
Five sets of:
Front Squat x 1-2 reps
(load as heavy as possible, if you get the second rep, increase load – goal is today’s 2-RM)
Rest 30 seconds
Seated Dumbbell External Rotations x 6-8 reps each @ 2111 (2 sec down, 1 sec hold at bottom, 1 sec up, 1 sec hond at top)

For Time:
50 Cal Row
25 FS
25 Burpee Box Jump Overs
15 minutes a find a heavy 1 rep back squat
Added 15 lbs to my number from a month ago, 4 weeks of heavy squat programming definitely worked.

For time:
30 cal ski
21 sit-ups
21 hang power cleans 115#
21 sit-ups
21 dual DB hang snatches (2x35#)
300m run

Last day of work today, heading out at 0'dark thirty tomorrow morning for elk camp on the other side of the state. Got the last 10 days of bow season to try to get it done.