 20 mason twists 12# medicine ball
Sit ups

Shoulder to overhead 165#
50 double unders after each set of STOH


When I first read your post, it appeared that you did 4 turkish get ups with a 44 lbs bicycle. :D
I'm not sure that would make a Turkish Get Up that much more difficult.

This am:

2 rounds, 1 minute work, rest 30 seconds between exercises

Tire flip
Rope climb, 20 feet
Row max calories
High Sumo Pull Dead Lift 95#
Hands up pushups
Alternating leg pistols

Count lowest rep total of each exercise combine them for your score. 95 was my score.
I follow a program from an affilitate gym, just curious. I would go to a crossfit gym, but I am not paying for it when I have a gym for free. Anyway today's WOD:

3 x 3min AMRAP

15 x 115 Squat Clean
AMRAP burpees

rest 3 min

15 x 115 hang power clean and jerk
AMRAP burpees

rest 3 min

15 burpees
AMRAP 115lb squat clean and jerk

10 minutes of 30sec interval of situps

5 minutes of 30sec interval of plank
This am
Swim 1000 meters
Stationary bike for 20 minutes with high altitude mask (9000')
treadmill walk/run 20 minutes with high altitude mask (9000')
Core work
Was pretty good workout. This is my normal Tuesday Thursday workout.

I do like the mask. It comes with a few different disks for breathing resistance. Now do I think this will help with altitude acclimation? No that is because you are lot wearing this 24/7. It does however help in building lung strength. I have been using this for about 4 weeks now and have noticed some really good gains in my runs. I would say it is like like lifting weights for your lungs.

From Train To Hunt

Push Press or Bench Press
Rest 2-3 minutes between sets

Bull Elk

For Time

800 yards with 30-60# pack
2 rounds (No Pack)
40 Lateral Jump Burpees
30 Knees to Elbows or sit-ups
20 Scissor Jumps
10 Dead Lifts (50% max) or Sandbag ground to Shoulder
800 yards with 30-60# pack
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Every 45 seconds for 5:00:
1 Power snatch + 1 hang snatch 70% max

Every 45 seconds for 5:00
1 Power clean + 1 hang clean 70% max

2:00 max effort KB swings 24/16kg
1:00 rest
4:00 AMRAP
15 hand release pushups
10 toes to bar
1:00 rest
4:00 AMRAP
10 Pull ups
1:00 rest
2:00 Max effort KB swings