OP OP Brandon Pattison WKR Joined Feb 25, 2012 Location Michigan May 8, 2014 #181 35 burpees 4.5 mile run 35 burpees 85 degrees sucks!
Jason Snyder WKR Joined Apr 3, 2013 Location Somewhere between here and there May 9, 2014 #182 It's been a good week. I'm wiped.... Sunday - 11 mile trail run Monday - 10 mile mountain bike ride Tuesday - Insanity Max Cardio and 4 mile trail run Wednesday - 15 mile mountain bike race (average HR of 165 for 1:15) Thursday - 8 mile trail run Friday - P90X3 pushup/pullup workout
It's been a good week. I'm wiped.... Sunday - 11 mile trail run Monday - 10 mile mountain bike ride Tuesday - Insanity Max Cardio and 4 mile trail run Wednesday - 15 mile mountain bike race (average HR of 165 for 1:15) Thursday - 8 mile trail run Friday - P90X3 pushup/pullup workout
M mohawk32 Lil-Rokslider Joined May 7, 2012 May 9, 2014 #184 30 min AMRAP 3 deadlifts at 275 5 strict pull-ups 7 box jumps- 20 inch box 9 push-ups Got 8 rounds. Pull-ups are one of my few strength weaknesses.
30 min AMRAP 3 deadlifts at 275 5 strict pull-ups 7 box jumps- 20 inch box 9 push-ups Got 8 rounds. Pull-ups are one of my few strength weaknesses.
jmez WKR Joined Jun 12, 2012 Location Piedmont, SD May 9, 2014 #185 2 min partner medicine ball sit ups 20# ball 2 min plank hold 10 min Amrap 30 double unders 5 handstand pushups 6 lunge walks 6 rounds 6 min Amrap 10 headcutters 53# 5 chest to bar pull ups 4 rounds Cash out 2 400m sprints
2 min partner medicine ball sit ups 20# ball 2 min plank hold 10 min Amrap 30 double unders 5 handstand pushups 6 lunge walks 6 rounds 6 min Amrap 10 headcutters 53# 5 chest to bar pull ups 4 rounds Cash out 2 400m sprints
mtbshark WKR Joined Apr 11, 2012 Location Bothell, WA May 9, 2014 #186 Walked in the rain with some dude named Travis
Jason Snyder WKR Joined Apr 3, 2013 Location Somewhere between here and there May 9, 2014 #187 mtbshark said: Walked in the rain with some dude named Travis Click to expand... Was it a warm rain?
mtbshark WKR Joined Apr 11, 2012 Location Bothell, WA May 10, 2014 #188 Jason Snyder said: Was it a warm rain? Click to expand... not to bad
P Poser WKR Joined Dec 27, 2013 Location Durango CO May 10, 2014 #189 15 min to establish 1 rep max Bench Press (literally cleaned the dust off the benches to do this) "Mary" 20 Min, As Many Rounds As Possible 5 Handstand Pushups 10 Pistols (one legged squats) 15 Pull ups 6 rounds + 15
15 min to establish 1 rep max Bench Press (literally cleaned the dust off the benches to do this) "Mary" 20 Min, As Many Rounds As Possible 5 Handstand Pushups 10 Pistols (one legged squats) 15 Pull ups 6 rounds + 15
jmez WKR Joined Jun 12, 2012 Location Piedmont, SD May 12, 2014 #190 5 sets of three split jerk 12 minutes, 4 minutes per exercise no rest between, count reps Clean and jerk @135lb 24 Row max calories 70 Burpees 45 This was a rough 12 min. Much worse than I thought it was going to be. Cash out, 50 situps for time. Plank hold for the total time the sit ups took.
5 sets of three split jerk 12 minutes, 4 minutes per exercise no rest between, count reps Clean and jerk @135lb 24 Row max calories 70 Burpees 45 This was a rough 12 min. Much worse than I thought it was going to be. Cash out, 50 situps for time. Plank hold for the total time the sit ups took.
justinspicher WKR Joined Dec 27, 2012 Location Outside wandering around May 12, 2014 #191 7 min time cap of 60 burpees to chest to bar pullups. I finished with 4 seconds to go. 5x3 on strict press at 70,75, and. 80% 1rm. Burnout on bench and curls
7 min time cap of 60 burpees to chest to bar pullups. I finished with 4 seconds to go. 5x3 on strict press at 70,75, and. 80% 1rm. Burnout on bench and curls
mtbshark WKR Joined Apr 11, 2012 Location Bothell, WA May 12, 2014 #192 Dead lift 5x50/60/65%, 3x75/85%, 1+95% Then for time 3 rounds 15 70# kettle bell swing 400m run 20 alternating pistols 13.51
Dead lift 5x50/60/65%, 3x75/85%, 1+95% Then for time 3 rounds 15 70# kettle bell swing 400m run 20 alternating pistols 13.51
P Poser WKR Joined Dec 27, 2013 Location Durango CO May 13, 2014 #193 Tue 5-13 15 min: Hi Hang Snatch 8 min AMRAP 200m Run 20 Pistols (one legged squats) 10 Push Jerk 100/145 --no rest-- 3 Min Max Effort Over the bar, lateral burpees 2 complete rounds + 23 burpees.
Tue 5-13 15 min: Hi Hang Snatch 8 min AMRAP 200m Run 20 Pistols (one legged squats) 10 Push Jerk 100/145 --no rest-- 3 Min Max Effort Over the bar, lateral burpees 2 complete rounds + 23 burpees.
mtbshark WKR Joined Apr 11, 2012 Location Bothell, WA May 13, 2014 #194 The meat of today was Cindy: 20 amrap 5 pull ups 10 push ups 15 squats 20+5 Then 2 sets of 8 tabata flutter kicks
The meat of today was Cindy: 20 amrap 5 pull ups 10 push ups 15 squats 20+5 Then 2 sets of 8 tabata flutter kicks
justinspicher WKR Joined Dec 27, 2012 Location Outside wandering around May 13, 2014 #195 1RFT: 800m run/30x185 DL 600m run/20x185 DL 400m run/10x185 DL 5x3 DL @ 225 Dips-5x20-plank position while partner does his set.
1RFT: 800m run/30x185 DL 600m run/20x185 DL 400m run/10x185 DL 5x3 DL @ 225 Dips-5x20-plank position while partner does his set.
P Poser WKR Joined Dec 27, 2013 Location Durango CO May 14, 2014 #196 15 min to estb 1 rep max Shoulder Press (strict) For total time: 50 KB swings 24/16 kg 25 hand release push ups rest 2:00 16:33
15 min to estb 1 rep max Shoulder Press (strict) For total time: 50 KB swings 24/16 kg 25 hand release push ups rest 2:00 16:33
OP OP Brandon Pattison WKR Joined Feb 25, 2012 Location Michigan May 14, 2014 #197 5/13/2014 4K 5/14/2014 100 Burpees
jmez WKR Joined Jun 12, 2012 Location Piedmont, SD May 14, 2014 #198 Mr. Joshua 5 rounds for time 400m run 30 GHD situps 15 Deadlift @ 250# 32:16
M mohawk32 Lil-Rokslider Joined May 7, 2012 May 14, 2014 #199 Today was great. 10 minutes to work up to heavy single snatch grip push press. 10 minutes to work up to heavy single power clean. 10 minutes to work up to heavy 3x back squat. 5x5 close grip bench and kettle bell row.
Today was great. 10 minutes to work up to heavy single snatch grip push press. 10 minutes to work up to heavy single power clean. 10 minutes to work up to heavy 3x back squat. 5x5 close grip bench and kettle bell row.
justinspicher WKR Joined Dec 27, 2012 Location Outside wandering around May 14, 2014 #200 Did Kelly today: 5RFT- 400m run, 30 x wall ball, 30 x box jumps 20lb ball to 10' target/24" box EMOM x 5 minutes of 2 x snatch. Used 75lbs. Conducted sit-ups during the remainder of the minute
Did Kelly today: 5RFT- 400m run, 30 x wall ball, 30 x box jumps 20lb ball to 10' target/24" box EMOM x 5 minutes of 2 x snatch. Used 75lbs. Conducted sit-ups during the remainder of the minute