
Filthy Fifty

For time:
50 Box jump, 24 inch box
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 35Lbs
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45 pounds
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball, 20 pound ball
50 Burpees
50 Double unders


Dude, that hurts me to look at.
Makes me glad my gym rarely if ever programs the girls, heroes or filthy 50 type WODs. Aside from the open workouts we haven't done anything much like that.
I have been doing cross fit for a little over a year now. That is the beauty of crossFit if you can't do the weight just scale it to what you can do. The biggest thing is give a 100% effort and in no time you will be doing the prescribed weights. The other thing to remember about the open WODs that Dave Castro(mad mind behind them) is designing the for finding the fittest in the world.
Makes me glad my gym rarely if ever programs the girls, heroes or filthy 50 type WODs. Aside from the open workouts we haven't done anything much like that.

The location I go to is focused on strength programming. In the 2 months I've been going to classes, I've only had one of the girl benchmark WODs. I'm not sure how often they come up in the programming. They may be on a cycle. It seems like the Saturdays are when the hero workouts take place when they do come up, but I have yet to have one. I saw one on the board from last Saturday, but I was out hunting turkeys. I guess I'll get to those in the summer months. Considering my gym is in a unconditioned warehouse space in Tennessee, it should be lovely weather for a nasty list of 50s :p
Most people don't start out with the prescribed workouts. You have to be fairly strong to do that on a lot of these. It never looks like a lot of weight but generally gets pretty heavy pretty fast when going through the WOD's.
I RXed 14.5 the end of my second week ever of CF. Major gut check.

Yesterday was snatch and overhead squat technique. Then 5 rds of 20 sit-ups, 10 push-ups, 10 air squats and 200m run.
Mon 4-14

Power clean + hang clean + push jerk, 80% max
1 rep every 40 seconds for 6 minutes

3 rounds for time:

10 KB snatches + overhead lunge (right) 16/24 kg
10 KB snatches + overhead lunge (left) 16/24 KG
20 burpees + lateral box jump/ 20 inches
30 jumping squats 45#

Tues 4-15:

15 min to establish 1 rep max clean & jerk

3 rounds for total reps:
1 min max effort Hand Stand Push Ups
1 min max effort front squats 95/135
1 min max effort pull ups
rest 1 min
6x4 back squat
6x20 meter walking lunge.

8min partner AMRAP 150m row/KB swing

4 min rest

8min AMRAP 5 strict pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 air squats.

Cash out: 100 sit-ups and 200 flutter kicks.

And it's only Tuesday.