
I took last week off so here is today's gig:

0700-5 RDS of 5 pull-ups, 10 dips, 20 KB swings once finished I did four rounds of 25/25 of crunches and heel touches.

1130-13 mile bike ride, took about an hour I think.

1730-5k trail run, finished in. 23:30
Thur 4-17:

15 min practice of 3 position Snatch (apparently, we are about to start a 8 week cycle of Sntaches)

3 rounds for time:
Run 400 m
21 Pull ups
12 deadlifts 275/185

EMOM push-up ladder:
1 min=10 push-ups
2 min=20 push-ups
I got to 6 minutes and hit 55 before time ran out on me. Then I did 100 crunches. I swam this afternoon. 20 minutes of 50yd kickboard, 100yds freestyle. 10 minutes of freestyle at a moderate pace, completed 450 yards.
Fri 4-18:
7x1 3 Position Snatch

for time:
50 kettlebell swings 32/24 kg
30 Shoulder touches (hand stand, feet against the wall)
15 Toes to Bar
10 shoulder touches
15 Toes to bar
25 KB swings

15 min to establish 1 rep max Power Clean

3 rounds for time:
50 calories worth of rowing
15 handstand pushups
50 double unders


-rode my bike to the gym and back. 7 miles round trip.
"30 Minutes In Heaven"

30 minute AMRAP of:

3 weighted pull-ups(20 pounds)
5 deadlift (185)
7 jump squats (45)
9 push-ups
200 meter run.

Pretty fun. I was a run shy of 7 rounds.

15 min Snatch technique

Muscle Ups (rings)
Snatch 135/95


Rode my back to and from which is 7.5 miles round trip.
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Ran a slow mile this morning with my two girls in tow on their bikes.

This afternoon:
21-15-9 of power cleans, pullups and kettle bell swings

21 PC @ 135, 21 pullups, 21 KB swings @ 35
15 PC @ 155, 15 pullups, 15 KB swings @ 40
9 PC @ 185, 9 pullups, 9 KB swings @ 53

3 x 10 of
Tricep extension, tricep pull down, reverse tricep extension

6 x 10 of
dips/push ups
CrossFit total today. That was FUN. Missed a back squat PR. PRed my overhead press and deadlift. We're going into a strength cycle again so it'll be interesting to see where I'm at after this.

Current total is 820 pounds.
Tue 4-22:

15 min to establish 1 rep max Front Squat

4 rounds for total reps:

2 min Max Effort KB swings 24/16 kg
1 min rest
1 Min Max Effort wall walks
1 min rest

169 reps

Rode my bike to and from the box. 7.5 miles roundtrip.
No, no taint issues yet......

My seat was pointed too far down so I was slipping off of it constantly and then the aero bars were to far forward. I was always adjusting on the bike so it probably looked like I was doing some hideous dance with no music.